Doc advice : eat at any cost
I had a appt with my doc today and she said to just start eating whatever i could and not to worry about pain in throat. She said if needed take pain med but keep pushing in eating. I have was eating pureed food okay but when try to eat pieces, my throat was hurting. I could eat but than throat would hurt. She said to take…
Swallowing trouble?
Have a pretty good sore throat for three days now. It even hurts to swallow water. But here's my quandary... I was swallowing weird because it was hurting so bad, like I anticipated the pain and didn't swallow normally, then I choked a bit once and became afraid of aspirating. Now I'm not drinking at all but I find myself…
I was reading through some old posts trying to learn about the mucus. Mine isn't that bad it I wanted to arm myself with knowledge. I found some posts about Coke and I thought no way... But here is what I discovered just now: 1. It really doesn't burn my mouth and throat even though the side of my tongue is raw and my…
NED for Tim6003 - thank you all for tucking me in!!!
Hey all... MY scan was NED!!!! Thank you all very much for your prayers, thoughts, well wishes... My kids left the power cord to the computer at the clinic (let them use it while I got the news) so computer was dead the next day and got home late (3 hour drive back home).... Worked all day the next day and today when I…
Mucus Metamorphosis??
It's gone from white to having a little more color. It's not coming from my chest at all. Originates more from the post nasal area. Is some color ok or should I get antibiotics ASAP?
Last night I did something I haven't done since Jan/2011 when I was told I had stage 3 Laryngeal Cancer, I drove my car and had my oxygen at tow. Talking about excited, my hubby went with me, life has gotten better. Wishing everyone a awesome and pain free day. bjw1955
Is this thrush or dead cells
I have white tongue and tried nystatin that did noy help. Doc has given another tablet that i have to melt in my mouth. That seems to haver reduced it a bit. Does thrush hurt? My tongue is not hurting at all. I am wondering if this is thrush or not. I have doc appt in two days so will know more. But my throat hurts and i…
Lortab vs. OxyContin
Doc switched me from 7.5 lortab to 5 mg OxyContin. Apparently my liver does not like acetaminophen. I'm nervous about the OxyContin. Is it going to make me feel all messed up or will the effects be much the same as the lortab?
A woman's hair is her crowning glory~~
I know this is petty, compared to all the other side effects, but, my hair has gotten so thin and fragile since my surgery. It has to be the medication they used during surgery because all I'm on now is blood pressure meds which I've take for years. I'm using a three step program now that my beautician…
Ok, this looks weird!
I got my PEG out last Thursday and now I swear it looks like a second belly button. It also looks as tho even after it heals completely it will look this way. Anyone out there know anything about this? This is going to make baithingsuit time very interesting.....people are going to wonder???? Billie
5 FU hates me...that's all there is to it!
Even with a 20% cut in the dose...no sooner did I loose the pump and the mouth sores pop up...the only difference this time is I don't bleed when I talk. Back to using my tube (after a whole 6 days reprieve after healing from the last 5 FU). It's hard to keep my weight up with 3 weeks on the tube, and only one week to add…
Dr wont give PET scan results over the phune
Whoever my husband spoke to in the office said that it is standard procedure and made an appointment for tomorrow, This cant be a good sign. They gave results for the first scan, said evrything looked good and would talk to us on the appontment we already had sceduled. Why wouldnt they do the same this time.
Flounder ~ Florda Style....
Great day in Tampa Bay...., here's how we do it in Florda; Flounder ~ Florda Style JG
In Boise tonight 8-5 / Scan tomorrow :)
Have my 6 month CT scan of neck tomorrow 8-6 at 10am Mountain Time ...keep me in your pocket guys :) Thanks! I'm going to try and talk the doc into a "eyes to thighs" ..but he has been pretty stubborn about neck only... we shall see! Best, Tim
Question about taste
On a lighter note. If I can’t taste, yet everything tastes bad. How do you describe what we are going through to others? I really don’t taste much, but what comes through the taste buds when eating a known item just isn’t there. I feel there must be a better answer then the standard ”I can’t taste”. I do taste, it is just…
Anyone else had "fat mouth"?
