Dental/Necrotic Jaw Problems 30+ yrs Post Radiation and Radical Neck Dissection
After recently experiencing extensive dental issues, both my dentist and oral surgeon are concerned the problems are a result of the radiation treatments I received following a modified radical neck dissection. Here’s the kicker – I was 19 years old while a freshman in college when I had the cancer/surgery; I am 51 now –…
New side effect. Hubby started last night with a dry hacking cough. That's how I describe it. I asked him how he would describe it. His throat is so sore and raw he just shook his head. He is 10 days post rads. He had been coughing a lot during the day coughing up the mucous. He is still doing that but not quite as much.…
Week six ahead
Wife heads into week six of chemo/Rad tomorrow. Been positive about the whole thing til now. Tired of the rinces,the ensures, the pain and the lousy mouth. No amount of love is working . Won't try to eat anything and thinks the prescribed meds will only work after the fact instead of preventative. Walking the fine line of…
Had my barium swallow test today
Mmm, tasty barium (not)! I got super sick from the narcotics during treatment, and was unable to eat much even via tube. While I was in the hospital the first time, I had a swallow test that was incomplete, but showed that I had a little aspiration with thin liquids. At that point, my radiation oncologist (the primary…
a tiny bit about me~~~
Today, the 29th, my boys have left to go home to Chicago. Ten days of fishing,arcades,miniture golf, Cedar Point for 3 days, eating out, movies , etc..are over and gone..making memories, this Grandmom is soooo happy to be around to share in the fun!!!
Treatment Dilemma for Tongue Cancer
This is for my Brother in Law who is suffering from Tongue cancer (Well differentiated Squamous Cell carcinoma). He was diaognised with the same in August and was already 12 Months late for diagnosis.We have been taking Opinion from various Doctors and is finding it difficult to arrive at a conclusion as to whether adopt…
How long before G-tube is removed
My mother had the feeding tube placed on 7/3/12 and is home receiving 4 cans a day and continuous feeding throughout the night. She can't even swallow water or her own saliva at this point due to the radiations effects. Also, does anyone have any idea how long it will take for her throat to heal from the radiations effects…
Hi! I had neck and base of tongue cancer, and am 10 weeks removed from 38 radiation treatments + weekly Erbitux. I tolerated treatment well, but I'm afraid my salivary glands got completely fried in the process. I have almost no saliva, and talking and eating are very difficult. Is there any hope or am I going to be like…
Gardasil (HPV) vaccinations for boys
my 20-year-old son just made an appointment to ask about getting vaccinated. he did it on his own, knowing that his old dad has HPV-16+ SCC. yep, proud of him! "HPV vaccine is recommended for all teen boys and men through age 21, who did not get all three doses of the vaccine when they were younger. The vaccine is also…
Follow up post surgery
I had my post surgery follow up with the doctor last Friday. The primary was found in my right tonsil. It was completely encapsulated and it was about 2cm in size. All of the other biopsies taken during surgery came back clean. They did not remove my upper right lymph node, which is driving me crazy knowing that it is…
recently diagnosed
Hi, My name is Kevin Myhaver and I was recently diagnosed with scc of the tonsil, stage IVA as it has spread to Lymph nodes on both sides of my neck. So newly diagnosed that we only met with the Radiation-Oncologist for the first time last week and we are meeting with the Medical-Oncologist for the first time this coming…
First milestone done today, chemo is over. It did kick my butt this time, even thought they put it over 3 days instead of 2. I thinking the having to get up every 2 hours all night to pee is wearing me out. But at least this is over. Tomorrow is just Iv fluids. They put me on break from radiation until at least Monday as…
Pathology report updated
Hello ! Well finally after 7 months I now know on my histology report. I definately have adcc...and histology showing all 3 tissue types in tumor (cribform, tubular, solid) was told path doc. had quite a time typing me because of this. So what does this mean ? I am definately in what is deemed the middle group for…
For Pat (longtermsurvivor)
I know this is your expertise, so I took the chance that you would answer this question, please!! I have been on .5 Estradiol pills for probably 8 years or so. Wanted to get off several times but my gyn explained the pros and cons and I stayed on. But throughout this ordeal, I've been so worried that after getting over…
wake up with bleeding dry mouth
I have been waking up about every hour with mouth pain, dry mouth, and bleeding. Sometimes I get a hour and a half of sleep between. The pain is real sharp. I think I must be sleeping with my mouth open. any sugestions.. I am in my 6th week of Radiation, with 9 more treatments. For pain I have time release morphine and I…
Anyone here use Nystatin?
