Summer Flounder ~ Upper Tampa Bay
OK, for those of you going through some rough times.... This post is only meant to serve as a reminder....life will get better. Before you know it, you'll be back doing the many things you love... Who knows, you might even love them just a little bit more than before. Summer Flounder ~ Upper Tampa Bay Summer Flounder ~ Two…
PEG placement-pain
My mom had a PEG placed yesterday... she is in the worst pain! They gave her morphine; however, only makes her sleepy. She can't lay down flat in bed. Has to sit in a recliner and complains of pain anytime she moves/breaths in. She also is given norco. Did anyone else have this kind of pain??
Noncancer question - insect bite
About 9 weeks ago a small insect looking bite appeared on my leg between my knee and ankle. It did not itch or hurt. It looked like a tiny vampire got me. It was kinda brown looking. After about three weeks two tiny water blisters appeared and then I got a large red patch all around it and my leg started hurting. I went to…
Terminology Help !?!?
Hey all, I have checked the "superthread" and have tried to google the term with no avail.... When the doctor told me that 54 nodes were removed during dissection and the Pathology came back w/ only 2 showing signs of cancer. He used the term "non-esoteric" i believe??? Either way he said that these particular nodes were…
This got me thru Tx hope it helps you too
Footprints in the Sand One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there were one set of footprints. This bothered me because I noticed that during…
New to forum help for pain
Hello to all I am new to the forum, but have followed different cancer forums on and off for the past couple years. I just finished Erbitux and 7 weeks of radiation, so am on my way to recovery. Will have scans in a few months and hope for the best then. Having a lot of pain from the radiation, and it has made skin around…
25 Year Survivor!
We went to my husband's family reunion last Saturday and I found out that one of his cousin's had Tonsil cancer 25 years ago. Skiff will like this, he originally delayed his surgery because of fishing season. He had tonsils removed and neck dissection. Radiation. He deals with after effects but he does eat spicy food now.…
I got a job!
Hi all: Basketcase checking in here! Well, I finally got a job! Praise the Lord! I got on at Jo-Ann's Craft Store. I start Aug. 5. It's from 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. until Sept. 7. They are going to be remodeling the store and they were hiring a crew for overnite; but when that's finished they'll be hiring seasonal help and…
Hi guys! Just to say hi and how things are going
Hey guys, remember me? I came here few months ago, freaking of course. After being diagnosed with tongue cancer with 29 years old... non hpv, non smoker, non drinker, never tasted marijuana... almost a "saint"! Well, just to let you know that my life is almost normal right now. Came back to work, talking a lot. Some words…
Just got back from the Oncologist's....
I have thrush on my tongue, cheeks, and throat.... and ulcers from one end of my bottom lip to the other...I've been doing the L-Glutamine and it's soothing for 10 minutes...They sent me to the pharm for more MM (they said their receipe has enough nystatin to do the thrush), and liquid Hydrocodone (which, after doing the…
LiveStrong Survivorship Plan
I didn't know this existed, but it's a great resource! You input info about yourself, your diagnosis and your treatment, and it generates a custom plan with notes on what and when to check for side effects and other physical effects. I wanted to share it in case it helps anyone else. http://www.livestrongcareplan.org/
Just a tiny bit about me~~`
Tomorrow,July 13,2012, my Son graduates from the Columbus Ohio Fire Academy...I am so proud of Him and His wife for all they've gone through to make this dream come true. I'm 66 years old, and just finished polishing my toenails and fingernails in " apple green" to match my outfit, oh, and I'm wearing sandels!!! I'm sexy…
When does only moving forward starts?
After a very tough two weeks after rads were finished, i had started to feel better for last 2-3 days. Everything has turned back since last night, dont know why. Coughing/ hecking is back. No matter what i drinnk (milk, smoothie, butter milk, water), throat feels dry in 10 mins and i start with a dry cough that hurts my…
Just Checking in 8 more days of radiation!!!! and chemo on Wedndesday
hi everybody i'm just checking in i have 8 more radiation treatments left and i have my last chemo on Wednesday they are doing a smaller dosage on the chemo because i have lost more weight so 10% of my body weight my throat is definitively sore so i'm on a pain patch and was just raised up on the dosage and i have been…
Hitting the six week mark
Today marks the sixth week since I completed radiation. It feels like a strange milestone because the improvements are so gradual and everything else is so constant that sometimes it feels like nothing is changing. I had my appointment with the speech pathologist today. He cleared me for 12-18 oz of water and 12 oz of…
Having my Throat scoped
I'm having an NGD done on Monday, and don't really know what to expect. We are doing it because at 5 months post radiation therapy I still can't swallow anything more that little sips of water. Doc plans to send the scope down my esophagus to see what's up and also possibly dilate it to get things started. Can anybody let…
Transfusion today....
