How You Chose Your Screen Name
While answering a reference to a question in another post, I remembered this thread; "How You Chose Your Screen Name" It definitely brought back some fun memories during some good times with many here. At the same time though, it's a bit sad as so many from that original thread have had a bad go of it since that time. It…
1st Petscan 2 months post treatment
My husband had his first followup petscan yesterday. We go tomorrow at 9:40 for results. Nervous, but optimistic as are doctors. Please pray for NED, NED, NED! Thank you.
Online research survey for oral cancer patients and caregivers
To all oral cancer patients and their caregivers: Please take a few minutes to help future oral cancer patients by completing this important survey. Thank you!!! https://mysurvey.moffitt.org/Checkbox/SupportiveCareNeedsinOralCancer.aspx I and Mrs. K did this awhile back, they need more peeps to complete it to help give…
OK you guys.....5....yes that is FIVE
amifostine and rad treatments left to do!! :) I am excited that the last week is finally here, and that by next week at this time, I'll never have to have either again. I got thru this relatively unscathed, too...I weighed 89 1/2 today at rads, which is only a 3 1/2 lb weight loss from the git go. Thanks to the diligence…
Homeopathy and natural treatment
Some good reading for anyone interested in Homeopathy and natural treatment. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize Winner, Takes Homeopathy Seriously Dr. Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, has surprised the scientific community with his strong support for homeopathic…
A couple of questions for Pat (Longterm survivor or anyone knowledgeable)
I'll ask my onc Dr. Thurs. but I wonder what is causing me to choke so badly on saliva, just about any liquids, if I'm not very careful. I assume it's the swelling to my vocal cords (rads only to vocal cords, not to nodes)/throat? Also my mouth isn't dry since it's not being radiated but my lower throat is so incredibly…
new to board
i'm a newbie. i'm 72 years old and finished treatment 2 yrs ago. cancer on right tonsel.35 treatments of rad. and 6 chemo treatments.2 months later right neck operated on.have had all good scans.still no taste and only about 40% saliva. was able to take my elk hunting trip to co. last fall and have taken 2 ski trips to co.…
Surgery has been scheduled and I am freaking out!
So I am scheduled to have my surgery June 19th to have about 1/4in deep and about the legnth of two quarters taken off the left side of my tongue and to have a partial neck disection. I am glad to have it scheduled and know it will finally be taken out of my mouth. However I am really scared they are going to say they…
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, Encouragement needed!!
I'm 27 and was diagnosed with Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma in March. I had surgery to have the tumor removed and also 47 lymph nodes. All the lymph nodes came back clear and the surgeon got clear margins. I just completed #7 of 30 radiation treatments today. I'm just curious to see if there are any survivors of this type of…
CT skan results not conclusive
Hi Well I finished my radiation for SCC in the tonsil and three lymph nodes in March. I just went back for the CT Skan and was hoping to be cancer free. The tonsil appears to be cancer free, but one of the lymph nodes is 12mm and they do not want it to be more than 10 mm. The doctor said they were pleased with the results,…
New to this forum, worried
Hi all, Never posted here before but have been reading a lot of helpful posts and encouraging thoughts on this board and hoped I might get some answers and support. My 75-year-old Mom was just diagnosed by an ENT with what he terms stage IV tongue cancer that has invaded her epiglottis and larynx and at least one lymph…
Protecting the Salivary Glands while on Radiation
I was given Amiphostine 30 minutes prior to each of my 38 radiation treatments I received and indeed it did protected my salivary glands, right more than left since I received most of my radiation in the left side. I have been on remission for 14 months and I don't drink so much water as I did after treatment. I am able to…
Smoothies that are good for us
Megan had posted that she is having bolthouse farm smoothies and she is feeling better. So when i went to whole foods i picked up some and they are gooood! I can still taste coffee so really like their coffee smoothie for morning. It has about 30 grams of protein in each bottle so i have half bottle 3 hours apart. I also…
First week past treatments
Sorry I haven't posted this week. I ended up in the hospital again because I couldn't stop throwing up. It turns out it was a combination of the mucus (which I suspected) and the fact that I had been eating so little for so long that my stomach had kind of shut down. They put me on a new anti-nausea medication that is…
Vomiting due to excess mucus
My husband has had 23 rads as of today. He's having a rough time with lots of mucus in his mouth and throat, which then drains down into his stomach, which then makes him vomit. Nothing seems to help. He's taking zofran for nausea, reglan to help move things through his stomach quicker, and some tussin (generic Musinex) to…
create a friend list ?
