Today is Tues
so its time for me to have another bout of pneumonia - 5th in 18 months and I'm 100% feeding and meds with my g-tube. Has to be something they can do. Just aggrevated and venting - life really is good. Denny
Change of voice before chemo/rad treatment
Hello everybody! I've beed reading your discussions for a couple of month now - since my Dad was diagnosed, and now I've decided to join you. I apologize in advance for spelling and language because I write you from Europe - country Slovenia (former member of Yugoslavia). In Slovenia there are almost no discussion boards…
Non smoker 3 days !
Hello everyone ! Darn internet keeps kicking me off ! Storming here a little ! Any ways guys and gals....Kate's a non smoker. Also off pain medication and valium. Yeap thought I was gonna be crazed....but no not even an issue ! 40 yrs....a lifetime addiction for me. Thought I caused my adcc, but have been told no…
Off topic....it's about my dog........
My MoJo has been steadily going downhill with Degenerative Myelopathy for the last few months, but in the last 3 weeks he's started falling, and he has to really think in order to negotiate two small steps to get up on our deck. Degenerative Myelopathy, for those who have never heard of it, is a disease where a dog loses…
Just wanted to check in and let you know how things were going
I just wanted to post and let you all know how things were going. I am healing good. I had surgery 3 weeks ago and energy is back and trying to move on with life. I am still on restrictions so have not gone back to work yet. My tongue is still a little sore and actually have a little sore on the tip of my tongue. That's…
Taste buds...let us track when we all get them
I am 3 weeks and have no sign of any taste yet. Anyone else has any tastte back? Those who are done, could you share your exp with tastte? Is there any specific one that comes back? You simply keep trying to taste things everyday? There are a few of us out from treatment, it would be great to write our expriences as we get…
wondering about going back to work
I am 7 radiation treatments away from being done, last day will be August 1st. I have my last chemo this coming week, split over 3 days. As it stands right now my family medical leave is up August 20th. They have said I can apply for an extension but it will have to be approved by the vice=president over our dept. I work…
To thick to spit
was what I ran into last nite. Folks have spoken of a dry heve of plem almost makes you feel like you are choking and not going to get it out. It was my 1st being that thick and concerning. Nothing since then, but I have others describe this dry heve/mucus. Do we deal with it the same way as reqular mucus. Because right…
Just letting you all know that I go for my 1st post treatment PET in the morning. Its been 3months since I finished Rads so tomorrow is the day. With the good grace of God, everything will be fine. God bless Tonsil dad, Dan.
I'm a traveller by nature. I can only go about 6 months without getting the itch to plan a decent vacation. Went to San Francisco once, fell in love with it and want to take my husband there. Question is this... How soon is too soon? I know I should probably make it next year, if I'm being realistic. My treatments are done…
Checking in
I officially have one chemo and 11 rads left. Still doing pretty good thanks to PEG and daily IV hydration. No mouth sores, sore throat or rad burns. Skin on neck is nice and "tan" but no pain or anything. A little anxious about how the next 4-6 weeks will round out but I need to learn to take things one day at a time. My…
Let The Healing Begin!
At 830 this morning Dale rang the bell, officially completing his cancer treatment. The plaque next to the brass bell reads: Ring the bell Three times well It's toll to clearly say My treatments done This course is run And I am on my way. My sister sent me a YouTube video of Donna Summer's disco hit "Ring My Bell." Wish I…
Wife with cheek carcinoma
Wife was diagnosed with cheek cancer stage 4 (2 nodes involved). At age 80 decided against radical surgery and decided to go the chemo /radiation route. 6 weeks chemo followed by 7 weeks of chemo/radiation. Just finished week 4 with no significant side effects--according to her. No feeding tube but mainly Ensure diet.…
Non Keratinizing Carcinoma
My husband was diagnosed of Nasopharengeal Carcinoma and we dont know yet the stage we are still waiting for the MRI Results before the treatment to start. Can somebody tell me what are the preparation needed before he start his treatment and what to expect during his treatment. I am really so worried/
Yes, I am home. Let recovery begin!
