Labor Day Celebrating America's Workers & Summer's Last Hurrah
Hello to everyone here on CSN H&N group, all members and visitors alike. I would just briefly like to wish everyone a wonderful Labor Day holiday no matter where you are may you have a wonderful day. My Oh My it's hard to believe we are near summers end already the time goes so fast and we need to cherish the moments. I am…
Maxillary Sinus Cancer
I'm looking for someone who has or had maxillary sinus cancer. I work at a hospital and a patient of mine is looking for someone who he can share his experience with. We have had difficulty finding someone that has been through what he is going through right now. He could really use the emotional support and the feeling…
The Role of Nutrition in Accelerating Cancer Recovery
In this video, we're going to discuss how nutrition can help you recover from your treatments faster! By following a nutritious diet and supplementing with the right nutrients, you can help your body bounce back faster and cancer can be a thing of the past. If you're looking for information on how to recover from cancer,…
No Symptoms to STAGE 4 CANCER! - Michael | Head and Neck Cancer | The Patient Story
A friend has recently made me aware of this video knowing of my situation with H&N cancer and thought it would be of interest to me. Well, I think it is a very good video and the fellow speaks from experience and from the heart and is very detailed and open about his whole cancer process and recovery speaking about the…
"Baroreflex" Failure" A Rare Late Effect Of Radiation Treatment
I came across this article written by a Gentleman on another forum about late-term post-radiation effects which can give you a condition where your blood pressure swings wildly from high to low or low to high without notice. There is no cure but some control can be realized with meds. I just wanted to let the group know…
It feels just like I'm going through radiation again...Help!
I was treated for cancer of the voice box almost 5 years ago and have done fine up until this fall. I've been to my ENT and Radiologist and then down to Florida for a month's vacation. My symptons have gotten worse each week, and I am so happy to be home again. I'm going for a Pet Scan and to see my Radiologist on…
ssc, hpv in tonsils on both sides and eblarged lymph node
While the biopsy only showed ssC in 1 the right tonsil and left lymph node my dr warned me it was uncommon and cancer was probably in both, he was right. The biopsy also showed negative for HPV which the Dr also said was unlikely, he was right again. I had the tonsils and lymph nodes on both sides removed 10/10/22 and was…
Cancer And The Regular Guy- My Top 10 Cancer Treatment Recovery Tips
In this video, he will be discussing His Top 10 Essential Tips for recovering from cancer treatment. Whether you are currently undergoing treatment or have recently completed it, these tips will help you navigate the recovery process and promote healing. From managing side effects to incorporating healthy habits into your…
Tube feeding supplies.
I have some tube feedings (unopened) and a few supplies welcome to a good home. I have maybe 7 liters of Jevity and 9 1/2 cases of individuals Isosource 1.5 and maybe 60 large syringes.
The Untold Truth About Mental Health and Cancer
Welcome to our latest video where we delve into the complex and often overlooked relationship between mental health and cancer. Many individuals facing a cancer diagnosis also experience emotional and psychological challenges, which can affect their overall well-being and treatment outcomes. In this video, we explore the…
Lab At Hershey Medical Center Identifies A Virus That Could Kill Cancer
This is an interesting though older article recently sent to me by a friend. This seems to have real potential and seeing this article was written years ago it's not impossible for this modality of treatment to still be developed and used considering the many years of testing and clinical trials that need to be done before…
Something you don't get told about much is your esophagus. All I kept being told was "practice hard swallows" well that's all well and good, but it's not always that easy Back before Christmas/Thanksgiving, I was having an awful time with GERD, or so I thought. It hurt so bad, pantoprazole, zantac, Pepto . Still pain! Off…
Wanna chat?