Hi everyone ! I am very computer savy....not ! How do I make or get a friends list started ? I would love to hear from you this way instead of going through all the lists of messages. Not that I won't continue to post if I think I have info for people, or just a goofy thought ! Thanks for your help guys ! Katie
Teeth Cleaning and X-Rays
Hello all. My Radiologist thought it might be a good idea to go get a thorough teeth cleaning and start using something called 'Fluoride Trays" every evening. Surgery for partial tongue removal and right/left neck dissection is June 21st. Should I not have x-rays done this time around just in case that the pathology on my…
New Puppy Picture and Checking In
Hi all: Hope this comes thru of Chargee! He's quite a cutie isn't he? Certainly is keeping me busy and he and Sammy are now bff's! Will now be home for quite a while I suspect. Unemployment has run out and I am now going thru the process of possibly becoming a 911 operator. I applied on Jan. 20 and have the interview…
Results from 1st pet scan
It was not as good as we hoped. But not as bad as it could have been. This is after 5 rounds of cysplatin and 35 radiation treatments for BOT cancer with lymph node involvement and only two months post treatment. Primary tumor shrunk considerably but a small amount remains. Also left side where cancer was found in the…
What's a good immune system builder...??
Okay ...I'm looking for a good immune system builder and I konw many of you have your opinions and links ....can you share some of those links or products so I can get rid of Ensure and Vita-water ...too expensive, too much sugar and a bit fru-fru for me. Dan (tonsil dad) ...I hear you got some opinions on alternative…
Lasting medications
Everyone practically knows my story, Stage 4 laynx cancer, i had some screw ups, and they finally pulled my butt threw everything, I am not right, I have HARSH TALKING VOICE, MY OPERA DAYS ARE OVER..my breathing isn't the greatest, but i live day to day without mechanically devices, though my doctor would love to fit with…
APB on Laralyn.....
Just checking on you...we haven't heard anything since last weekend. Has the nausea abated any? Are you feeling any better at all? p
Cancer survivors and care givers....
Hey everyone, Kind of zooming around on different links. Man I have felt alot of the same feelings of frustration and anger at the lack of information and new treatments out there. But cancer no matter what kind it is stinks ! I have had my foot in both worlds so to speak.. was a primary care giver to my Mother for two…
Where in the World Are You ~
Here's a link that I have posted over the years and update occasionally. It's a Google Map showing where we live. Where in the World Are You I originally started it as a means of support and sharing. A way to find those close to you and to offer support for those that might want to participate. I have met a few survivors…
Self Dialations
Has anyone heard of self dialations? My doctor is wanting me to try this for my next dialation & i'm not sure how I feel about this. It's supposed to be a tube filled with murcury that I can self dialate with. I'm a laragectomee so there won't be a problem with the airway as I breath through my stoma. If anyone has any…
After 3 years since the end of treatment for stage 4 Left Tonsilar Cancer ( in which they told me that I may have 5 months left due to aggresive spreading), I have my results from the 3rd year Pet Scan. It showed that I Ain't Got None Of That Cancer Stuff In Me.....so thank goodness. Larry
Next Wednesday is the big day
Next Wednesday is the big day. Chemo and rads. Will do the weekly Cisplatin on Wednesday's, hydration sessions on Monday and Friday, rads Monday thru Friday. The duration will be 6weeks. Got fit for my mask today. Couldn't do the long mask. I have obstructive sleep apnea and the mask part around the neck felt like I was…
Cricopharyngeal spams or incompetent esophagus ?????
These were the two scenarios given to us today by the ENT as to why dad cannot eat 7months post treatment for tonsil and lymph Anyone have any information on this Dr. Said the way to find out is to treat as if it were to see if it works. Treatment for the spasm is Botox injection at the upper Esophaguial sphincter. Any…
Lips peeling
Hi to all.... Just wondering if anyone's lips peel My dads lips will shed like a snake shedding his skin...only somedays.. It is soo strange. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks Michelle
Looking for anyone that may live by me...
I was told I should ask if anyone on here may live by or in Phoenix, Az and has gone through or going through SCC on the tongue or neck disection. I am looking for some support from some people :) Thanks!