just curious

I am just curious for the ones who have completed treatment, as to how soon you were able to return to work. I am doing 35 radiation treatments and 3 cycles of Cislplatin on Day1, 22, and 43. I had what they believed was a branchial cleft cyst removed about 6 weeks before starting treatment which was actually a lymph node that had squamous cell carcinoma in it. No primary found from MRI or PET scan. Just trying to have some concept of whether I will have a job to go back to or not depending on how long I have to be off. Just wondered what other people's experience has been. Thanks for any info.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Everybody is different
    The first time I finished radiation mid October--went back to work in January. The second time, finished again in mid October and went back to work after Thanksgiving. I teach Kindergarten. That is about all I do! Go to work, lay down at lunch time, go home after work, eat and go to bed early. Saturday I usually rest. Luckily my husband is retired and he takes care of just about everything at the house. I am going to give it one more school year and if I can't regain energy I will probably retire.
    Some people continue to work during treatment (I don't know how!) and some do not return to work. Give yourself time to heal.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    This lands in the realm of...
    "everybody is different"...Some folks managed to work almost all the way thru treatments, some were still struggling after a year. I have 6 months to get back to work, my plan right now is to go back in September (5 months) after all chemo has been given, with 3 weeks or so to recover from that. I finished radiation last week, and honestly...I could not have worked during the radiation treatments.

  • amy_h414
    amy_h414 Member Posts: 98
    My husband has worked the
    My husband has worked the entire time of his treatment. He has two rads to go. But he works from home, so that helps. If he had to drive somewhere, I don't know how he would have done.
  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Hi Boardwalk Girl
    I made it through treatment and recovery in roughly 24 weeks. I took my 12-week FMLA Act leave, and requested another 12 weeks after that. I was Stage 4 SCC, base of tongue, and had 38 radiation treatments and three rounds of cisplatin. Had a feeding tube for the last half of treatment, but was able to have it removed rougly four weeks after finishing treatment.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Never Stopped....
    But then again, I did work from home during treatment...close to eight months.

    But I'm an IT guy, so it was easier for me working from home and connecting to my work computers.

    I also had the luxury of working when I felt good and relaxing when not.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    I finished rads and Cisiplatin 3 1/2 weeks ago. I was able to work a 7 1/2 hour day at 3 weeks. My boss is very understanding and knows it will be hit & miss before I am back full-time. It felt good to get back to work but I know I still have good and bad days. The nature of your work will play a part too. I was more concerned with pain meds and driving. I know some have worked during radiation but it wasn't an option for me.
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    hwt said:

    I finished rads and Cisiplatin 3 1/2 weeks ago. I was able to work a 7 1/2 hour day at 3 weeks. My boss is very understanding and knows it will be hit & miss before I am back full-time. It felt good to get back to work but I know I still have good and bad days. The nature of your work will play a part too. I was more concerned with pain meds and driving. I know some have worked during radiation but it wasn't an option for me.

    I work in a metalworking factory, and did take 3-months off work for tx. So, yes- got back to work a month after tx ended. Slow going for awhile, but was doable for me.

  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    Thanks everyone for your information. I have just been stressing about this and thought I might as well ask. I only have 10 weeks of FMLA left as I had used 2 weeks for my surgery.
    So that only gives me 3 weeks of time after treatment is scheduled to end which they tell me lots of time you have to take a break in the middle somewhere. I was hoping to not have to do that but since I already have the sore throat and trouble swallowing, I am not sure.So far my skin is good, no burn at all. My employer has said I can apply for an mutual consent leave of absence to extend my time off but it has to be approved by the higher ups and you never know how that will go. I love my job and I just can't imagine doing anything else. I guess I will just put it in God's hands and let him worry about it.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Thanks everyone for your information. I have just been stressing about this and thought I might as well ask. I only have 10 weeks of FMLA left as I had used 2 weeks for my surgery.
    So that only gives me 3 weeks of time after treatment is scheduled to end which they tell me lots of time you have to take a break in the middle somewhere. I was hoping to not have to do that but since I already have the sore throat and trouble swallowing, I am not sure.So far my skin is good, no burn at all. My employer has said I can apply for an mutual consent leave of absence to extend my time off but it has to be approved by the higher ups and you never know how that will go. I love my job and I just can't imagine doing anything else. I guess I will just put it in God's hands and let him worry about it.

    Almost 4 months...
    I was fortunate......my employer told to take the time I needed and my job would be there when I got back.

    I took 3 months for tx (ran over by a month) and I slept / recovered another month after that. When I did go back to work full time I was probably 65% productive...now 6 months later I feel 100% :)

    Everybody is different, so just do what you can and take care of yourself as you go. :)


  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    I am glad that your thoughts are to be getting back to your "normal" life style as soon as possible. I started treatmeant at the end of July of 1991 and finished in late November of the same year. I returned to teaching full time in January after the Christmas break. I was thrilled to be back, I was thrilled to just be alive, but it was more exhausting than usual especially for my voice. But as time went on my physical strength as well as that of my voice improved. I wish you and all our brothers and sisters the same blessing. Josh r.