Hello - I recently had surgery removing oral cancer from my upper jaw. I still have a hard time understanding “why” as I’ve never smoked or used tobacco. I had a hard time for a while coming to understand this. I just finished radiation a few weeks ago. 30 sessions on my mouth and neck. The other side the surgeon removed…
The Scary Diagnosis: How They Found My Cancer Video
A fellow recounting part of his H&N cancer experience. In this video, I talk about the scary diagnosis I received and how my doctor found my cancer. I share with you my hope for treatment and how I was hoping to beat this deadly disease.If you're feeling scared about a cancer diagnosis, this video is for you. I talk about…
Phlegm never stopped + DIY blended meals
I am surprised no one in this thread talks about making your own meals and blending. As soon as I got home from hospital, I began blending. I always maintained a healthy diet, but interestingly, I have no cravings whatsoever now. It is surely because my diet is so balanced. I live on wild salmon, chicken, turkey, eggs,…
fungating tonsil tumor, wounded during intubation
Hi all, Exhausted caregiver here. Brother, stage 1, 4 cm hpv+ h&N cancer involving tonsil and other areas, locally. During intubatoin for a nephrectomy, the tumor was injured and bled for two days. doctors say it's fungating and freasible. Anyone here having similar situation? Can these kind of tomors still have radiation…
Waiting is the worst!!! I had a CT last Thursday, and my appointment is this Wednesday. I have a pea sized lump, like right on the front of my trachea, slightly right - I know the rules, don't say cancer until you are told it's cancer. But I've been around a while, and not being able to swallow, or serious choking when I…
Essential Items For Head And Neck Cancer Patients. These are things we've needed and that have help
This was an idea and thread started by adventurebob a couple of years ago. These are all items we compiled as things we found we really needed to help us get through treatment. Obviously, no one needs everything, but I know I used a lot of stuff off this list. So perhaps if you are just starting treatment, or know some one…
Dental implants post recovery
It's pretty surprising there are no threads on dental implants in this group. Well, here's my situation. Brief backstory - My cancer treatment, radiation and chemo, was a decade ago and successfully treated the cancer with very few long term side effects. Two teeth were extracted as a precaution prior to treatments with no…
HPV Related Tonsil Cancer - Surgery Only
Hi All, I am a 37 year old female that was recently diagnosed with HPV related tonsil cancer. I had a radical tonsillectomy and neck dissection on the right side of my neck where they removed 40 lymph nodes. My primary tumor in my tonsil measured 1.5mm and cancer was detected in 1 lymph node measuring at 3mm. The cancer…
Post Treatment Questions
Hi everyone, My husband completed 7 weeks of Cisplatin and radiation on April 5th. As expected the first several weeks after were the worst but he has been steadily improving since. His first ENT appt went well and there was no visable signs of remaining issues and his PET scan is scheduled for the 24th. There are two…
Anyone Having Trismus Or TMJ (Temporo Mandibular Joint) Issues Or Problems Here Are Some Ideas
Keep it simple-Stick with the sticks, one stick at a time, and skip the Therabite. I guess they work, the concept is good but they are made of plastic, and considering how long they have been making them would think the price would have come down by now because most people's insurance doesn't cover them, and at the crazy…
Tonsil Cancer - Had TORS and Neck Dissection and current status on radiation
T2 N1 M0 - surgery performed on July 18th and radiation started 8 weeks after surgery. Plan is to do the traditional 30 radiation days. On day 18 of radiation and it is tolerable. No chemo since surgery was performed. 12 more radiation treatments to go. It does suck but feel like all of this is worth it since the…
WHAT HAPPENED | Throat Cancer | POST Radiation Treatments | My Reactions Day 1-46
This is a video post from a fellow undergoing treatment and documenting it in a series…throat cancer… He says: once I was diagnosed I wanted to know more and found that YouTube didn’t have anyone documenting their journey. So I am going to do that in hopes it helps someone having to deal with this. WHAT HAPPENED | Throat…
WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat Cancer | Radiation Treatment To Cure My Cancer | My Reactions Day 28-32
This is a video post from a fellow undergoing treatment and documenting it in a series…throat cancer… He says: once I was diagnosed I wanted to know more and found that YouTube didn’t have anyone documenting their journey. So I am going to do that in hopes it helps someone having to deal with this. WHAT TO EXPECT | Throat…
Hello everyone, I came across this in my travels and thought it may help someone on the discussion board today or in the future. It is written by a woman named Mandymuff, her (screen Name) This woman's insight is timeless. I take no credit for this just passing it along. I hope this helps or inspires someone today. Please…
My Voice: Laryngectomy and Head and Neck Cancer Information Site Blog By Itzhak Brook MD
Here is a new find, a Blog by a doctor who is a physician and a laryngectomee and has information on it and also covers the whole H&N cancer spectrum Itzhak Brook MD. This is loaded with info about H&N cancer and Laryngectomy info. I think it is worth a look and you will find something here I'm sure. Check the menu on the…
Wishing Everyone A Happy And Safe 4th Of July Independence Day.
I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy July 4th holiday. While celebrating remember our original founding fathers who put their lives and everything they owned on the line to start this new nation. Their lives were especially on the line because if they didn't succeed high treason was punishable by death. And since…
Introduction to Radiation Therapy of the Head & Neck--Video
This video is more than an introduction to radiation of the head and neck, this is a very thorough video covering not just radiation and things such as the mask but also other appointments you may have, the treatment itself, side effects, mouth reactions, mouth changes, diet changes, skin changes, fatigue and more. For…
Got told today that I almost certainly have cancer
Hello group, This is just a random chain of thought because I can't sleep. I'm in my early 30s and I've been feeling sick the past couple of months and on Friday night, I realized that I couldn't eat solid food and that I have this large bleeding tumor thing under my tongue. On Saturday I went to the hospital and they took…