Help from loved ones.....

katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
Hello group,
Just a gentle reminder to us all. More than one set of ears are better than one. I know writing things down, to refer back to helps alot too ! Man my filing system is in need of re-sorting ! With what we are all going through, we can't possibly do it alone. Even with my husband standing beside me...I ask for another set of ears and ask them to also chime in at appointments that are stressful. My hubby is wonderful....but his emotions of my illness sometimes clouds what he is hearing too. Warmest regards Katie


  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    copies, copies, copies
    I'll chime in on the reminders. it's a good practice to get copies of every single procedure, doctor's summaries,surgery reports, lab results, and digital image reports and their written summaries. In the event of a second opinion consult or radiology reports for future dosage limits. You also gain valuable insight from reading this stuff. it's all there for the asking.