Continous ugh

Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member
Hi everyone,

I am in my last week of rads, 3 more to go. Yay!

I had no mucous so far . Over last 3 days i have developed mucous and along with that a very Persistent cough. I pretty much cough all day and all night. I also cough up blood couple of times.

My doc had asked me to try robitassin cough medicine and ativan. I will try ativan tonight. According to my doc, ativan might calm the nerve that is triggering cough. Robitassin did not help.

I am able to cough out the mucous by following a really nice tip by someone on this board( bend down, let mucous slide down, get up and cough it out).

I dont have much mucous in mouth yet, i know it will change pretty soon.

I hope there is some sollution to this never ending cough. It is making me very tired as well.



  • meaganb
    meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member
    Sam, I had a pretty bad
    Sam, I had a pretty bad cough as well and Dr kept telling me to try Robitussin. It didn't work for me either. I also went through 2 prescription cough meds with no relief, but my cough was originating ( I think) in my throat. Felt like I had an itchy spot I just couldn't reach. I started taking zyrtec ( although this can make dry mouth worse) and it helps. Also helps with my mucus production. Ativan helps too so I can relax. Good luck with the last few Rads! Almost there!!!
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Hi Sam,

    During the worst weeks I would get into a coughing jag when trying to clear my throat of mucus and phlegm. Like most of the items on the treatment symptoms list, this to will pass. It is sometimes a blur, the agony you are going through, thinking will this end and next thing you know, you’ve moved on to something else.

    You’ll feel better,

  • meaganb
    meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    Hi Sam,

    During the worst weeks I would get into a coughing jag when trying to clear my throat of mucus and phlegm. Like most of the items on the treatment symptoms list, this to will pass. It is sometimes a blur, the agony you are going through, thinking will this end and next thing you know, you’ve moved on to something else.

    You’ll feel better,


    Matt, that really is do true. When you're in the midst of all this hell it's hard to remember this is just a short time. A very dear friend of mine has very severe RA and she is in constant pain. She's had almost all of her joints replaced and yet she goes about her day and just does what needs to get done. She's very honest about her pain but it doesn't define her. I looked to her as inspiration as I've been walking through this. One day when I was hurting so bad she held me crying on my couch and she said, "remember this is only a very finite amount of time you have to suffer. It's not insignificant, but you are strong enough." I always have to remind myself of that and it's a huge part of what got me through. Here's to hoping that this will be our first and last ride through this awful mess.
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    meaganb said:

    Matt, that really is do true. When you're in the midst of all this hell it's hard to remember this is just a short time. A very dear friend of mine has very severe RA and she is in constant pain. She's had almost all of her joints replaced and yet she goes about her day and just does what needs to get done. She's very honest about her pain but it doesn't define her. I looked to her as inspiration as I've been walking through this. One day when I was hurting so bad she held me crying on my couch and she said, "remember this is only a very finite amount of time you have to suffer. It's not insignificant, but you are strong enough." I always have to remind myself of that and it's a huge part of what got me through. Here's to hoping that this will be our first and last ride through this awful mess.

    This far into treatment for you to have the symptoms you describe- sounds like you've done better than a lot of us did- and that's a good thing. Only 3 rads to go, too! Excellent.