Yesterday I had another CBC, and along with the Thrush, and the mouth sores...I'm more than a little anemic too...ain't this been just a crap week for so many on here!! Anyway, I'm hoping I wake up tomorrow feeling much better....less tired and more able to cope with this darn mouth of mine... p PS...on top of feeling so…
Anyone have any thought on steroid shots to aid healing?
My Onc said if I'm still experiencing a sore throat/swollen throat after a month, he could give me a steroid shot to aid healing. Has anyone had one? I haven't read every post but I haven't read anything about it, but I may search it out. My profile will tell my DX but I'm a little different, not as severe as most on these…
Not out of the woods buts did jump for joy !
Hello everyone ! Well all your good vibes got me through those tests ! And no evidence of disease found in spinal fluid ! There is some slight pressure changes...but they will be watching ! Now I go in next Tuesday for another CT/with contrast to check the lungs and resect site. Why they couldn't check everything on Monday…
I think I have night time dry mouth partially beaten
I think I have a way to beat the night time dry mouth.Had me dentist make me some like mouth guards but really thin. Put dry mouth gel in them and he presto no dry mouth all night and no chewing my cheeks. The ones in my mouth that is LOL Will try it for a while and report back.Tried the liquid first duh
In The Hospital
Looks like it was a tough weekend for a lot of us. Hubby has two cisplatin chemos and 26 rads under his belt with lots of side effects but hanging in there. Then, he started running a fever Saturday afternoon, getting up to 100.2. We used Tylenol to get it down but if we waited more than 4 hours for a dose, it started…
Finding Inspiration
Kent's post to Ditto1 about the tongue swelling and some sayings or mantras that helped him was spot on (as usual). Since several of us had/are having a rough time the past few days, thought it might be helpful to post some inspiring phrases that have helped us. Hope they help you. We started with " Fight. Faith.Finish."…
Tongue swollen this morning
woke up and boom swollen tongue met me. I knew I was starting to sound worse than I had been and the swelling has been reduced for weeks, however since RADS its back heading to RAD doctor now hoping he has an answer/ has anyone who did not have surgery experience a swollen tongue during RADS
Thoughts or Questions
I saw my radioligist this past tuesday for my regular 3 month check up---as soon as he walked in the room he said Linda what the heck happened...he was referring to my recent episode with a spot on the left side of my tongue that turned out to have scc cells, had surgery on June 19th to remove a small section, and all…
Sweetblood 22
Missing your posts, and wondering about you. Hope your doing ok , Tonyb.
Pain in my jawbone is so bad sometimes!
I have been doing well from my tonsil cancer surgery and radical neck dissection, until the last week or so. As the feeling comes back, more pain in another place pops up. My jawbone gets so sore, feel like abscessed tooth, but I have dentures. Doc gave me a round of antibiotics on Tuesday, and told me if it wasn't better…
Sorry for wasting your time
because, I have an answer from previous post to all my questions and realize its TIME that I must deal with. Yes Im feeling down today and so maybe I just needed to hollar out loud in writing. Rads are taking their toll in just the last 3 treatments. Wow even though I knew it was coming now that its here Im just feeling a…
Question about TMJ/sinus connection
Has anyone who has been diagnosed with TMJ had sinus problems that resemble post nasal drip that starts when I rise in the morning and goes on 24/7 with the most horrible putrid foul sweet taste? Oncologist said TMJ result of radiation to head/neck for tonsil cancer 11/07 - saw an oral surgeon to explain if that could be…
coughing up blood
has anyone had a dudden problem with this? we are 6 most post treatment and last night my husband woke up and coughed up a ton of blood. He is going to the ENT this morning but was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this. Thanks in advance for any information!