Wishing Everyone A Blessed And Joyous Christmas 2024 And Great Hope For Tomorrow

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
edited December 2024 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello and Blessings to all on CSN and especially to our group in the H&N section

Please feel free to leave your own well wishes and Christmas Blessings here, all are welcome.

We are all in the same club here so cheers to everyone.

Christmas time is one of the highlights of the year. It’s a time of gathering with family and friends. Sharing gifts, and creating memories. It’s also a time to bless and encourage each other. So this is especially the time I would like to encourage everyone on here to keep a positive attitude and when facing still another issue to keep forging ahead and know we are all here to help and support each other as one group of caring folks. Hopefully, we will not have any new issues to face which would be great. But I do know that we have some new folks on here that have just finished treatment, some have been done for a bit and others are just getting started. Some are having issues with the effects of treatment and more so as we age.

For some on here this Christmas will be different if you are going through treatment or have just completed treatment and possibly can't yet eat at the moment it poses a whole new set of challenges. Some on here are on a permanent feeding tube and are adapted to handling holidays full of festive food and drink. If you are in treatment you may not be feeling well over the holidays. My heart goes out to you folks and I pray you can adapt to your situation and will have the support of family and friends to support you during this time. Let them know there is no need to feel down for you because you are just going through a temporary situation. This year was bad timing but next Christmas will be different.

Your Christmas this year might look different from previous years. It may not match up to the commercial images you see or hopes you have. But the true meaning of Christmas doesn’t depend on the number of gifts under a tree or the type of food on your table. The message of Christmas doesn’t change if you are surrounded by family, missing loved ones for the first time or on your own. It is not affected by the house you live in – or don’t live in. You are not alone. You are loved, and you can feel hopeful and joyful. That is the true meaning of Christmas.

This is Christmas, and I personally want to wish everyone a Wonderful and Blessed Christmas with Joy for today and Great Hope for Tomorrow.

Wishing You All The Very Best

Take Care, God Bless,



  • Keep_the_Faith1
    Keep_the_Faith1 Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thank you Russ! And God Bless you and yours this Christmas!

    I want to thank everyone on this CSN forum for your support, and want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Best Wishes in the New Year! God Bless you All.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    So glad you could find the support and help you needed.

    Sometimes we need a lot and other times it is just that little help to get us to the finish line.

    Take Care, God Bless


  • Mamagriz
    Mamagriz Member Posts: 2 Member

    Merry Christmas!
    I’m Ann, 59 yr old, Mama of 2 and Nana of 2.
    Stage 1 Tonsil

    I’m currently going through 35 Rad treatments and having 3 rounds of chemo

    I’ve completed 3 weeks Today will be Rad 15 and it was suppose to be Chemo number 2 but

    My bloodwork showed low white cell count so I’m delayed for a week until Dec 31.

    I’ve developed a painful mouth ulcer and my cheek is quite swollen on that side of my face.
    I can’t eat solid or much of any sort of soft food so ensure and protein shakes are my intake sources.
    My husband is supportive, retired, brings me to every appointment, makes me protein smoothies and gets me whatever I need. I’m a warrior Princess lol

    The last couple of days, I’ve been in pain, a little down in the dumps, upset with the swelling in my face etc

    But, I come on this site and feel like I’m not alone in this journey, so many have travelled down this path. So thank you!

    Wishing everyone time with loved ones over the Christmas season !

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Hello, Mamagriz, and welcome to the CSN H&N discussion forum.

    Well, it looks like you are almost at the halfway mark congratulations.

    Looks like you had something going on that caught your attention and caught this cancer at this early stage 1, very good.

    I have had the delay you are talking about because of low blood cell count, they watch you closely in this treatment and it makes you feel good knowing you are being monitored well.

    As far as the mouth ulcer on your cheek this is a common side effect that is possible during treatment and I think many on the board here have had them. I notice you say though it is quite swollen. I don't remember there being a lot of swelling with those so I recommend whenever your next radiation treatment is mention this to the nurse or doctor in that area and just have them look at it to be on the safe side. Below is a link pertaining to mouth sores from Mayo Clinic…

    Mouth sores caused by cancer treatment: How to Cope

    I am so glad you have a wonderful supportive husband caretaker. Having a good caretaker or caretaker and helpers to get through this is very important. Don't hesitate to let neighbors or friends chip in, they are anxious to help and get you through this but many time don't know quite how to insert themselves or what to do. Just tell them could you please do x for us it would be such a help. Keep a positive attitude and be lighthearted it makes all the difference in this fight.

