Pics of post op
I read a post on which someone wanted to see pics of dissection op I found mine on page 20 titled 8 weeks from op. This isn't to scare but to show how quick you recover. The op looks gruesome but I had no pain.
Pics of post op
I read a post on which someone wanted to see pics of dissection op I found mine on page 20 titled 8 weeks from op. This isn't to scare but to show how quick you recover. The op looks gruesome but I had no pain.
What's going on with my tongue???
Hi everyone! My name is Kelly and my cancer (Sqaumous cell carcinoma) started on my tongue. It spread to lymph nodes and I've had bilateral neck dissection, chemo and radiation. My last "sunshine hour" was on Valentine's Day and I've been slowly getting better. I'm so glad I found this support group because I feel so alone…
Bilateral neck dissection swelling
Hey everyone! Like many, I had the neck dissection to remove cancerous lymph nodes. I had 2 cancerous nodes and they took out over 100 on each side. Better safe than sorry?! Anyhow, I have horrible swelling above my incision site. I have taken herbal lymphatic drainage supplements but I still have swelling. I visitied my…
Radiation Therapy Help?
I wonder if anyone could help me. I'm trying to do research so as to better inform myself to the best available options for radiation therapy. I've looked at IMRT but am wondering if there is an even more advanced system that would help limit the side effects and, or damage to sensitive areas that do not require…
Oil Pulling
Hi, folks! I've been quiet lately, but still visiting several times a week to check in on everyone. I'm doing just fine--had my slightly early two year check-up last week and got the word NED again, which was great news! I'd had breathing problems a couple months ago that were scary (and of course, my first thoughts went…
cleaned my own stoma/prosthesis
I cleaned my stoma/prosthesis yesterday but didn't do it right. I couldn't see the prosthesis so i never go the brush in it to clean it. I cleaned the stoma and prosthesis again today and I did it right! I know I did, because I actually saw the prosthesis!! my caregiver showed me where to point the brush and there it was!…
Condolences for Guzzle
I think the worst thing for Guzzle as he gets into the treatment for his affliction is to do so on the heels of a loss by his beloved Liverpool football team. I have just watched Liverpool playing Chelsea and was rooting all the way for Liverpool and Guz, alas LFC did not win, they suffered a loss of 2-0. This game had…
Spam Emails
We have been made aware of another round of spam emails being sent to users. While we try to have security in place to handle such emails, we cannot always catch them all. If you have received an email asking for money, please do not respond to the email or the private email address that was given by the sender. Please…
Checking in...
Hi all. I haven't posted in a while, and finally had a few minutes to myself today to sign in. I am so sad to read of some of the losses, recurrances and new battles with the dreaded "c" word that some of you are going through now. Every one of you helped Pat and myself get through some of the roughest days of our lives.…
late effects of cancer treatment
Almost four years out from his successful cancer treatment, Jim had a (minor) setback last weekend. Although happily ensconced at home again, last Sunday they strapped a DNR bracelet on his wrist. Jim has developed anaplastic anemia subtype pancytopenia as a result of his chemotherapy and radiation. This is otherwise known…
Sunshine - How to handle it if I am that lucky
Friends, we are rapidly approaching Brit summertime. It is quite possible we may actually see the the sun (although not guaranteed obviously). I know that some of you live in parts of the US and further afield which can get pretty hot. I am an outdoors person and will also travel in Europe post treatment where it is fairly…
My new path
So after almost two years of follow up from my last cancer, I have a recurrance. Its not curable, being right in the path of two previous radiation therapies, so I'm now officially on the palliation path. As before, my cancers tend to be fast growing ones, so I went from totally without symptoms, to some real problems in a…
Septoplasty & Balloon Sinuplasty
Hi All. Stage four, nasopharengeal carcinoma, cancer survivor. I am four years post treatment. I have chronic sinusitis and my ENT is recomending that I have a Septoplasty & Balloon Sinuplasty performed. All I can find online are horror stories about the septoplasty. Has anyone ever had either of these procedures? What was…
Husband has sores in mouth
My husband has NPC he was in the hosptial for a week 5 days of treatment Cisplatin and 5FU. He also went through treatment last summer eurbitux and gamma knife well it didn't work and tumor grew a cm. So his onoclogist now is giving him 5 in hospital treatments. They put a port in. I am also very worried because he is very…
Good Vibes needed
