I just found out I have cancer
I learned about it over the phone. They say I have a suspicious lump at the back of my tongue but the cancer cells were found in my lymph nodes and they made that sound like its pretty bad. I have not told my wife or anyone else. I have no idea what the treatments are going to do to me. I have no idea if I can beat this or…
Just got back from seeing the ENT....
he scoped me out, and said there is nothing at all left of the tumor (NPC Stage III)...my nodes are down to what will probably turn out to be just scar tissue, there is so little left. I've been feeling light, and I can't wipe this smile off my face...it keeps coming back...LOL. p
Is this swallowing problem?
I am almost done, my last rad is tommrow. I have been having tough time last couple of days. I had no mucus till last week so only had to deal with dry throat. I was hoping for little mucus as i thought will provide some lubricatjon, man! was sooo wrong! they both stay and decide when to appear without giving any warning…
Only 32 more and I can
ring the bell. Yes my friends I had my 1st RAD treatment today. It went well considering it was about 30 minutes vs 15 on the future visits. But again thanks to this site I was a little more mentally ready. I remember some post commenting about the mask being tighter than they recall from the fitting. I felt that as well,…
When does the black cloud start to lift
I have been reading the message board since July of 2008 when my husband was first diagnosed with SCC lVa, base of tongue. He had 3 rounds of induction chemo and 35 radiation treatments. His last radiation treatment was in 12/08. He had a neck dissection with no sign of cancer in nodes, just scar tissue. That was in…
HPV Positive Head & Neck Cancer
I have noticed several posts from HNC victims that share a common characteristic of having occured in non-smoking, non-alchol users. I have mentioned this before over the last 18 months or so but wanted to take the liberty of suggesting again that if you are diagnosed with HNC, and especially if you are a…
John's Map- where we all are
Where In The World Are You is the link in Sweet's awesome Superthread that shows where we all are- those of us who've been entered onto it. The case of Phrannie and Staceya being neighbors in a kinda remote area of Montana brings this to light, and the need to keep it updated. Next to the Superthread, the Map has to be the…
I thought I'd feel better by now
I have had, I realize, very unrealistic expectations of what my recovery would be like. 13 months after my diagnosis, I've had three surgeries, two rounds of radiation and two rounds of chemotherapy. Yet, somehow I thought I'd feel better than I do. What was I thinking? Now, it's the edema/lymphedema which is getting me…
Running A Fever
Have had only 2 of my weekly Cisplatin and my bloodwork was fantastic last week. Now suddenly I'm running a fever. It hit 100.5 and I didn't realize I wasnt supposed to take anything to get it down. Called doc. Of course I haven't heard back yet. How concerned should I be over this fever?
Coco-Wheats with double sugar and milk, tastes like normal except I would definitely not need that much sugar usually Frosted Mini Wheats, still good. Scrambled Eggs, gonna put some cheese tonight for extra calories. The one I ate today was borderline delicious. Watermelon. It was passable but my mom said it wasn't a great…
PEG Tube Feeding Question
Hubby is 90% peg feeding 4 weeks into treatment. I cannot get enough calories in him. He is using FiberSource which is 300 calories per 8 oz. serving. Full strength gives him diarrhea. So we dilute 50/50. But I can't get more than 8 oz. diluted food and 4 oz. of water in him at a time. He claims he's full and can't hold…
Hearing loss and frustration
I'm nearly 8 years out of radiation to my left neck and ear. I was treated for a slow growing cancer that wasn't so bad, except for the fact that it was infiltrating my facial nerves and causing a lot of pain and would've eventually caused paralysis. I have been noticing tinnitus in the left ear for the past couple of…
starting fourth week of radiation and second cycle of chemo
hi everybody I'm starting my fourth week of radiation and my second chemo cycle my taste is pretty much gone nothing really taste that good anymore my neck a little burned throat a little sore and I'm taking muccinex for the mucous but I'm hanging in there tomorrow is chemo so we will see how that goes thank you for all…
Skin sensitivity
I finished chemo and radiation in January for a basal cell cancer at the base of my tongue. In February I developed sensitivity on the skin of my arms, chest and upper back. It feels like a sunburn and gets more intense with cold weather. Has anyone had this type of reaction to chemo or radiation?
