Tingling sensations and leg weakness post treatment
G'day everyone. New here :) My husband is at 8 weeks post radiation/chemo. Had surgery in Late Jan 2012 to remove one tonsil (tumor) sml margin of base tongue and part of wall at back of tonsil plus several lymph nodes in neck. Has a G peg feeding tube. Is trying to eat and can get soft meals down but still has no saliva…
Going Home
We are selling our house and will be moving home to Daytona Beach next week. I know we should not make major decisions during times of stress but we are. I grew up in the Daytona Beach area and Jim has been there since he was discharged from the Air Force. We also have two children in the area, my mother and two sisters.…
Neuroendocrine Carcinoma, Small Cell Type (Sinus)
I was originally diagnosed with Esthesioneuroblastoma on 12/15 but now find it was misdiagnosed and I actually have Neuroendocrine Carcinoma, Small Cell Type. I have been told it is even more rare than Esthesio. Has anybody had any experience in this? I am again looking for answers!
Back home from surgery
Thanks for the well wishes: I had the robotic surgery Monday where they removed my epiglottis and a piece on the back of my tongue the size of a quarter. Supposedly got good margins praise the lord. I am no fan of the feeding tube and I have a ton of mucus. Start speech therapy next week. Thanks for all of yours prayers…
Finished my last rad treatments today and rang the bell
Today I finished with my last radiation treatments i finished My chemo a couple weeks ago. Over all I feel pretty good I am still dealing with mucous that sometimes make me vomit im using the baking soda mix my docrecommmended ans tussin to keep itu under control the suction machine doesn't seem to help out much at all. I…
Anyone else with balance problems?
The great majority of the time I'm fine, but I get these "spells"...I feel my ear plug up, the ringing in it muffles, and I get totally off balance....yesterday I literally had to plop on the couch to keep from falling. Then it passes like in 30 to 45 seconds. I don't feel dizzy, just completely off balance. It always on…
Last tues day I had a small , well small is a relative word, section of the left side of my tounge removed as a result of a biopbsy I had earlier in June that showed some SCC cells. Besides the pain, the stitches , everything is going well...I saw my onco this morning , she had the pathology reports all margings…
mucco epidermoid carcinoma
a family member was recently diagnosed with muccoepidermoid carcinoma high grade. anyone diagnosed with this form of salivary gland cancer? I wanted to know the prognosis and what to expect with the chemo therapy.
Just diagnosed with SCC
I was just diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma with unknown primary on June 27, 2012. I noticed that I had a swollen lymph node in the upper right portion of my neck on May 29, 2012 while deployed to Afghanistan. They conducted a CT scan with contrast on the June 7 and the reading came back as "suspicious for cancer". I…
Round 1 Complete...
Hello to all my brave warriors today! I am finally home from the hospital after my first round of surgeries and wanted to share. :) First things first - The pathology on the tumor removed from my tongue last Thursday came back with clear margins yesterday, very relieved and grateful. Anyway, so I had the tongue removal and…
Contact name at MD Anderson
have someone needing a 2nd opinion at MD Anderson-Houston. I know several folks were treated there, but can't remember who. If you have a contact there, pls send me a private message with dr. name and number. THANKS SO MUCH. Ingrid K
Can't tell if hungry or full
I'm now 4 weeks out of radiation... and this has been happening since about half way through the treatments. I NEVER feel hungry at all... and on the other hand, I can eat a HUGE amount and feel no different, as if I haven't eaten at all. Now that my mouth is healing a bit and I am able to eat certain foods again... I can…
Lovin' the new pic!
been a year since diagnosed with npc
Time flies when you have so many doc's appointments. Last year this week, I was told about the bad news - NPC Stage 4 and was told I had roughly 40% survival rate. After the biopsy came back which shows EBV, doc told me my prognosis is better, survival rate increased to 50%. I went through some emotional roller coaster but…
Last radiation today!
We leave in a few minutes to head to the hospital for Jason's last radiation treatment! So glad it's over, hopefully he'll start feeling better soon. He's really struggling with all the mucous.