    Having a Good Support System Is Essential

    The Caregiver Balancing Act It's Not Easy

    So The last couple of days you have been in pain and down in the dumps, well if you are in constant pain it will wear on you, and after a while, you will be down in the dumps. There is no reason for anyone going through cancer treatment to be in pain. Do you have pain meds? If so don't hold off take them right away as soon as the pain starts. if a dose takes care of it and the pain is mostly gone, great, if not and it is still there or comes back right away then you need to take them on a schedule like every four or six hours or whatever duration the pain pills last. The trick is to stay ahead of the pain during cancer treatment, take your meds on a schedule, and keep the pain gone. You are going through some brutal treatment here and you have enough to deal with and pain should not be one of them. If you have any questions or need medications see your care team and keep them up to date. Below is a link to pain during cancer from The National Cancer Institute…

    Cancer Pain (PDQ®)–Patient Version

    And also the swelling of your face I would get one of your nurses or doctors to look at that to make sure there is nothing out of the ordinary causation or results due to treatment.

    Mama, you are getting in to the period of treatment where your saliva in your mouth could begin to thicken even to the point of being a stringy effect sort of. Please be aware of this. There is no way to control it. But you have to keep it cleared out as best you can and that is done in various ways. One way is with a suction machine if your insurance pays for one or you can rent or buy one. The other way is to spit out all you can and follow up with a salt and baking soda mix to rinse your mouth, use the rinse as often as necessary. I was using it every 20 minutes to a half hour at one time. It does help clear out a lot and refreshes you mouth making it feel much better. Possibly this would help the painful mouth ulcer you are dealing with at the moment. I will post the salt and baking soda recipes below. Also as the saliva thickens more you may have difficulty sleeping on a bed because it tends to have this go to your throat and cause you to wake up coughing and choking. During this time it is recommended you sleep in a recliner so you can control your elevation and won't be flat. If you don't have a recliner you just need to be inventive propping yourself up in bed with pillows.

    Mama you are not alone we have all gone down the road you are traveling or something very similar.

    That's all I can think of at the moment I hope something I have posted is helpful.

    Merry CHRISTmas and God Bless you and your family

    Our motto on here is NEGU (Never Ever Give Up)

    Wishing You The Best

    Take Care, God Bless


    I would also recommend you check out the Superthread at the top of the page there is loads of information in there with links and you will find it helpful.

    Rinse recipes Below adjust them if need be.

    Mamagriz Here Are the Recipes

    For the salt/baking soda mixes.
    Rinse as often or as little as needed to deal with thick saliva even the stringy stuff.
    The trick is to stay ahead of it as best you can.
    There are no easy solutions but this will eventually quit.
    You may find it beneficial to sleep in a recliner to keep the thick stuff out of your throat and airway.
    Laying down directs it to the back of your mouth/throat area.
    Even in a recliner, I would wake up at times with my air cut off and had to work at getting it cleared out.
    Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

    Mouth Rinse Recipes to Use During Chemotherapy

    Soda and SaltMouth Rinse

    1/4 teaspoon baking soda
    1/8teaspoon salt
    1 cup of warm water

    Mix well until salt dissolves. Rinse your mouth gently, being careful not to swallow the mixture. Follow this with a plain water rinse to clean out any remaining salt or soda.

    Soda MouthRinse: A Good Rinse for Before You Eat

    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1cup of warm water

    Mix well to dissolve the baking soda. This is a good rinse to use before and after a meal, because it may soothe any mucositis pain you have, making it easier for you to eat well. Swish and spit, but don't swallow this mixture.

    SaltwaterMouth Rinse

    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1 cup of warm water

    Mix well to dissolve the salt. This saltwater rinse is close to the natural chemistry of your own saliva. This may make mouth sores feel better. Rinse well with plain water to remove excess salt.

    Salt and SodaRinse for Gummy Mouth

    Some chemotherapy drugs can increase the acidity in your mouth, leading to thick saliva that can be very annoying. This rinse works well for a "gummy mouth."

    1/2 teaspoon salt
    2tablespoons baking soda
    4 cups of warm water

    This rinse will help to neutralize the acid in your mouth and will help dissolve or loosen thick, gummy saliva. Don't drink it, just rinse and spit it out.

    Peroxide Rinsefor Crusted Sores

    If your mouth sores are crushing over, it's important to allow the natural healing process in your body to continue, so a peroxide rinse should be used for no more than two days consecutively.

    1 cup hydrogen peroxide
    1cup water or
    1 cup salt water (1 teaspoon of salt in 4 cups of water)

    If you have crusty mouth sores, try using this rinse three or four times a day for two days. Don't use it for more than two days at a time, because it could prevent mucositis from healing.

    Use a non-peroxide rinse for two days, before returning to this mixture.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Also, Mamagriz there is a thing, a liquid the doctor can give you called magic mouthwash, it is made up by pharmacists. It is actually a solution you swish around in your mouth and I believe swallow shortly before you eat and it numbs things in there enough that you can power through a meal. It gives you that window of opportunity to eat while things are numbed up in there. Here again, this may help alleviate the pain in your mouth ulcer enough to eat something or a meal.

