SCC of the hypopharyngeal posterior wall

Vikeman10 Member Posts: 62
edited July 2012 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
It has been 2 weeks since the end of my 35 rads and 8 Erbitux treatments and feeling better. My throat pain is slowly going down as well as my stiff neck. Still have some blisters and burns popping up but they are also healing slowly. I have been able to cut back on my pain medicine so don't feel like I am addicted. I have a tracheostomy so very tender and sore around that area. My question is has anyone had a tracheostomy done and how long after treatment finished before they closed it up? Also my hands are always dry even with lotion use and i get paper cuts all the time is this from the Erbitux and will it get better?



  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341
    erbitux hands
    all I can offer obsessive with hand sanitation. it is from erbitux, and it can hit you weeks after end of treatment.
    two weeks out of treatments, my fingers started cracking. foolishly covered a fingernail to protect it--two days later, the fingertip was purple up to the first knuckle.
    wasn't really painful, but fast moving and ugly.
    same finger on the other hand developed the same thing, to a lesser degree.
    I've had three different antibiotics, and am still fighting it.
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    erbitux hands
    all I can offer obsessive with hand sanitation. it is from erbitux, and it can hit you weeks after end of treatment.
    two weeks out of treatments, my fingers started cracking. foolishly covered a fingernail to protect it--two days later, the fingertip was purple up to the first knuckle.
    wasn't really painful, but fast moving and ugly.
    same finger on the other hand developed the same thing, to a lesser degree.
    I've had three different antibiotics, and am still fighting it.

    Hi Randy ...
    I did not have the throat thingy..I did have Erbitux and radiation only. Boy I have to tell you (in my humble opinion) you are doing GREAT! I mean really great.

    2 weeks out from rads I was one sick puppy...was that way for 2 months ..the first month was brutal!!! I was wearing two Fentynal patches and taking 6-7 Narco a day (got in trouble from my oncologist one time for too many Narco's) and I did not cut back on that regiment for nearly 3 months.

    My feeding tube came out in June 2012 ..I finished my last rad January 20th 2012.

    I'm sure others will chime in that had have had the thrat take it seriously


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Hi Randy,

    I am almost 18 weeks out, 8 Erbitux and 35 radiation treatments.

    For the cracked fingers I used Liquid Band-Aid, it worked pretty well.

    For neck burns I used Silver Sufadiazine cream.

    Today, other than an acne like rash on both sides of my back I feel and look normal. No more dry cracked fingers.


  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    finger tips and heels
    are both erbitux related. It is amazing how uncomfortable these little cuts can be. For the fingers I used vaseline under thin gloves at night. If you have the heel problem, read my blog. I solved this,mafter finding the oncologist hadnt any idea how to.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    finger tips and heels
    are both erbitux related. It is amazing how uncomfortable these little cuts can be. For the fingers I used vaseline under thin gloves at night. If you have the heel problem, read my blog. I solved this,mafter finding the oncologist hadnt any idea how to.


    What about Bag Balm and gloves?
    I suffer from these kind of cracks on my feet (not cancer treatment related)...always during the summer...I use Bag Balm and cotton socks, and it clears up in two days (relief of pain comes overnight).

  • SueBinBend
    SueBinBend Member Posts: 6
    Dry cracked skin
    For dry cracked skin on the hands and feet I use a hand lotion called "Working Hands", by O'Keefes. You can get it at places like Ace Hardware or Bed, Bath and Beyond. It was created by a Pharmacist out of Sisters, Oregon for her father, who was a farmer. Her dad had dry, cracked hands that would bleed. she worked on this hand lotion for over a year, until she got it just right. It will heal dry, cracked, bleeding hands and feet. There is a version of the product for feet, called Healthy Feet, but the Working Hands works just as well on feet too. The product used to be made in Sisters, Oregon, but the Pharmacist sold the company to another company back east (but still in Made in America). I use the lotion for my legs too, so I order it off the Internet, and buy like thirty at a time. The product is better than Shea Butter.

    You should know when you put it on damaged skin (dry and cracked skin), it will sting. If it stings, it's working on a really deep level. It will also prevent your skin from getting dry and cracked, that doesn't hurt, it's the already damaged skin that stings.

    I usually take a shower or bath, at night, and put it on before bed. if I put in my feet I put socks on, if I put it on my hands, I put gloves on.

    Hope this helps,

  • Vikeman10
    Vikeman10 Member Posts: 62

    Dry cracked skin
    For dry cracked skin on the hands and feet I use a hand lotion called "Working Hands", by O'Keefes. You can get it at places like Ace Hardware or Bed, Bath and Beyond. It was created by a Pharmacist out of Sisters, Oregon for her father, who was a farmer. Her dad had dry, cracked hands that would bleed. she worked on this hand lotion for over a year, until she got it just right. It will heal dry, cracked, bleeding hands and feet. There is a version of the product for feet, called Healthy Feet, but the Working Hands works just as well on feet too. The product used to be made in Sisters, Oregon, but the Pharmacist sold the company to another company back east (but still in Made in America). I use the lotion for my legs too, so I order it off the Internet, and buy like thirty at a time. The product is better than Shea Butter.

    You should know when you put it on damaged skin (dry and cracked skin), it will sting. If it stings, it's working on a really deep level. It will also prevent your skin from getting dry and cracked, that doesn't hurt, it's the already damaged skin that stings.

    I usually take a shower or bath, at night, and put it on before bed. if I put in my feet I put socks on, if I put it on my hands, I put gloves on.

    Hope this helps,


    Thanks for all the comments,
    Thanks for all the comments, I will try these out. I know dry hands isn't the worst thing, but getting 3 or 4 cuts a day puts a damper on all the positives that keeps me going. My wife laughs at this bothering more than my my throat pain and blisters, at least I have a good sense of humor or I would probably kick her in the rear!