Newly diagnosed adenoid cystic carcinoma in submandibular gland
I was just diagnosed with this apparently uncommon cancer. I have not found very much about it online. I would love to hear from anyone familiar with this. I am scheduled for resection of my gland and selective resection of some lymph glands as well. I will be having radiation treatments after surgery but no chemotherapy…
Cancer Recurrence
Hi there everyone. It has been a while. I see some familiar names but unfortunately a whole lot of new people are dealing with this horrible disease (and its treatment). Buzz (my hubby) finished treatment January 2011 for base of tongue cancer. The cancer is back. He now has 3 tumors. One in the Fossa of Rosenmuller…
Pet Scan results...Good news!
Hi I had the Pet Scan today and it was NED! No surgery is needed and all looks good for now. I am thrilled. We went to dinner with Marlene, the woman who took me to all my cancer treatments, to celebrate with husbands and sons. We had a great time and I feel relaxed... at least for three more months until I have it again!…
Like A Fly I'm Back...Update Last Doc Visit, B_12 jump start session
I started by B-12 Last Thursday for the next 5 weeks, first week is going better, The reason I am Writing i was given a new Drug, ask the Doctors for a any new updates pills or strengths, they are continuously advancing the drugs we are using, so don't get stuck on the same old same ole..remember we've gone threw hell and…
One week+ out and
wondering if I'm on course or if I've possibly made my recovery harder by continuing to eat ordinary food, for the most part. I tried to update my profile and couldn't get into my page by editing to give the updates of my treatments, but I'm thru with my rads only to vocal cords only. I still need liquid hydrocodone and…
Esophageal Dilitation
Just had procedure #2........Swallow test showed about 1/2cm before procedure.... I could barely choke down mashed potatoes before and am hoping to show improvement this time.......Goal according to my ENT is close to 3cm..(that sure seems like alot) I am dealing with Trismus so my mouth doesn't open very wide.......Gums…
Leukoplakia... anyone, any insight, appreciated.
My mom was diagnosed with tonsil cancer (I believe T1N2b) which was HPV positive. She had neck dissection, all lymph nodes on right side removed (3 were cancerous, 1 was not encapsulated - the one not encapsulated is one she originally noticed, and it was approx 2.5" at time of removal), had raditation seeds implaned in…
2 weeks out!
Monday will be 2 weeks since my last Rads. Overall I'm feeling well. I've managed to stop all pain medication other than Tylenol once or twice a day. My mouth is feeling a lot better, no open sores. I'm still very sore under my tongue, but that was where the tumor was so I'm not surprised. I still have not been very brave…
I am just in tears over here. I'm hungry, I want to eat, but I can't taste ANYTHING!!! My mouth and throat are fine still and I want to EAT EAT EAT while I can but it's almost nauseating to choke down a mouthful of cardboard flavored nastiness. I know this is just the beginning so I have to get a grip.
Magic Mouth Wash?
I am curious, how does the MMW feel, I just cannot comprehend how you swallow something that makes your thoart numb, it seems to me that it would be like shutting down your ability to breath and something scary. I swished it in my mouth once after problems with my original chemo treatment but never swallowed it and…
just curious
I am just curious for the ones who have completed treatment, as to how soon you were able to return to work. I am doing 35 radiation treatments and 3 cycles of Cislplatin on Day1, 22, and 43. I had what they believed was a branchial cleft cyst removed about 6 weeks before starting treatment which was actually a lymph node…
Any Idea of Recurrence Rate for my Cancer
Im having the typical freak out of "What if this doesnt work" So im tryiing to help ease my mind, and see if anyone knows what the percentage of Recurring cancer after treatments average is. I have/had a T1 Squamous Cell carcinoma that manifested itself in 1 lymph node on the right side of my neck that was removed. I…
3 years ago Friday, I lost a very special friend and coworker who had fought a brave fight against colon cancer for about years. She always was so positive thru out her battle even though she had been told more than once that she only had months to live but outlived those predictions by years. She always had a smile every…
mucus mucus???
hi everybody I'm doing ok except for the mucus it keeps making me throw up I'm on my fourth week of radiation and I have chemo next Wednesday.Any body have any ideas I've tried muccinex it doesn't seem to help thank you.
3 years ago Friday, I lost a very special friend and coworker who had fought a brave fight against colon cancer for about years. She always was so positive thru out her battle even though she had been told more than once that she only had months to live but outlived those predictions by years. She always had a smile every…
Hi Everyone!
Hi there! Just though i'd say hello to everyone and wish everyone who is suffering from this terrible disease to get well soon. I was in bad shape about 2 1/2 yrs. ago with base of the tongue cancer. I recognize a few names that are still on here. I go regularly for my 3 month follow ups and everything seems to be good so…