    Also, I have a list of recipes I collected I will post here there are smoothies and others in the list to use for weight gain.

    Recipes Below…

    Mamagriz Welcome

    The 2 times I had substantial treatment for cancer I had a feeding tube and both times when it was finished it took a while to gain the weight back. I think now I am pushing to be a bit overweight but I found through my experience it is good to have a little reserve. To gain weight, for now, don't worry about any certain food, I recommend eating food that has a substantial amount of calories and or fat also. Like bacon and eggs, or sausage and eggs and or pancakes, waffles, etc. with lots of butter and syrup. Cheeses are good to add also such as cheese topping on a bowl of chili. Also after my last bout out of the hospital, I had lost a good bit of weight also and had a bit of trouble putting it back on so I purchased Boost VHC (Very High Calorie) and was drinking one in the morning with breakfast including trying to eat at least 3 meals a day of some size. This boost is 530 calories per 8 ounces serving and you can drink more than one a day till your weight picks up. This is a quick easy drink to pack in 530 calories. Usually, the Boost VHC is mostly available online unless you can find it locally mostly regular boost is in the stores. Here is a link showing the product made by Nestle I bought it by the case on eBay but you can buy it online in many places like Walmart online etc.

    The last time I bought it it was from a place called HeyMed Supply, they had the best price and shipped quickly.


    Also eat a bunch of snacks like candy, cupcakes, peanut butter crackers, etc. you can fit one in anytime your sittin around. Also, nuts like peanuts, cashews, almonds, etc. have a lot of calories and are even good for ya.

    Also here is a weight gain recipe that 2 ladies shared that I found a long time ago related to cancer and gaining weight afterward--


    So sorry I’ve taken so long to get that receipe for your dad! I checked with our nurses and here it is:

    1 box (3.4oz) of instant pudding

    3/4 cup half & half cream

    1/2 cup of water

    1 cup of carnation evaporated milk (use canned not powdered etc.)

    Mix together in a bowl then mix with a mixer for one minute until it begins to thicken. This receipe makes 4 servings. We use it to help individual’s we serve who are under weight to assist in gaining weight. As you can see…it is very rich and full of calories etc. Let us know how your dad is doing!


    These Recipes and Tips Are From Debbiel0 on CSN H&N Section

    And here is another communication shared recently with me by a lady on this forum concerning weight gain after cancer treatment and I am sure she would be glad if I would share it--

    • Coffee cream ( 18%) 1 cup 480 calories
    • Coconut milk 1/3 cup 150 calories
    • Greek style yogurt 1 cup 270 cal
    • 2 tbsp Ground Flax seed 100 cal
    • 3 tbsp Hemp Hearts 170 cal
    • 1 tsp nut butter 100 cal
    • 1 tsp honey 100 cal
    • banana 80 cal.

    I would mix all of the above into a shake for my husband. It makes about 3 - 3 1/2 cups and 1300 calories.. he would sip on it all day. Then we would make him soft eggs or oatmeal to top off the calories for the day. Jello or pudding and ice cream are also another easy foods to slide down.

    Using coffee cream when making soups, or sauces, cooking oatmeal in it, using it for puddings. Is an easy way to boost calorie intake. The Hemp Hearts and ground Flax can be expensive. If you have access to Costco, they are reasonably priced there. ( at least in canada that is the way it is)

    Use honey as much as you can in tea or coffee, or just in warm water.

    I think the best advice I got from our nutritionist was to think outside the box and add cream or greek yogurt to what ever you can think of. Throw in a couple of tbsps of flax or hemp seeds to soups, your boost, hot cereal cooked in heavy cream. Mashed potatoes with heavy cream and lots of gooey gravy is always good too.

    Hope some of these ideas help. Another well balanced change from boost is Soylent. I cant remember the calorie count, but it is a very good meal replacement.

    I know I am kind of rambling... but hope some of these ideas help, or at least give you a variety. It is hard to get excited for a meal that is same as the last one!

    Split pea soup and baked beans with honey are great for calories..

    The flaxseed and hemo hearts dont change the taste all that much..just a way to sneak another 100 calories in. I had never ventured into that type of food either. My daughter in law is super healthy, and introduced me ( young ones, ya know!)

    Almond butter or cashew butter is just another alternative to peanut butter. Change up the taste a bit.

    I have a long list if food allergies, no dairy, no cheese, no chocolate, so finding calories was really tough for me. Example, geek yogurt can be up to 270 cal, my non dairy yogurt is 60 calories. So, when my husband was going thru his treatment it was actually fun for me to keep finding new things to make for him. Cheese is another good source of calories, melt it and add it to soup, potatoes.

    Take care Russ. Maybe sit down and try to enjoy a slice of pumpkin pie with whipped cream!