Post -cancer blahs
Hey Everybody, This is my first time writing. First off, congrats to all of you who have beaten the beast. And the best of luck to those of you who are still engaged in the battle. I was diagnosed with HPV positive squamous cell carcinoma last July. The tumor was on the base of my tongue and metasisized (stage 4) to my…
Got my new chemo plan, today....
For the next three cycles I'll be getting Cisplatin at 80% of my past doses...and I will have a 5FU pump for the 4 days following the Cispatin infusion...then off for 3 weeks. I've lost a total of 5 lbs during the first part of treatment, my Onc says that is great...even tho that puts me at 88 lbs, it's almost unheard of…
Truly a Basketcase again
Hi all: Thought I'd check in. Thurs. the 28th was/would have been our 37th anniversary. It was a bittersweet day as June, July, and August are tough for me. Tomorrow is 2 years since we found out it was back and the 8th is two years when we found out how bad it was and of course the 27th is both of our birthdays! Anyway…
I'm having a PEG Tube fitted on Monday, and am absolutely scared to death. They have told me it's a simple procedure performed under sedation, and yet they insist I stay for 2 nights in Hospital! I understand the rationale about having one fitted at this stage ( 2 weeks into treatment)as an Insurance against not being able…
good news finally
Some of you know, my husband, Andy is fighting a metastasis to bone and liver. As you know, his cancer is no longer considered curable, but treatable. He has been on various treatments and in one clinical trial that worked for months but stopped and he showed disease progression. He has been on a new regimen and we got his…
Denture fit and swelling....
Hey everyone ! Was wondering if first anyone having issues with this. Granted Dentures are very new in my world (3 months) But some days the teeth fit mint...but when my lyphedema is worse, they either make me gag...and hurt...and on days that swelling is down they slide around and have to use the gookie stuff to keep them…
keeping me in the dark...
Hi everyone, Just for a background, I'm married to my HS sweetheart of 20 yrs. The 'love of my life'. Well 3 yrs ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 Squamous Cell Carcinoma, rt tonsil and 1 Lymph Node. Chemo/Rad(Cisplatin) cocktail worked great, he lost 42 lbs but made it thru with flying colors. It was a rough 4 months but…
My Husband Lost His Battle - Father's Day 6/17/12
Some of you may have seen this on Facebook - others not. My husband lost his battle at 6:37 am on Sunday morning - Father's Day - 6/17. He was doing so well - had finished his treatment (this was his third battle with the beast) - was recovering well, had trache and picc line removed, and was getting his energy back. He…
I am home from surgery with great news!!
Had surgery Tuesday morning at 8:30am, I came out about 11ish. I was in recovery for about two hours because I was so out of it. The Dr told my family he had taken 25 lymph nodes from the left side to check for cancer but said they all looked good. Dr told my family we should know by then end of the week of the results.…
Has anyone tried this? I'm desperate over here.
Hanging in there
Wow, it can be really tough to stay positive when you're dealing with the mucus. It's been making me throw up, and it has had a big effect on my nutrition and hydration. I'm trying to give myself extra water each time I do my meds (every 4 hours) but I'm eating so little that I'm really dropping weight. I know I had the…
Where is Sweet?
I have not been on the board as regularly these last few months but noticed there are no responses or post from Sweet. Anyone know what is going on with her? Debbie
optic pressure in both eyes
Hey, Just an update...saw opthamologist this afternoon. Real nice lady, very knowledgable. Being sent for cta and spine tap asap. Sounds like I'm having issues with blood flow somewhere in brain. Won't ponder on the what if's today. Katie
Cutting back on narcotics
To try to get my stomach working again, my doctor and I agreed today to cut back the amount of narcotics I'm taking. I hope this works with nausea too. I'm going down from the 50 patch to the 25 tomorrow even though it's a bit early for that. My doctor said he usually likes to wait until the patient is taking 4 or fewer…
I just found out I have cancer
I learned about it over the phone. They say I have a suspicious lump at the back of my tongue but the cancer cells were found in my lymph nodes and they made that sound like its pretty bad. I have not told my wife or anyone else. I have no idea what the treatments are going to do to me. I have no idea if I can beat this or…