My surgery was different than most but I think the rads/Cisplatin have caused this. I keep thinking it will go away but it hasn't yet. When I eat anything or even drink an Ensure, my mouth seems to swell, primarily the inside of my cheeks. Lasts about 15-30 minutes. Drinking water does not do it. Certainly an annoyance but…
HBOT Questions - did we make the right decision?
Background My husband (age 61) was diagnosed with Stage 3 tonsil cancer (HPV+) in October of 2011. He had a tonsillecomy followed by 7 weeks of radiation and 2 treatments of chemo. He went through treament well and we thought he was getting better. Then in May he had trouble talking and had pain in his throat. ENT did a…
Kidney damage after Cisplatin
Has anyone had kidney damage after Cisplatin? Buzz has elevated Creatinine, BUN, and decreased GFR. All that means is his kidneys are showing signs of not functioning fully. At what point does someone with this problem need a renal diet? His oncologist does not seem to look at his labs (unless we ask) although he has blood…
The Bell
Hello all. "Tuffenuff" just posted about ring the bell. Made me think it would be fun to see where we all rang or will ring our bell. I rang my bell in Torrance CA on June 22, 2012 What about you?
Last rad today!!! Two weeks off chemo to get blood count up then I do my two makeup doses and maybe an extra for good measure. Throat is slightly sore but 1/2 lortab fixes it. Have a little of the infamous mucus but nothing more than one would get with a sinus infection or something. Praying the trend of mild side effects…
I'm 6 weeks finished with rads and 8 weeks finished with erbitux on Friday (in 2 days). Still haven't gained any of my weight back. Up until 3 days ago was using g-tube for feedings in addition to eating by mouth. I decided to try and eat more by mouth and less by tube. While some things are still very painful to eat, I've…
Well I made it, One more Radaition Treatment.
Well I made it, Last more Radaition Treatment on Monday. Now recovering. My tonuge is horrable, It bleeds and full of blisters. My throat is also a mess. It is hard to swallow. My salave is the most horrable tasting stuff. Can anyone give me and idea how long befor I will start to feel better.
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (left hard palate, intermediate grade)
Hey everybody I just found out that I have mucoepidermoid carcinoma intermediate grade in the left hard palate of my mouth. I found this out from my oral surgeon. Can any one tell me what I can expect as far as treatment goes?
tonsil cancer
My husband was diagnosed with tonsil cancer but refuses to go through radiation and chemo because he has heard all of the horror stories behind some of them. I don't think i can bare to sit and watch him die. He is taking Shaklee vitamins and swears the tumor is shrinking in his neck. Unfortunately i am a nurse and i see…
Need Feedback on Pain Issue Anyone? Thanks :)
Hey all. Tim here :) My last rad was 1/20/12 and I had no surgery or platinum chemo. Only Erbitux. I got off all pain meds about 2 months ago. Had feeding tube removed 1st week of June. Got a very good PET/CT scan May 6, 2012 got a good scope / finger exam on June 9, 2012 got a good scope / finger exam on July 1, 2012 and…
Just a thought for today
Entire water of the sea can't sink a ship unless it gets inside of the ship. Similarly, negativity of the world can't put you down unless you allow it to get inside of you. Be positive through this journey my friends!
My father's treatment
Hey everybody! I wasn't present on this forum for the last week since I was on vacation with my family. Well, as some of you know, my father (57 yrs old) was dx with Stage IV SCC Base of tongue with multiple lymph nodes involved. As doctors have said those nodes were bigger problem than the primary cancer itself. Operation…
Scan time
Jim goes to have his lungs scanned on the 20th and we have to wait a week to get results. So the anxiety begins. To update those new to board, Jim had stage four base of tongue, finished Rads and Chemo in August 2011. 6 months PET showed that cancer gone but nodule in right lung. Three months later numerous nodules and…
From Chefdaddy
My supporting friends, I just got a link from Sweetblood22 that mentioned the passing of Glenna. She was very special to me as a lot of you were when I was being told I wasn't going to survive after all of the treatments and 14 surgeries. She called me in my hospital room because my good friend Hondo sent out the word that…
Getting my 5th chemo today...
I'm a little nervous of the 5FU part of it, since last time it produced massive mouth sores, not to mention, my face swelled up and turned bright red oh AND I ended up needing a transfusion....took 3 weeks to recover, and now I'm back here getting ready to do it all over again. Talked to the Oncologist this morning, and…