    Also Here Are A Few More Postings For Weight Gain From The Forum



    I wanted to comment on what I used for my husband when he was going through all of this (6 years ago). He had a tough time swallowing food but he, like your husband, wanted to try and keep eating on his own. So, I found a product called Benecalorie on Amazon. It is a 1.5 oz container of liquid that has 330 calories and 7 grams of protein. I would buy the 24-pack and add them to his smoothies, Boost drinks, and there was a time or two when he just drank the benecalorie by itself in one swallow. "Easy" calories in one gulp.

    Here is a link to the Benecalorie on Amazon. https://amzn.to/3PC75Y6


    Flyinhigh says:

    High calorie

    I use a powdered mix from GNC called 1340.  If you followed their mixing instructions and used 4 large scoops with water and you supposedly get 1340 calories.  I mix it half or third strength with 12 oz. of milk and figure I get 500-600 calories, plus a lot of protein.  You can try this and if you don't like it or can't tolerate it GNC will take it back and refund your money. It comes in vanilla, chocolate or strawberry(my favorite).

    Grandmax4 says:


    I used a drink called Scandishake, bought it through Amazon. It's really good, can't remember the calorie and protein, I made it with crushed ice and milk in a blender, delicious

    Drivingdaisy says:


    Only drank Orgain, organic and small amount of natural sugar. Decided no more chemicals in My body. I just poured it in My feeding tube. I still drink it but the plant based. Became lactose intolerant.  Good stuff. I'm more of a naturalists but to each their own. Going on 4 yrs NED, so did something right.

    Suzj says:

    if you want to mix it up..

    If you get the urge to mix it up, go with a high Protein Boost, mixed with a carnation instant breakfast, and a few scoops of Ice Cream - that'll up your calories

    Here's my radiologist's recipe. You can change the flavors by finding a substitute for peanut butter, using a different fruit, or a flavored yogurt. These are mixed by my better half in a Vitamix machine.

    1 cup ice cream

    1 cup greek (or any full-fat) yogurt

    Pack of Carnation instant breakfast

    1/3 cup peanut butter

    1 banana

    Milk to thin to the right consistency

    In Closing:

    I too and most folks on here had trouble swallowing and getting some foods down but it will come just be patient but for now eat what goes down easiest with a high calorie count. You may have to add liquid as you eat whatever you prefer. Try donuts and coffee. Eat in small bites and be patient. With my 2 cancers and 2 radiations to this day, I am thankful I can still eat but it is just a slower process. but in your case, it will probably come back completely. get with your speech therapist and do your swallowing exercises. I assume you have had contact with a speech therapist on this journey because most of us have it is standard procedure in this Head & Neck cancer game. if not contact your doc and get one assigned to you.

    Lastly I highly recommend that you Do Not have your PEG removed until you can have a stable weight or have some slight gain in weight going on but it is your choice. I know after my first cancer they would not remove my PEG tube until I could maintain a stable weight for 2 weeks.

    Be patient and Eat, Eat, Eat.

    I hope some of this rambling helps you in some way-Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ


  • Mamagriz
    Mamagriz Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi Russ,

    Fortunately, the radiation team called me in early today. They wanted to check bloodwork again and see if it was safe to continue Rads.
    I saw the radiation doctor, nurses and Nurse Practitioner. They did bloodwork, assessed my mouth sore and the swelling in the cheek, same side.
    Started me on antibiotics and a low dose of morphine. They also gave me saline for face/neck soaks.
    They said, No tylenol, watch for fever closely and take temperature often.
    I’m so thankful for the recipes and the advice on what is coming up. Knowledge is a powerful tool.
    I’ve only had one dose of pain meds and antibiotics but since I rarely take Tylenol, it has certainly helped.
    Hoping in 48 hours the swelling goes down and the sore starts to heal.

    I was able to have radiation:). Level was up just enough.

    Thanks again,

    And Merry Christmas !!! Ann

  • ricksmithgolfer
    ricksmithgolfer Member Posts: 89 Member

    Hi Russ,

    Have not been on this site for sometime. Just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I finished my tonsil cancer treatment in September 2018. We talked several times during my treatment and after I finished. I hope you have been doing well. I am healthy, cancer free and doing very well. Only side effects are fried thyroid, hearing not as good and cramping in my neck from the radiation treatment. I feel blessed I have minimal side effects and have stayed cancer free. God bless.

    Rick Smith

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Hello Rick, I remember you well.

    Glad you stopped back and glad to hear from you.

    A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you also.

    I am glad for you that you are staying cancer-free that's wonderful news.

    I am doing reasonably well also and like you, I have the side effects of varied things to deal with.

    Generally dry mouth, neuropathy, and vocal cord issues but overall it is manageable.

    Stay safe Rick, enjoy life and I imagine in your case Golf.

    Take Care, God Bless
