just woke up with a puddle of drool on the pillow

sweet! disgusting! it'll probably stain the pillowcase!
but one of the surest signs of progress since rads ended a month ago today. happy dance!


  • CajunEagle
    CajunEagle Member Posts: 408
    Aw yea man,.........
    you're getting there. That's step #88 in the Head and Neck curing process. I use to have that happen, and would get all grossed out because the side of my head was all yucky and damp. Just went and got a towel to place on the pillow........and tapped out again.

  • Spazactaz
    Spazactaz Member Posts: 15
    Since I started radiation
    Since I started radiation this has happened to me if I sleep with my head turned to either side. Weird, because before that I would never drool during sleep!
  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Spazactaz said:

    Since I started radiation
    Since I started radiation this has happened to me if I sleep with my head turned to either side. Weird, because before that I would never drool during sleep!

    I did too but then it quit
    I did too but then it quit happening...thankfully!
  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    Spazactaz said:

    Since I started radiation
    Since I started radiation this has happened to me if I sleep with my head turned to either side. Weird, because before that I would never drool during sleep!

    I would love to wake up in some drool...oh what I would give
    to wake up in a puddle of spit on my pillow.
    I dream about the day that will happen to me. 14 weeks post
    rads and still no saliva so I can't wait for that day.

    God bless
    Tonsil dad,

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I'd give my eye-teeth
    to wake up to a puddle of drool!! All I can say is congrats on the wet pillow...and know that I envy you on this one. LOLOLOL...

  • Sam999
    Sam999 Member Posts: 319 Member

    I'd give my eye-teeth
    to wake up to a puddle of drool!! All I can say is congrats on the wet pillow...and know that I envy you on this one. LOLOLOL...


    Yes, we are the only people
    Yes, we are the only people who values the drool! Would give anything for me to have a drool :)

    It definately is one step forward in recovery.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    I'd give my eye-teeth
    to wake up to a puddle of drool!! All I can say is congrats on the wet pillow...and know that I envy you on this one. LOLOLOL...


    So true
    Dan & P got it right...maybe I'm not as thankful that I quit drooling as I first thought...careful what you wish for!
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    drool on

    I see it differently, I have drooled for years and ruined my share (and yours) of pillows. My wife and I call me a wet mouth, you know like the Saint Bernards. For a few weeks during and after radiation I was actually droolless and my pillows looked pretty good. Well, one night after trying the Xylimelts I woke up with one stuck to my chin and on the pillow. Since then I’ve started to drool again; I just didn’t know how popular an activity it was.


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    drool on

    I see it differently, I have drooled for years and ruined my share (and yours) of pillows. My wife and I call me a wet mouth, you know like the Saint Bernards. For a few weeks during and after radiation I was actually droolless and my pillows looked pretty good. Well, one night after trying the Xylimelts I woke up with one stuck to my chin and on the pillow. Since then I’ve started to drool again; I just didn’t know how popular an activity it was.



    Okay..stop! Your'e all killing me!!! ;)
    Oh that was a funny read tonight ...thanks for the laugh all...only on our site can we have such a subject matter and find humor in it ...


  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Okay..stop! Your'e all killing me!!! ;)
    Oh that was a funny read tonight ...thanks for the laugh all...only on our site can we have such a subject matter and find humor in it ...



    My drool problem started late in the first week of C&R, and went thru all of treatment. Scored at little plastic bucket at Lowe's and never left home without it- spit bucket. I refused to swallow the toxic spit, which might be one of the reasons the vomits were never much of a problem for me. Anyway, drooling on my pillow was an every night thing, but was no longer happening a couple months post-tx. Still have dry mouth, especially overnight, 3 1/4-years out. Does Depends have a pillow line for H&N?

  • Vikeman10
    Vikeman10 Member Posts: 62
    1st time in 34 years
    I haven't drooled since my cancer in 1978, and never thought about it until reading post. Then last night I woke up and had a little puddle on my pillow, I started laughing and felt like an idiot. My saliva has been limited since I was a kid, so kind of proud of the drool.