I think the thrush is back, and my doctor told me to use Nystatin for it (which I already had). He said if it doesn't clear up in a week, we'll try Diflucan (again). Does anyone have info on how long Nystatin takes to work? As the thrush takes hold, it makes it tough for me to swallow at times... and my speech pathologist…
Please read your mail. You're giving me a complex.
Boost burning my tongue
Well I’m down to 10 more radiation treatments after today. I have blisters in my mouth. The worst is the ones on my tongue. No taste except for the horrible taste always in my mouth. Swallowing is with difficulty, I can eat wieners (Oscar Meyers) and some streamed vegetables (Squash, Carrots and Brussels Sprouts) with…
Starting my treatments tomorrow morning
Start treatments tomorrow morning, radiation and chemo. what should i expect from 1st chemo treatment.
Radical neck dissection?
So I saw a post about swelling post surgery and that got me thinking, what is the actual definition of a radical neck dissection? Is it determined by how much tissue they remove or the number of lymph nodes? I had 47 lymph nodes removed from the right side of my neck back at the end of March along with the tumor from my…
Anticipating 4month PET scan results Thursday
Hi Friends. I have to be honest, I haven't been active on this board since I got my first clean scan back on 3/15. I think I have dealt with all this BS by pretending it wasn't happening. So dysfunctional, I know but I guess it worked! Now I just had another PET scan last Friday 7/06 and will get the results Thursday 7/12.…
Frequency of changing PEG tube
I did a search and could not find any information on how often the PEG needs to be changed. In May, Buzz had a new PEG inserted. We were told to have it replaced in August. My concern is that now that he is on Hospice and becoming weaker by the day, do I put him through another tube change? I don't know if I will even be…
9 rads to go! Doc also said my tonsil tissue has all of the sudden shrunk significantly!!! Yay!!! (I did have a large portion of the tonsil removed but my tumor was so widespread it would have taken "combat style" surgery to get it all... Docs words)
First neck massage, what does everyone think
Everyone (you know who you are), Recently my radiation oncologist mentioned my neck was getting a little thick (my words) and that I should hit the rehabilitation center for a neck massage. Well, I had my first visit was today, it was very nice almost put me to sleep. It all seemed so simple, massaging the lymphatic…
Finished with Rads!
Finished with both radiation and chemo (erbitux) and through the 2 week 'cooking' period and now I'm hoping to start feeling a little better. I have all the classic after effects, no saliva, dry mouth, no sense of taste, skin burns on my neck, sunburn like appearance to my upper chest and shoulders, fatigue and my all time…
Erbitux "half-life"?
just curious...how long the erbitux inhibitor stays in the body and continues to do what it does. I had eight weekly infusions, the last one on July 3. while still in treatment, had the typical rash on chest and face. but the rash was much better by the time of the final infusion. it was really never painful, just hideous.…
4 more days of radiation and last chemo was done last week
hi everybody this has been a rough trip but I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel I finished my chemo last week and radiation will be finished Thursday and then the journey starts back up hill I've noticed my throat has been extremely sore lately so I have been drinking water and using my feeding tube flushing with…
7 weeks since surgery and my neck is still swollen
my surgery was 7 weeks ago. should my neck still be swollen?
Occasional hearing loss?
I have completed my 7 week rad treatment in Sept 2011 and my last Cisplatin and 5FU session in Dec 2011 for stage 4 non-metastasis Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. I have been experiencing occasional hearing loss in my right ear. I can only hear myself talking. It happens once a month that last for about an hour. This started in…
praise for the chemo port!
that clever device has saved me from vast amounts of pain, mess, and complication. whoever invented it, genius! better health to everybody, cheers.