After several months of anticipation and wishing there was another option, I'm having my jaw resection on Thursday. And, none too soon. I have another bone shard on the brink of coming out, which would leave very little of my left jaw intact, and open to easy fracture or a break. I am as ready as I can be for the long…
need help swallowing
Just a quick note about me...tongue cancer with two lymph nodes affected. Have had surgery, 37 radiation treatments and six Erbitux chemo treatments. Treatments ended almost six months ago. Recent PET scan shows that the cancer is gone! YEAH! But, I'm still living on a g-tube and am getting so discouraged. The only things…
Waiting to meet NED, not so sure after PET
Hello all, Had my PET/CT with FDG Tuesday 4 1/2 months after radiation and surgery and today finally got ahold of my radiation oncologist with some results. He said it showed "abnormal hypometabolic activity" along the neck muscle where my neck dissection was done. He was reassuring and said he thought it was the muscle…
Father has a big surgery tomorrow.. Need your prayers
My father has had Oral SCC that refuses to go away. He had an 18 hour surgery long time ago which rendered him unable to eat from mouth due to removal of Upper and lower Jaw on one side of the mouth. The refuses to leave after nuerous treatments chemo radiation surgery clin trials. He also had a PEG tube placed when this…
Update on swallowing problem
At my last check up I was shown a photo of my blockage in my throat the feeding tube part of it, it's fully closed. The surgeon said it was the radiation and in rare cases this can happen. My options we're wait a few months to see if it would improve as they think it could still be swollen if not to go through my peg tube…
Debbie Jim & I
Hi Debbie I can’t help but think about you and how you are doing now that Jim is resting. Please continue to be a part of the family here as you have a great amount of knowledge that can help other caregivers in dealing with what we go through. I will continue to keep you in prayer and thank you for all you did for Jim, I…
John update **Wed, April 30th**
Well folks, John should be up and walking a little bit today. Shelley stayed on a recliner in his room last night, so I think both of them are more calm today. They are still tweeking the pain med schedule a bit, but this was some major surgery so a little bit of that is normal. Let's hope he continues to improve so he…
Anyone have experience with Carcinoma Menegitis from Esophogeal Cancer
My father was dx with this on Monday. They said very rare for EC to spread like this. I wanted to know if anyone has had treatment for this and if it worked.
Which type of Radiation?
Hi my son (14 years old) has NPC. Doctors are discussing the type of radiation he should receive. All doctors thus far agree that IMRT isn't the best for him because of his age and additional radiation to other parts of his body, that are still developing. They are suggesting proton therapy, which eould take us away from…
prayers for a friend
The 3 year old daughter of some very dear friends of ours was diagnosed with kidney cancer this week. They were shocked to find that it has spread to her lungs so they have staged it as stage IV. She will have to undergo six weeks of chemo before they reevaluate for surgery to remove her kidney. This little girl was my…
Life Insurance
As a cancer survivor do we have a life insurance we are able to get or will all life insurance companies provide us with insurance?Was thinking that as of the end of this month i'll be 1 year post and wanted to try to purchase extra life insurance,hopefully not needing it for a long time just something for peace of mind.
Olfactory neuroblastoma - a new member - my first post
3 weeks ago I had an endoscopic surgery to remove a tumor that spread in my left sinus area, around my eye and in my left nose. The doctors say surgery went well, they took out all the tumor, but the biopsy test came and it was an Olfactory Neuroblastoma. The doctor said it’s a very rare tumor, mine is at low grade. After…
Biopsy positive: Cancer
I've been dealing with oral cancer that started out with a small sore on my tongue about a year ago. My dentist ignored it despite the fact that I repeat lay asked for help. I was diagnosed with tongue cancer in August 2013 and had the leison removed in September. Second surgery to remove lymph nodes in October. no…
Oral cancer Tongue
last July I was diagnosed with tongue cancer. I had the leison removed. Margins looked good. Next, lymph nodes were removed no cancer. My first follow up PET CT showed one lymph node. I had surgery to remove it. Encapsulated. Only one node. Also had my submandular gland removed. I just had my next follow up scan and…
Friends, I start next Tue (bank holiday in UK) with a days chemo and radiotherapy and and overnight stay. Then its day patient for 6 weeks with another days chemo in the middle and at the end. I just want to thank all the wonderful people on this site who have helped me prepare. Over the years I have come to expect this…