First good PET
Hi Everyone, My radiation onc just called to tell me my PET scan results were very good. All activity was normal, former cancer areas were gone and warm spots were due to the radiation treatments. During my visit next week she would like me to visit with the dietician to see if we could improve my (eating) diet. I thought…
Okay, I am 8 treatments done in radiation and one cycle of Cisplatin done 8 days ago. Yesterday the soreness in the mouth and throat hit just overnight. I am guessing more as a side effect of the Cisplatin than the radiation at this point. I had tried the Miles Magic last week as the Oncologist wanted me to start on it,…
Help from loved ones.....
Hello group, Just a gentle reminder to us all. More than one set of ears are better than one. I know writing things down, to refer back to helps alot too ! Man my filing system is in need of re-sorting ! With what we are all going through, we can't possibly do it alone. Even with my husband standing beside me...I ask for…
what does your neck feel like???
Hi Everyone, Now I want you to know I searched through the SUPER THREAD before coming here. What exactly does your neck feel like??? I am about 13 weeks post, 35 rad treatments plus Erbitux, lateral juggler dissection (left side). What I am feeling is (no whiskers of course), slight thickening along sides of esophagus and…
Any news about Chef Daddy and Son Lately?
Hi all: Hadn't seen anything lately on Chef Daddy and son and was just wondering if I had missed anything or if anybody has heard from him. Jan (Basketcase)
No voice
Hey guys! I finished 30 Rad treatments on Monday of last week. On Tuesday, my voice was gone. I mean....I can get a whisper out, but when I do that I feel like I'm straining. So now, I'm going on 5 days with voice. My throat is not sore although my mouth is still pretty tender and I do have a lot of mucus. Any body else…
Break it to her gently?
A friend of mine was just diagnosed ( 3 weeks ago ) with tonsil cancer..she has a golf ball size lump on a tonsil. She has chosen to go with chemo and radiation at The James in Columbus Ohio. Because I am recovering from robotic surgery, she seems to think I have all the answers and I don't, so here are the questions, the…
I only come here often and have not been around for a while. I do hope everyone is doing well and fighting this nasty C. I do communicate with some via e-mail on occasion. I was wondering if anyone has information on Hal? Im not noticing any posts by him recently. Does anyone have an update on him?
Eye sight...
hey everyone, Question....I'm 6 mos out of resection, and 4 mos out of rads. Maybe this is acc nerve invasion issue, maybe not. Had MRI done 3 wks ago to check for brain stem mets, was clear. Am having issues with my right eye just going black no sight...for a few seconds, to 30 secs. Also now within the past few days…
Pit Bull Sick
I am going crazy in here because my Son told me that my little darling PitBull was having problems at home falling down and running into the walls. My son took her to the doctor and they can’t find anything wrong except old age and maybe some kind of infection. I ask the hospital if I could bring her in here to see me but…
Things to be aware of after radiation to the neck area
Update on myself..All clear on the Cancer check, the soreness is fibromyalgia, always make sure you are exercising the neck region as well as rubbing the stiff hard muscle region area under your chin, I was told this would soften the tissue and lessen the swelling. I had a thyoid test done, because of the tiredness and…
take a chance or not???
so i just completed my 2nd round of chemo about 5 hours ago. 35mg cisplatin weekly since the doc said i could tolerate it better than the larger once every 3 wk dose. i get aloxi with the chemo and also take emend. i had no side effects the first go round. the lethargy and headaches and constipation i really think were…
Dad had a CT scan two weeks ago and everything looked great. The doctor could not feel anything when he felt his neck. Then this morning he woke up and the area under his ear where the cancer was in his lympe node was slightly swollen. He says it does not hurt and you can barely tell. Mom said the other day that his face…
Update from New Radiologist
Hey all, I just wanted to drop in and say hello before I go in tomorrow morning. I met with my 'new' Radiologist yesterday (after I said no to the first guy) This 'new' Radiologist was know as the best in the area and I wanted him initially from his reputation here in town. Anyway, he took one look at my lesion and…
Yesterdays Surgery
My surgery for the spot on my tounge went well..heck what do I know I was out like a light...but what the ENT said to me prior was that the sight was small so thats why it didn't show on the PET I had on June 6th and that was a good thing. What he told my friend that went with me while I was in recovery everything looked…
Question -- Starting to Eat Again
My husband is currently going to a speech therapist for swallowing exercises. He has been told the exercises are making him stronger and he was able to swallow small sips of liquids at his last visit with the ENT doc. They have not said anything to him about eating or drinking again. He is disappointed about this. My…
Cellulitis and Hearing Zebras
Doug developed swelling on his neck about 2 weeks back - it was on the side of his neck dissection (which was done a little more than a year ago) and ran along the same path as his carotid artery. Lots of possibilities ran through my mind, including an aneurism. He was due to see his chemo guy anyway, so waited another…
Getting ready for first operation...
