Anybody have/had tinnitus (ringing in the ear) due to their nasal tumor. I'm not talking about tinnitus due to the treatment but from the tumor itself.
persistance..sometimes needed
I posted about an issue I had with my oncologist. I was so flabergasted with what they said, I was unable to think clearly. Today I called them back, remarked that I had done a online app., for Mayo. And then I asked the nurse to ask the dr. for the exact TEST or TESTS results the dr. was using to confirm the pressure and…
Has anyone out there heard anything about some kind of zinc tablets helping to restore our taste buds faster? I read it on some site before I found this site and now I can't find it. Wondering if anyone has tried it or knows exactly which kind of zinc it is?
I am currently taking 3 rounds of Cisplatin, one round down, day 1 of round two done today. Noticed a large amount of hair loss today at my neck which I am guessing is from the radiation rather than the chemo since it is only on the neck line. One nurse told me I shouldn't lose hair with the Cisplatin and then one today…
Search csn tricks
Is it possible to search all posts or threads by a user? E.g. Can i see all threads i started? John, general vote is that you might have a answer :) Thanks, Sam
Thanks for being over weight
Hi: To all cancer patients that has lost a lot of weight and muscles.When I began my treatment in Dec. 2000 I weighted in at 265 lb could bench press over 330 lbs.But when Cancer finished with it's diet plan. I was now only 131lbs, without any muscles. Thanks to my weight and the Lord I survived. Today after 12 years I…
Vocal Cord injection
history first, 16 years ago diagnosed with SCC in 5 golf ball sized node wrapped around carotid on left side of neck. treatments were 38 radiation treatments concurrent with chemo fallowed by neck dissection. 4 years ago congronicrosis (spelling) with antibiotic and HBO treatments. 3 years ago SCC on tongue small enough to…
feeding tube
My G tube came out this morning! Only took a second and did not even feel the doctor pull it out. One step closer to the new normal :-)
Almost 5 weeks out
I'm about to hit the five week milestone after finishing chemo and rads. I think everything is going well and I'm just an impatient person who wants to be back to normal already. :-) I have an appointment with a speech pathologist on 7/13 and I'm trying to both wait it out without going crazy, and to not think about Friday…
Surgery went well
Well surgery went pretty well on tuesday according to my doctor. It looks like the primary was located on the left side of my tongue, but still waiting on pathology results. Total surgery time was 90 minutes versus the 3-4 hours that the doctor said it would take. The only complications so far is difficulty breathing due…
Got the PEG today
Get to eat tomorrow!!!! Surgery went fine. I feel ok as long as I'm sitting still but boy when I move I get muscle spasms or gas pains or something. And I cannot wait for these hunger pains to go away! as a side note, GI doc says there is absolutely no damage to my throat from rads yet :o )
First PET scan after radiation
Hi All This isn't for me, but I hoped to tap into the collective knowledge of the folks on here. A guy I have conversed with on a UK cancer forum since my diagnosis (really good guy) has had SCC of the BOT and had rads and chemo. He finished his treatments in March and has just had his first post treatment PET. The scan…
Throbbing pain in my gum and small piece of bone sticking up
When the feeling started coming back, after my tonsil surgery and radical neck dissection, my gums on that side were naturally sore. But for the last week it has actually been throbbing and I finally started putting orajel on it, which helped, but only for a few minutes. When I put my finger back there it felt like it, my…
some words of encouragement please peg tube tomorrow morning 6:30am.
hi today I went back to doctor I have grade 3 or 4 musscotispI'm half way through treatment it got very hard in a short amt of time.ut me on fetnol patch for that but because of not keeping weight up they are doing feeding tube placement they said the musscotis would only get worse so they wanted this to be elective I'm…
Machine for water intake
I remember reading somewhere about a little machine that sprays very little water at some interval in your mouth. Does anyone know about this? Thanks, Sam
How do I get passed swallowing just liquids?
