How long before G-tube is removed

My mother had the feeding tube placed on 7/3/12 and is home receiving 4 cans a day and continuous feeding throughout the night. She can't even swallow water or her own saliva at this point due to the radiations effects. Also, does anyone have any idea how long it will take for her throat to heal from the radiations effects and how long she will have the feeding tube AFTER treatment is over with? She only has 1 more session of radiation, we are so grateful for that!!!


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    It's anybody's guess.....
    Everybody is different and they heal at different rates. The weeks following radiation can be more tough than the weeks spent in radiation, so I wouldn't expect that tube to be coming out anytime soon.

    I never needed my tube during all of radiation or the first three chemos....then with my 4th chemo, I got mouth sores so bad, I was totally dependent on my tube (this was 3 weeks out from rads)....I just started drinking my Ensure day before yesterday....and I'm now 6 weeks out of radiation. I was also very grateful my Oncologist nixed my idea of removing my tube, a couple weeks after radiation was over....I would have ended up needing another one.

    Glad to hear your mom is almost least during this next couple of weeks, she doesn't have to pull herself together and go to radiation...that was something to be grateful for, at least for me.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    It's anybody's guess.....
    Everybody is different and they heal at different rates. The weeks following radiation can be more tough than the weeks spent in radiation, so I wouldn't expect that tube to be coming out anytime soon.

    I never needed my tube during all of radiation or the first three chemos....then with my 4th chemo, I got mouth sores so bad, I was totally dependent on my tube (this was 3 weeks out from rads)....I just started drinking my Ensure day before yesterday....and I'm now 6 weeks out of radiation. I was also very grateful my Oncologist nixed my idea of removing my tube, a couple weeks after radiation was over....I would have ended up needing another one.

    Glad to hear your mom is almost least during this next couple of weeks, she doesn't have to pull herself together and go to radiation...that was something to be grateful for, at least for me.


    G tube
    When I finished Tx my ONC said she wanted to leave my G tube in 12 weeks until my 1st scan was completed. I had it in since surgery, so more than 4 months. I had not used it in atleast 4 weeks and it started to get a little inflamed. ONC sent me to the lab at the hospital. Doc there said he had no idea why ONC wanted it left in so he pulled it. I was comfortable when he said if I needed it again in 12 weeks he could put another one in.
    G tube really wasn't a problem, it was just no longer serving a purpose and once removed, I could swim and feel 1 step closer to normal.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    feeding tube good to have
    Hi Loemymom_bff,

    Everyone is different around here. For me, I had 2 PEG tubes, the first was no good and the second was just right. Even though my throat was burned up, I never quit swallowing so at two weeks after treatments I had the puppy pulled out (POP) and never looked back. Now, I can safely roll over on my belly, it feels so good.

    Now if you need it, keep it. I was lucky to have it when the throat was bad.


  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    The tube is your friend
    The thought of having a feeding tube inserted and living with it for a while sounds like a bummer, but those things are life savers in a lot of ways. My suggestion would be not to worry too much about how long she'll have it, but to do what she needs to get a little stronger every day, and gradually do things that get her back to eating food orally. At some point, she'll be able to get the needed nutrition on her own, and then the days will be numbered for the tube. I kept my tube longer than I actually needed it, just in case I had setbacks. When I went a month without using it, I had it taken out--about 4 months post-treatments.
  • francma
    francma Member Posts: 69 Member
    Life saving Peg
    The life saving feeding pegtube was kept until my petscans were clear of cancer and I was off the cans for a month. I too was having four cans a day and slowly weaned off until it was no longer needed. It takes alot of time and patience...a long recovery...plenty of rest. She will get through day at a time. It is true, everyone is different. So to say I had the tube for a year, does not mean the same for your mom. The burns outside the surface of my neck were severe, so imagine how raw the insides were. That too takes time to heal which is why the swallowing was so difficult. When she can, she will start with little sips of water. Many prayers and support for her strength and that helps tremendously.
  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341
    tube is still useful
    I'm almost a month out from radiation, and it's still 'cooking'. got a nice burn on the outside of my neck that didn't show up until two weeks after treatment ended.
    I could always swallow, but still using the PEG for 6 cans a day and grateful for it. I've gained 8 lbs. back from the cans, which would be difficult at best through my burned mouth...
    even when I get my taste back and the mouth is healed, I'd just as soon keep the tube for supplemental nutrition. when I get back about 30 of the lost 40 lbs, it will cease to have use.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    tube is still useful
    I'm almost a month out from radiation, and it's still 'cooking'. got a nice burn on the outside of my neck that didn't show up until two weeks after treatment ended.
    I could always swallow, but still using the PEG for 6 cans a day and grateful for it. I've gained 8 lbs. back from the cans, which would be difficult at best through my burned mouth...
    even when I get my taste back and the mouth is healed, I'd just as soon keep the tube for supplemental nutrition. when I get back about 30 of the lost 40 lbs, it will cease to have use.

    Hi Love ...
    I had my feeding tube place BEFORE treatments even began (November 21, 2011) and it was not removed until May 2012. I starting using it after I dropped weight quite rapidly ..I lost 70lbs during treatments!! and now have lost a total of 85lbs ...and have just leveled off (maybe even gained a pound or two back finally).

    I had plenty to lose to good for me.

    Every person is different ....I was on heavy pain meds for at least 2.5 - 3 months AFTER my last rad ...your mom will get there ..the mucous is the worst!!! There is pain meds for the pain ..but seems nothing for the mucous...I hope she does well with that and does not have any mucous ..but the bottom line is it WILL end ...and she can look back and say I am cancer free and go on with loving and enjoying her family... :)


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Throat Healing

    Normally it can take anywhere between 1 to 3 months depending on the person. Even with that it is a good idea to keep the Peg in for a while and not rush to get it out. Its not that bad and for people like me I must live with one the rest of my life, you just get use to it being there.

    Wishing you all the best
  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Hondo said:

    Throat Healing

    Normally it can take anywhere between 1 to 3 months depending on the person. Even with that it is a good idea to keep the Peg in for a while and not rush to get it out. Its not that bad and for people like me I must live with one the rest of my life, you just get use to it being there.

    Wishing you all the best

    Kept mine for 15+-months, but that was by choice. I opted to keep mine in place until after my 2nd PS/CT, as that's the one that's a better gauge on whether or not the C really is gone (rather than the 1st PS/CT, which is typically one done after 3 months to establish a baseline by which future scans will be compared to). Hope you can appreciate what a blessing the PEGs are- for what they do for us. Those of us who had them for awhile and used exclusive do consider them just that- a blessing to have had.
