Aloxi and Emend
Great article touting the effectiveness of using Aloxi with Emend for the preventing chemo induced nausea. http://news.cancerconnect.com/aloxi-plus-emend-highly-effective-in-preventing-chemotherapy-induced-nausea-and-vomiting/
First rad affecting taste???
Could my first rad already be affecting my taste or could it be my allergy attack that's going on? I just peeled and ate an apple and it has no flavor. There's nobody else home to taste it to tell me if it's just the apple. Weird.
Changing my viewpoint re Amifostine.....
Since I only have today and tomorrow left to get it, I've changed my point of view from one of "have to", to one of a "volunteer"...I'm quite sure that skipping these last two wouldn't undo what the first 33 did, but it helps to know "if I don't want to, I don't have to". Only the dogged stubborness of finishing what I…
Dry dry extreme dry throat
I know i keep whining about dry throat but it is almost becoming inpossible to handle. It is so dry it almost feels like someone is scratching my throat with a glass in one area on righht side (my salivery gland is remoed from right side). I keep coughing becuase of the dry throat. I have zero mucous, a little mucous will…
Black Tongue
Well I feel a bit "stupid". I have posted in the past about how my tongue turns black and my GP Doctor didn't seem concerned that I was becoming a Chow (dog breed with a black tongue). Well yesterday I saw my ENT and he told me the name of the condition is "Black Hairy Tongue". This can be caused by several things (dry…
How did you choose your forum name?
Just curious about peoples' sign in names and what the letters and/or numbers mean. Buzz is actually my husband's nickname and we only use his legal name when necessary. The 99 was added when we used Buzz for a sign-in on another website and Buzz was already taken. Karen
Two Weeks Down
Five more to go. This week is actually better than last week. The stomach spasms ("I think my body's trying to reject my PEG tube!") and digestive tract problems are all but gone. Still searching for a Magic Mouthwash he can tolerate. His gag reflex is so sensitive to the taste, texture of the swish and swallows that he…
I did it!!!
Survived my first chemo and rad. Rad server was down in the morning so did chemo first. Really had a good time. Weird. Then I fell asleep during rad. Lol. So far I'm tired and have a slight headache but that could be from not sleeping much last night. So now I must nap!!!
Off topic prayer....
My husband is heading to Seattle today, for a colonscopy at Virginia Mason. There are two polyps the Dr. here cannot get, so going to a big specialty hospital was advised. Of course I'm hoping beyond hope that they will be able to get those two polyps at Virginia Mason...and this worry will be off our shoulders. He's put…
6 Weeks Post - Mucous and High Throat Pain
We are new to this CSN/Discussion board and thankful to have found it! My husband diagnosed in Feb. 2012 w Squamous Cell Carcinoma base of Tongue Stage 3. No surgery, but had 6 weeks of chemo and 7 weeks of daily Radiation. He is now 6 weeks post, but he is eating less and says that the mucous is keeping drinks from going…
Rang the Bell!!!!!!
I had my last Rad treatment this morning. My husband and daughter came with me and met all the wonderful people who have been taking care of me for the past six weeks. My hubby even took pics of me on the table. I think it might have freaked him out a bit. And I got pictures taken with the techs, my nurse and my RO. Some…
Single digits!
9 more rads, 1 more chemo! Can't wait for this to be over, my poor guy is so tired.
Nerve Pain?
Good Morning all, I have returned! Quick background/update: My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 tonsil cancer with spread to lymphnodes on one side in February 2011. A little over a year later he's been NED and sees his doctor's every 3 months. Yesterday he went to his general practitioner for a checkup (no cancer docs) and…
ground glass nodule on lung
on my mom's recent PET scan a ground glass nodule measuring 0.5 cm was dicovered. Doctor said not to worry, we should just watch it. How often nodules like that are malignant? should we be worried? with my mom's history any little thing like this one makes me wonder...any suggestions?