Yes, I am home. Let recovery begin! I first off wanted to thank you all for coming to this site, leaving your kind words of encouragement, hope, strength & prayers as I am now home from my 13 hour surgeries; Neck dissection (54 nodes out and 52 clear – the 2 that were cancerous had not “opened up” – so I guess that’s good…
Gobble, gobble
woke up this morning with my neck swollen again, it had pretty much gone down...trying to tell myself it's normal...I have a final fitting today for my dentures, Lord, I can't wait to have teeth again...anyway, I see my Dr the 2nd of Aug. This coming week is my Chicago boys summer visit with Grandmom & Papa, including a 3…
Need some encouragement
I was diagnosed with squamous cell cancer, unknown primary, in December of 2010. At the time, my PET CT scan showed a spot on the liver that was suspicious. A subsequent liver biopsy was negative, so the decision was made to do radiation. I had 33 sessions of radiation, and it was assumed I was cancer-free. My first…
Milk miracle
I have heard the Milk blogs here and there, P51 you referenced it many times. I elected to shoot this out. Ever thing stings now when I drink it, Boost, Ice chips, you name it. Not sure if its the Thrush Im dealing with or the RADS people have referred the burning to. Either way trying to get the necessary calories in for…
Does anyone know how to post a profile picture from an iPad?
help me
I had my surgery on january 31st of this year,its now July my Radation ended in April and I stilln hurt I cant eat still on protein shakes cant talk right my mouth is always dry and i just hurt all over is anyone else going thru this anyone
4 weeks done with rads and even more impatient
So in 1 day I'll be 4 weeks out and I'm more impatient than ever! I want to eat real food so badly. I am able to eat some things and taste is returning mostly. I can eat yogurt but it makes the junk in my throat worse. But it's calories so I do it. I eat pudding, same thing. Avocado, eggs, cream of wheat and oatmeal. Just…
Recipes for feeding tube
I feel like I am starving to death with just the canned supplements being given to me. I am 4 weeks into my radiation treatment and chemo also with four weeks to go. Lukily I am not in any pain yet, but have such a hard time eating. It's probably a mental thing but because everything tastes like cardboard I just can't get…
I'm in the single digits for radiation treatments!!!
As of today, I am down to 9 radiation treatments.Yesterday they told me I would start getting a "bolus" of extra radiation to the area of my scar for the remaining treatments so I should expect for my skin to get more red. So far I have not really had any problems with my skin, I look like I have spent the last 5 weeks…
Well I should have a better idea if my disease is stable or advanced today. NED would be very welcomed but not necessarilly in the cards for this crap. I have been very positive until this am...dreading to hear the out come of these tests. I was told the last visit in April, the cancer was still there...rads didn't…
Swallow Test?
Hubby only has 2 more rads! But, he continues to have trouble with gagging to the point of throwing up. At his appointment today, chemo doc said he was not bouncing back as well as she had hoped after his 6 day hospital stay. BP was low, heart rate up, signs of dehydration despite a bag or two of fluid every day for 6 days…
MOJO ~ Tribute
As a tribute to MOJO.... I'm changing my avatar to a photo of my beloved Ebony whom we lost a few years ago. A dog with attitude, she was one of the best, she was my buddy, my girl and my best friend. Even though it's been a few years now, she is still in my heart and I often think of her daily. Though she is gone in body,…
Has anyone had this? My husband completed his treatment 7 months ago and seemed to be healing fine. The he had one of his blood vessions burst. Doctors went in and found a hole. Tissue was not healing. They are now butting him into some sort of oxygen chamber for 90 minutes a day for 30 days. They are hoping it will…
Second PET scan result
Hi I've finished my NPC treatment 6 months ago and this is my second PET scan. My radiation onco asked me to do CT scan to clear things up from the PET result. PET result are as follows:- ================================================ COMMENT 1. There is ongoing good metabolic response in previous intensely FDG avid…
can you have imrt twice?
having problems and can't see the doctor until monday, and i have been wondering if anyone has had radiation twice. i don't know if i can be treated, if it comes back, so i need to know. has anyone here had radiation treatments a second time after having cancer come back?
Neck Cramps
3.5 years ago I had radical on right side only. I was a fair success. I still can use my shoulder, arm, no facial draw. Allthough I do get an occasional twitch on my right side of my face. My problem is I have developed cramps in my neck now. Started out it was just a saliva gland that was trying to work, now I'm getting…