Hello my dear friends. Just wanted to say hello and the share the decisions my family and I made along with the cancer team and surgeons, after Fridays pre-op meeting: The cancer is spreading faster than they thought, and I am now going to need two surgeries. The first one is going to remove the cancer itself from the…
6 to go :o ) So far, mouth a little dryer and taste going already. Other than that I'm still good!
Spicy Foods?
Hello Everyone. I am wondering if anyone that has had radiation of the head and neck has the same trouble I do....I can not eat any spicy foods, drink carbonated drinks, things like that. Ever since I have been able to eat solid foods after my 36 radiation treatments, I can not eat anything spicy, black pepper, drink fruit…
After the biopsy
Hi all, Thanks for all the support I've received thus far about my Mom's recently diagnosed BOT cancer, which has spread to her larynx and at least one node. The biopsy came back positive for squamous cell and due to size and spread it's stage 4. Don't know anything form the pathology report about how the cells looked. A…
surgery on monday
back after 2 months; laser surgery to remove tumor on the epiglottis coming up next monday and i have a question, how do you possibly control your emotions with this disease? it seems like the UNKNOWN factor is what is kicking my rear. Normally i am the solid rock but i am letting this ordeal work on me way too much; any…
As I mentioned in another post a few weeks back that I'm having a hard time breathing through my nose. I bought a humidifier, nothing... I bought allergy meds, nothing...I used nasal sprays, nothing. Today I had a visit with my ENT which he looked in my mouth and throat and said I was really red and blistered ( I could of…
Has anyone heard how NitaNita's surgery went this morning? If so, please post what you know. I believe this is the first time that I've known exactly when another member's surgery was (most of us found the site a little later in our journey than she did) and thus I've been thinking about her and hoping that everything went…
Ok guys, I feel like I can ask about anything...I mean, there's a thread about oral sex so it's ok to ask about funky breath, right? Before my mouth got really sore I was very diligent about oral care. I brushed 2-3 times a day and flossed at night. I don't have any oral health issues. I visit my dentist every six months…
surgery on monday
thanks so much for all the replies, i appreciate the advice and will certainly take it to heart; best of luck to each of you.
Today I Turned 56
Yep, it's my birthday. I wondered last year this time if I would see another year. I've been a lurker but not much of a poster since I joined the forum, as I'm a pretty quiet guy. No one ever seemed to have much to say to me and I just realized today that I never filled out the information about myself and my plight, so…
The radiation journey
I know there is ton of information on this site on this but i found it took a lot of reading and even after that one is confused. I thought having a simple log where we have precise day by day information will help. We will limit this blog only for problems and known solutions. E.g for each day or week we could try to say…
Done, Done, Done
Brought home the immortal mask today!!!! Not feeling terrific but SO GLAD it's behind me and hopefully FOREVER!!!!!!!! I endured my little portion but my heart sincerely goes out to the rest of you in treatment and FAR WORSE than I endured!!! You're absolutely miracle workers to survive!!!!!!! Haven't heard the bell from…
getting his Mask, Dat ditto1, who ditto1, ya your right Dats who. Yes my dear friends nearly 2 months after finding out about the dreaded mask today was the day. It started with my Eribitux 1st one and then off to get the mask fitted. 1st I give thanks to Jesus for getting me thru the day, but after that I want to thank…