Pain medication
Are you taking any pain medications? Right now i am taking advil and that seems to be working but my doc thinks it might get bad pretty fast and i should try some narcotics to make sure i can handke it. Earlier she had prescribed oxycodon but when i told her i am prone to nausea, she gave methodone. I do not knkw which one…
Hi folks,about 2 weeks ago,I had throat,neck and chest surgery,both my tosils had cancer too.It was squamous cell carcinoma,it took the Dr.6Hrs to dig it all out and the pain is real bad,the left side of my head,neck,throat and chest hurts bad and slightly paralised in mouth.I'am use to pain,I had a liver transplant 1 year…
My dad was recently diagnosed with Stage 4b base of tongue squamous cell carcinoma. It has spread to his lymph nodes, and he has an 8cm (and growing) mass in the left side of his neck. We also just found out that the mass is leaking and has spread to the tissue in his neck; it looks like the spread is currently contained…
help with securing peg tube
I had my peg tube and port inserted yesterday. The port seems to be fine, a little sore but really no pain. I had a lot of discomfort from the feeding tube last night but it seems to be getting better today. Of course the fact that I vomited shortly afterwards probably didnt help anything. The home health nurse came last…
Chimming in for facebook....and prayers needed for few fb friends...
Hi everyone, I am not promoting any specific sites, and as far as fund raising lol (my money and efforts will be for ACS) They do not promote any specific cancer and help us all ! That being said as you all know I have ACC. I have been like a maniac researching til my head hurts....and have found mostly generic info. But…
This is just a question, 6 weeks out of rads and doing pretty good, taste improving a little, then disapears, very dry mouth and a sore throat well its not the throat it the back of the mouth before the throat that's really sore but overall not complaining I'm doing well. My question is it seems my nasal passages are…
Another newbie, hi!
I'm a 24 year old guy with adenoid cystic carcinoma... just finished 30 radiation treatments to my head & neck about 2 weeks ago. These past 2 weeks were the absolute worrrrrrrrrst of my life! So much pain in my mouth, and my nose gets plugged like 24/7 making sleep nearly impossible... and my right eye seems to be going…
Hi everyone... Wanted to clarify....I try to say things to help people but always screw it up somehow ! I do NOT have a reciepe for magic mouth wash....good lord...I always says things inside out. I used the liquid lidocaine, mixed with liquid benedryl...because I couldn't use the lidocaine alone (threw it up !) Also could…
Waited Til The Weekend
To get the sore throat. Ice chips, ice cream, Magic Mineral Broth. Other than that, any suggestions to get us to Monday and an appointment with the rad onc? And hopefully the Magic Mouthwash. Hubby's had a tough time with the treatment which surprised us because he has (read that had) such a high pain threshold. But he got…
CT follow update
Dad is still all clear. There is one place that shows up, but has not changed in two and half monthes. Dotor not sure if it is scar tissue or the root of the cancer. Since nothing has changed he told dad not chemo now and come back in 3 monthes for another scan. Thank you all for your prayes they seem to always work. Kathy
Pictures anyone?
I asked my rads techs if I could let my son take pictures tomorrow of me and my buddy (mask)on the table and they said yes. Am I crazy for wanting this momento? My family says I just want more sympathy and they're probably right!! :) Just wondered if any of you did that or wanted to? Will take pics of the tech's too who…
How You Chose Your Screen Name
While answering a reference to a question in another post, I remembered this thread; "How You Chose Your Screen Name" It definitely brought back some fun memories during some good times with many here. At the same time though, it's a bit sad as so many from that original thread have had a bad go of it since that time. It…
1st Petscan 2 months post treatment
My husband had his first followup petscan yesterday. We go tomorrow at 9:40 for results. Nervous, but optimistic as are doctors. Please pray for NED, NED, NED! Thank you.
Online research survey for oral cancer patients and caregivers
To all oral cancer patients and their caregivers: Please take a few minutes to help future oral cancer patients by completing this important survey. Thank you!!! https://mysurvey.moffitt.org/Checkbox/SupportiveCareNeedsinOralCancer.aspx I and Mrs. K did this awhile back, they need more peeps to complete it to help give…
OK you guys.....5....yes that is FIVE
amifostine and rad treatments left to do!! :) I am excited that the last week is finally here, and that by next week at this time, I'll never have to have either again. I got thru this relatively unscathed, too...I weighed 89 1/2 today at rads, which is only a 3 1/2 lb weight loss from the git go. Thanks to the diligence…
Homeopathy and natural treatment
Some good reading for anyone interested in Homeopathy and natural treatment. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize Winner, Takes Homeopathy Seriously Dr. Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, has surprised the scientific community with his strong support for homeopathic…