Can anybody help here? I've been done with treatments since 10 Feb, and currently can only swallow liquids. My speech therapist has cleared me to go beyond liquids to anything I can get down, I just can't get anything down. I have thrush in my mouth that I'm taking Nystatin for. ( I can barely swish and swallow that).…
Let Freedom Ring
Happy 4th of July
2 weeks out of treatment
Well I'm only 2 weeks out of treatment for laryngeal CA. I have a PEG which I'm thankful for but would love to be done with! I have to use a continous feed pump because when I used the tube as intended it caused severe vomiting. My burn is starting to heal...boy I wish they'd be more honest about how that was going to…
Happy 4th of July..
Hello to all my brave soldiers today! I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and wonderful holiday, hopefully you are with some family & friends, loved ones, etc. I also want to make my first, 'I'm kind of scared' comment/ story too, if you don't mind: I live in the Midwest and we have some of the best sweet corn in these…
I thought I was doing so well...
Tomorrow will be 5 weeks since radiation... about a week ago I was starting to be able to eat lots of different foods with minimal pain. Then (this is the only thing I can think of that changed) it was time to go off my dexamethasone pills, and the past few days my tongue pain has been more excruciating than EVER. It used…
ATTN: Paintslinger!!
My husband was just diagnosed with hpv+ base of tongue cancer. His, too, was discovered through a bronchial cleft cyst. His, too, was needle biopsied with no signs of cancer. His, too, was removed and found to have a cancerous growth on the inner wall. And then the pet scan which lit up on the left side of the base of…
Okay ..have to ask
You know those dinner rolls or biscuits you buy at a bakery and they still have that "powdery white residue" on them you can blow or brush off? Well that's what on the back of my tongue, very back. My tongue, throat or mouth in general does not hurt...but I can feel / see a couple of very small bumps on the back of my…
I would like to say!
Happy 4th of July to ALL of my fellow board freinds and there familys, I will be having the usual Runners up BBQ (I'm from England....we lost ) Even though it hurts to eat I will take the lortab and have myself a steak, I hope that everyone has a wonderful 4th of July weekend and go light some fireworks (my dog hates this…
Just a tiny bit of info about me~~~
29 years ago today, I met the man who would become my Husband...we lived together 10 years and then married...so 19 years as a married couple. He was and is my "rock" through this whole cancer nightmare, we truly have a for "better or worse" marriage.
Delayed celebration...finished rads on wed 6/27 :)
My radiation got done on wed and it felt sooo good to ring the bell! I hit it so hard, they could even hear from front of the building :) But things were not good since i came home, basically mucus, dry throat, coughing, nausea. My tomgue is sore too. I had to go for hydration 3 times. My doc says this is normal stuff and…
Squamous cell carcinoma and acid reflux
I've just started posting on this site today. This site is just what the doctor ordered (pun intended). There are some really wonderful people here who we can all relate to given the situation we have found ourselves in. I'm six months out from my last treatment for HPV positive squamous cell carcinoma of the toungue that…
Appointment for tests and set up for rads..a little scared
I have appointment for July 10, for tests and whatever else they have to do and I assume they will set up my appointments on that day. I had tonsil cancer and radical neck dissection, all in same surgery. They removed 17 lymph nodes and out of those there were 7 that were cancerous. I'm feeling better every day but now I…
Neck Dissection
I am almost 1 year out on neck dissection (July 22, 2011). Looks good but suddenly a stabbing pain. I have had a clean PET in April and saw the doctors just a few weeks ago--all good. Just wondering if this is part of the heal. Hot prickly pains in cheek, even though I am still numb from the original surgery Aug. 2010. I…
Today, my first appointment to have dentures made..I admit I'm nervous...by the end of July should have my teeth
MEC (mucoepidermoid carcinoma)
I'm looking for more info about MEC. My sister was diagnosed with MEC and has to have chemo.