Week six ahead

Wife heads into week six of chemo/Rad tomorrow. Been positive about the whole thing til now. Tired of the rinces,the ensures, the pain and the lousy mouth. No amount of love is working . Won't try to eat anything and thinks the prescribed meds will only work after the fact instead of preventative. Walking the fine line of pushy to sympathetic. Been gradually losing weight--was at 110 in April when chemo started,now at 110. Just venting as I know there is no solution to her funky attitude.


  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Hardest of Times
    Your wife is in the hardest period of treatment. But that hard period is "only" a fewof weeks long. But I do remember thinking that treatment will never end. But here I am: post treatment. Your wife will join the post-treatment group also. Rick.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    hang in there
    Hi Vandyke,

    What are her symptoms specifically, she may need to treat more aggressively. At week 6 my neck burn was so bad I could barely stand it (worst pain of whole treatment) until I got some cream that helped. Stay on the tough but sympathetic course, this treatment is a b_ _ _ _h. If all symptoms (no matter how small) are being addressed, just put on your Teflon clothes and be understanding. You are both close to the end; don’t let her give up as you are her cheerleader. The solution to the funky attitude is finishing up and you are almost there.


  • vandyike
    vandyike Member Posts: 11
    CivilMatt said:

    hang in there
    Hi Vandyke,

    What are her symptoms specifically, she may need to treat more aggressively. At week 6 my neck burn was so bad I could barely stand it (worst pain of whole treatment) until I got some cream that helped. Stay on the tough but sympathetic course, this treatment is a b_ _ _ _h. If all symptoms (no matter how small) are being addressed, just put on your Teflon clothes and be understanding. You are both close to the end; don’t let her give up as you are her cheerleader. The solution to the funky attitude is finishing up and you are almost there.



    Except for a sore on her tongue the first four weeks plus were pretty much major symptom free. Had dry mouth,no taste but meds helped. Now-sore throat,another sore and pain.Actually only started pain me except for orajelthis past week.Suddeness of the new symptoms shocked her. Tired of rinces,tired of sleplessness,tired of hacking and tired of me just finally got to her.She's 80 and tuff but we know the stretch run will be hard.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    vandyike said:

    Except for a sore on her tongue the first four weeks plus were pretty much major symptom free. Had dry mouth,no taste but meds helped. Now-sore throat,another sore and pain.Actually only started pain me except for orajelthis past week.Suddeness of the new symptoms shocked her. Tired of rinces,tired of sleplessness,tired of hacking and tired of me just finally got to her.She's 80 and tuff but we know the stretch run will be hard.

    Hi Van...
    It's great you share here ...I can't speak for my wife, but I know she had to care for me and our 5 kids (ages 2-13) while I was 100 miles away going through my treatments (I lived in a RV on treatment site) ...she must have made what seemed like a few dozen trips with a 2 year old in tow 24/7 and the 5,8,11 and 13 year old in/out of school..trying to keep up with homework, house, dog, cat ..and then me her 300lb biggest baby in the bunch ...I'm still not so sure who had it worse, her or me to be honest with you.

    I don't want to be a downer here ..but be sure your wife knows (however, every person is different) at least one person on the board here says symptoms may now get worse before they get better. My neck felt like it was "melting off" my body at 5 weeks..and the throat, mucous was AWFUL ...I really got done in by the treatments ........

    The bottom line is it will end ...have those skin creams ready...stay AHEAD of the pain..and realize after radiation she will continue to "cook" for several weeks. Like Matt says...the burns were the worst ..had to stop treatments several times the last 2 weeks...

    At my worst point (after radiation) I was taking 6-7 Narco a day and wearing 2 Fentynal Pain Patches ....and taking advil as well...

    7 months post treatment now and I take no pain meds, have 90% of my taste back, got rid of the feeding tube end of May or beginning of June ...I still drink a couple of Ensure or Boost a day just for the vitamins and protein...I can eat almost anything, but no spicy foods ..just have to chew, chew, chew - take small bites.

    I'm enjoying my wife and kids like never before and just came back from a 3 day tent camping trip in the woods!!! :) Now she may not want to go tent camping ...but surely you can take her out to eat at a nice place ... :) in not so distant future :)


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Hi Van...
    It's great you share here ...I can't speak for my wife, but I know she had to care for me and our 5 kids (ages 2-13) while I was 100 miles away going through my treatments (I lived in a RV on treatment site) ...she must have made what seemed like a few dozen trips with a 2 year old in tow 24/7 and the 5,8,11 and 13 year old in/out of school..trying to keep up with homework, house, dog, cat ..and then me her 300lb biggest baby in the bunch ...I'm still not so sure who had it worse, her or me to be honest with you.

    I don't want to be a downer here ..but be sure your wife knows (however, every person is different) at least one person on the board here says symptoms may now get worse before they get better. My neck felt like it was "melting off" my body at 5 weeks..and the throat, mucous was AWFUL ...I really got done in by the treatments ........

    The bottom line is it will end ...have those skin creams ready...stay AHEAD of the pain..and realize after radiation she will continue to "cook" for several weeks. Like Matt says...the burns were the worst ..had to stop treatments several times the last 2 weeks...

    At my worst point (after radiation) I was taking 6-7 Narco a day and wearing 2 Fentynal Pain Patches ....and taking advil as well...

    7 months post treatment now and I take no pain meds, have 90% of my taste back, got rid of the feeding tube end of May or beginning of June ...I still drink a couple of Ensure or Boost a day just for the vitamins and protein...I can eat almost anything, but no spicy foods ..just have to chew, chew, chew - take small bites.

    I'm enjoying my wife and kids like never before and just came back from a 3 day tent camping trip in the woods!!! :) Now she may not want to go tent camping ...but surely you can take her out to eat at a nice place ... :) in not so distant future :)



    Try to convince
    Try to convince your wife to stay ahead of the pain. Sounds like she was pretty fortunate the first part of treatment but, trust me, she doesn't want to hear that right now. She is fortunate to have a caregiver seeking ways to help. Sores in the mouth are a tough one, have they given her any magic mouthwash? It's a very tough road, be patient with her, when she feels better, I know she will be grateful.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    throat pain and neck burn

    If it is throat pain, I am a magic mouth wash supporter. I consumed approximately 6 bottles of the stuff.

    If it is pain from burns, I swear by Silver Sulfadiazine Cream, it made the pain go away as long as I keep it on. A little messy, but I did not care.

    Those were my big vices, good luck with your patient.

