Kidney function - terrified (again)

RAKGA Member Posts: 11 Member

hi everyone. First off, I so appreciate your support over the past year as my husband’s diagnosis and treatment.

He received fantastic report from his first pet scan after treatment at the end of June. Since then, he has steadily improved with his energy, taste and finally the pain when swallowing is subsiding.

Unfortunately I am currently trying not to completely panic as his routine bloodwork three weeks ago showed his kidney levels were off. His BUN was 24, creatine 1.6 and egfr was 49. He had the numbers run again and although his BUN is now in normal levels, his creatine is 1.9 and his egfr is 46.

Has anyone had any experience with kidney functions approximately 6 months after chemo ended?


  • Swoosh13
    Swoosh13 Member Posts: 86 Member

    Hi Rakga,

    So glad your husband has made it through his treatment and is feeling better.

    My husband finished his 7 weeks of radiation and 7 weekly Cisplatin chemo the end of Oct 2023. As of his May 30 2024 labs, his kidney numbers were also “off.” BUN 24 (a bit high), Creatinine 1.43 (high) and his eGFR 54 (low, is supposed to be over 60). I spoke with his Oncologist in early June about it and they weren’t too concerned. Told me to have him PUSH fluids as he could be dehydrated. He usually drinks one to 1-1/2 of a Stanley 40 oz mug/day plus coffee etc. The Oncologist again said tell him to drink more water and they’d recheck labs in August, which they did, and everything was normal then. Had it not been normal, they would have referred him to a Nephrologist (kidney specialist).

    So with that being said, all is fine now. Don’t panic when it can be something as simple as dehydration and they will address it. And even if you need to have him see a kidney specialist it’s manageable.

    I hope that helps somewhat. Us wives worry so much. Prayers being sent your way and try to have a calm and enjoyable weekend.


    RAKGA Member Posts: 11 Member

    thank you so much Swoosh! I think the mention of going to the ER if we could not get today’s bloodwork has really scared me. He is also coming off the daily Omemprozole in the meantime in case there is any correlation. I got through everything earlier this year and I am just scared again.

    So glad your husband is doing well! You have always been so kind.