Learn About The Treatment Options Available To You-Sharing This From Local Support Group

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,499 Member
edited December 2024 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello everyone. These Head and Neck Cancer handouts were given at our local cancer center support group. I would like to share it because I think it may be helpful.

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Wishing You all The Best

Take Care, God Bless




  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,499 Member

    Well, callmeAl, welcome to the CSN H&N (Head & Neck) discussion forum.

    Well, callmeAI, I guess I really wouldn't have to respond comment on so many different subjects or posts.

    And you are correct it is not all about my things or as I would put it my situation or condition.

    But you know even if it is not a match or an exact match of situations I have been through I get a feeling for what the folks are going through and sometimes an engagement of ideas or a kind word can be a big help to someone.

    There are also many times I see folks looking for answers and from the postings I am reading I believe I have just a little different approach or an idea that just might help someone.

    So I go with the idea that if it may help why not throw it out there after all it has not cost to anyone and this forum is open and maintained to be used so we certainly don't want it to just sit idly by and not to be used to it's fullest extent.

    Unfortunately for me I have had cancer 3 times now and 2 pretty extensive episodes of it, but from what I have gone through it has given me much insight into the subject of H&N cancer and cancer in general.

    I have by now had experience with feeding tubes and ports and other medical devices and helps that the medical field uses to get us through this difficult sometimes Brutal treatment.

    I have had hospital stays, outpatient stays and even a short stint in a rehab hospital setting.

    So I have some knowledge to share and a general good sympathy and understanding of what people are going through though it doesn't exactly match my experiences.

    I also have come across videos at times to use in the forum that I found were very helpful to me and I like to share them. Take for example this video of post cancer treatment and recovery. There are many unexpected things that happen once we are done with treatment and recovery. Just the realization we are done with treatment and recovery brings a new realization of things we need to deal with such as once we have cancer we actually have it for a lifetime, it always seems to be there in the back of our minds. It is different the way we think about cancer now but not a bad thing as long as we don't dwell on it too much. We don't have regular aches and pains anymore, our mind tends to think cancer right away. Check out the video, very helpful for me and in a couple instances in the video I could really relate to what the person was going through and I think others on hers can too, check it out…This is an oldie but goodie…

    Lost in Transition -- After Cancer Treatment Ends

    So to wrap this all up I guess the reason I respond is I like to help people and make their path a little easier to travel if I can. I have the experience of medical situations and treatment in the H&N area in particular and cancer in general so why not share it. I have gained the ability to understand medical stuff in a better way through all of this so sometimes getting involved and explain something a different way or providing links to a page that could possibly really help someone get over the hump they are in is something I like to share.

    I figger also that if people don't see any value in what I type, the advice I have to offer, the videos I provide links to, the links to information pages, etc. they can just ignore it and go on to the next response beyond mine.

    And callmeAI, I hope you have some valuable input for the group, in the fight against cancer we can always use more help.

    Wishing you the very best…

    NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)

    Take Care, God Bless
