Truly a Basketcase again

Hi all:

Thought I'd check in. Thurs. the 28th was/would have been our 37th anniversary. It was a bittersweet day as June, July, and August are tough for me. Tomorrow is 2 years since we found out it was back and the 8th is two years when we found out how bad it was and of course the 27th is both of our birthdays! Anyway went to see "That's my boy" which was ok but hey with the AARP card got a 32 oz. drink and 64 oz. popcorn for $5.50. See, it does pay to get older! Anyway am desparately trying to find a job right now as it's a year before Charlie's SS and my retirement kick in. And I do believe they look at age as I will be 59 on July 27. Well, I hope I haven't made a big mistake; but yesterday while checking my job search sites this work from home oppor. that keeps popping up popped up again so I decided to investigate further. It's one of those where you post links for online shopping and such and I bought into the coaching and setting up website and such for it. Talked with the people a long time; never got a hard sell and was assured that fear is a big thing because I've never done anything like this before because basically you're investing in a business. Just say a prayer for me that this works out; now I'm not quitting looking for regular jobs; it'd be great to work from home and still be able to do what I like to do. And they don't guarantee you'll make x amount of dollars and become filthy rich. However they do guarantee that if you follow the coach's instructions that they give you on a weekly phone call basis and do the assignments that you will make money. They're supposed to call me sometime today to welcome me and set up my first weekly coach appointment. I just hope and pray it works and I at least make back what I've put into it. The main reason I did this is nothing else is happening with all the calls I've made apps filled out and did not get the 911 job as I failed to obtain a passing score on the oral interview as they put it. There again you can't tell me age didn't have something to do with it but at least it got me into the interview process and all so wasn't a total loss. Anyway if there's any thoughts or suggestions out there would love to hear them either on posts or pm. Thanks a bunch. Have a great 4th and God Bless!

Jan (Basketcase)


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    LOL !
    You have a fabulous way at looking at age ! Yes it has its perks ! Be careful on some of those sales jobs, as they are not always what they seem. We have several programs in our state for people who want to work until SS comes through. (green experience counts ect.) I know every state is different but you could ask ? All they can say is NO. Good luck, and wishing you the best ! Katie
  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488

    LOL !
    You have a fabulous way at looking at age ! Yes it has its perks ! Be careful on some of those sales jobs, as they are not always what they seem. We have several programs in our state for people who want to work until SS comes through. (green experience counts ect.) I know every state is different but you could ask ? All they can say is NO. Good luck, and wishing you the best ! Katie

    Be Careful!
    Nice to see you are doing something to make some extra money,
    but be very careful there are a lot of scams out there. There is no
    such thing as a "get rich quick" scheme. To become rich takes dedication,
    comitment, and hard work and this cannot be done being an employee.
    Most, if not all successful people have NETWORKS. Poeple look down on
    MLM or Network Marketing Companys but in fact some of these company's
    have made more milloinares than any other industry. Yes there are many scams
    out there so proper research is needed. I'm not saying which one, but my wife
    has a very successful Network Marketing Business and its only getting bigger
    but its taken years to get this far, but 5-10 years hard work is better than
    50 years of being an employee and relying on SS (Which proberbly won't
    be around). If any one has time read the best seller "Rich Dad,Poor Dad"
    by Robert Kiyosaki it will open your eyes.
    Anyway best of luck Jan but please be careful.

    God bless
    Tonsil Dad,

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Jan, you didn't invest money
    Jan, you didn't invest money into this did you? It is suppose to be a big red flag if they want money. Did you check into the widows pension?

  • Jan Trinks
    Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
    jim and i said:

    Jan, you didn't invest money
    Jan, you didn't invest money into this did you? It is suppose to be a big red flag if they want money. Did you check into the widows pension?


    Widow's pension

    I did look into the widow's pension thing you mentioned but only briefly. Is your sister-in-law disabled? From what I understand you can draw your widow's pension at 50-59 if you are disabled. If it's something different than that I'd love to find out about it. Thanks so much.

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member

    Widow's pension

    I did look into the widow's pension thing you mentioned but only briefly. Is your sister-in-law disabled? From what I understand you can draw your widow's pension at 50-59 if you are disabled. If it's something different than that I'd love to find out about it. Thanks so much.


    No my sister is not
    No my sister is not disabled. Her husband passed away 3 years ago and they told her she can get widows benefits at age 59. My older sisters husband died 8 years ago and she quit working when she was 59 because she could draw widows benefits. I do believe there is an income cap but if you are not working that wont be a problem. When you turn 62 it switches to regular Social Security. It is worth a call to them. You can also get info on their website. I think it is but may be wrong. Just be sure the site ends in .gov as others try to fool you and make you think you are contacting the government.

    Wishing you luck.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    Widow's pension

    I did look into the widow's pension thing you mentioned but only briefly. Is your sister-in-law disabled? From what I understand you can draw your widow's pension at 50-59 if you are disabled. If it's something different than that I'd love to find out about it. Thanks so much.


    We worked with an attorney, but I don't think that should be necessary in your case. My husband who was in farming (and didn't pay in very much) can collect under mine when he turns 50. If you've been disabled you should be eligiable for benefits already. Yes, I agree put a call in....also check under their web site for info. Good luck ! Katie
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    We worked with an attorney, but I don't think that should be necessary in your case. My husband who was in farming (and didn't pay in very much) can collect under mine when he turns 50. If you've been disabled you should be eligiable for benefits already. Yes, I agree put a call in....also check under their web site for info. Good luck ! Katie

    Hi Jan...
    I don't want to be too intrusive here...but if I may (and none of this may apply).

    I worked for Hilton Hotel Franchises for 10 years and my primary resp. was to go into under-performing hotels and "clean up". Most of the time I had to replace management and most of the time I would lose or terminate 75% of the staff (too contaminated to save most times due to bad management).

    Anyway, I share that to say if you have a resume I would be happy to look it over and if you feel up to it do some mock interviews with you via phone. I know that sounds crazy to some but you would be surprised how many people don't realize layout of a resume and bullet points of experience as well as "oral" interview mannerisms make a difference, and I know what they look for :)

    I interviewed hundreds of managers and line persons over the years and I had some great mentors myself (with Hilton Hotels).

    Again, not saying that as if you are doing something wrong...I am 49 and WAS a very big guy (never under 300lbs the last 10 years until I got cancer (look older due to my very, very gray hair)so I get what you are saying, but I always got most jobs applied for.

    I am still in the hotel biz (run two hotels in a resort town and an RV park - but on a much smaller scale than Hilton).

    Just pm me if you are interested. Again, hope anything I said was not offensive, just sticking with my cancer buddy and seeing if I can help. Practice makes perfect!!



    Oh...whispered a prayer you will find work and your home biz will be good and legit!! :)
  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    No Basketcase!
    You are an amazing, strong woman. What grade did you teach? You might try tutoring or checking into one of the tutoring programs out in the community. My brother in law and his wife have a few children before school and pick them up from school and watch them until their parents get off of work. It ties you down, but it is an income. They do not take pre-schoolers, only school age children. The people that do school pictures here (Lifetouch) seem to have a lot of turnover. We also have something here called Books Are Fun. Someone comes and displays books in the teacher's lounge for a week with an order form. They come back and deliver the books. Need to have a dependable vehicle (with all of the trips that you have had, I think you have one). There is always Avon or Scentsy.