end of my 4th week
Hi everyone I'm at the end of my 4th week of radiation and 5th week ebtux.Been lucky with little side effects so far.Only some pimples and itching.But am wondering.I thought my silvia would be gone as I still fill up with mainly when talking.Mouth is full but throat slightly dry.I was hoping with mouth being full would…
updates (NED ! for ME)
Hello everyone, I had 6 mo's scan done. Very good news given this morning. NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE ! I am feeling so blessed right now ! Unrelated lung issues continue, but learning to accept my limitations and rearrange my thinking on how to live....(love that word) with 23 % lung function. My brother had all his teeth…
John (Skiffin) 4/25/14 Update
Hello Friends John has been trying to get back on track with his pain med schedule. After yesterday's issue with the nurse from he** and the timing of the meds, it's a bit tough to get back on track (as most of us know all too well). Shelley has made arrangements to stay overnight -- so both of them should be a little less…
One Year ago Today
Hard to believe but it's a year ago today that I ended treatment. I went from ringing the bell to surgery to have a PEG tube placed and was home three days later. Thus began the journey of healing that I'm still on today. It didn't really hit me until mid afternoon when someone asked how I was doing.... then it dawned on…
The vigil goes on HAS ENDED AT 2 AM TODAY
12:50 am and the vigil goes on. All the children are here safely. Jim has went through a lot of changes in breathing, temperature and heart rate. I slept well last night know he had good care. I didn't hear the nurse come in three times, Jim's Nurse and Cna last night were angels. So gentle and loving when handling him. I…
Throat Blisters
My husband is now 10 weeks post treatment for stage 4 tonsil cancer. His PET scan came back free from cancer. Praise God. However, he had an extreme reaction to chemotherapy and radiation therapy and developed mucositis. The sores healed by six weeks out. However he still has thick phelm and blisters in his throat. The…
Catluver UPDATE from her husband
Has anyone heard from Catluver?
John 4/24/14 update
Good Morning All: Our good buddy, John, is already SITTING UP IN A CHAIR and entertaining Shelley this morning. Just keep those prayers (and pain meds) coming. I will bet he will post on here himself before too long !
In honor of you all...
I've been away from this site for a while, only because I've been insanely busy. New house, TWO new puppies and WORK! I miss you all, think of you all, and include you all in my prayers daily. I just signed up to do the survivor lap at our local Relay for Life. A luminary is being purchased and will be released in honor of…
Mom just diagnosed
I am writing this in the hopes I can get some opinions and feedback. My Mom was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with cancer under her tongue and floor of mouth near her jawbone on the right side. At the time the biopsy results were told to us, the doctor said it was definitely cancer and that she would need either surgery,…
Scanxiety time again UPDATE
As I sit in the waiting room waiting to get my chest CT, I'm especially nervous this time as I had to stop my Taxotere about 8 weeks ago due to a bad pleural effusion that is still being drained every other day. My last scan in fen showed no visible cancer, and am praying and hoping for the same today. I see my doctor…
Stage 3 Tonsil Cancer- 16 Months Post Treatment-How are you??
Hi Friends, I am 16 months out from treatment (35 radiation and 3 chemo). I am wondering if there is anyone else here around the same time after treatment and if so, how are you doing? What after treatment effects are you dealing with? How are your taste buds and saliva glands? How are you doing with eating and swallowing?…
Skiffin (John) Update **Doing Good at 10:30 pm Central**
Just heard from Shelley that everything with John's surgery is going as expected so far. Will get another update in about 2 hours. Continued prayers much appreciated. Ingrid *****POST SURGERY UPDAT,E**** Surgery was a success and they confirmed the mass was benign. John moving to ICU, Shelley waiting until she can see him.…
flooding you with positive thoughts and lots of prayers, John
john, just want you and shelley to know we are all thinking of you and praying for all to go well. we will contiue praying until you are back to being john 100% again. i hope shelley will be able to give us updates on your progress now and then. will be patiently awaiting posts from you. God bless you and bring you thru…
Prayers Needed~ 04MAR2014 UPDATE
OK..., here's the deal... Several of you have seen the prayer requests and such on FaceBook... A few months ago a scan picked up a cyst on my pancreas, it was biopsied (EUS) and determined pre-cancer. I had a follow-upCT scan a few months later (a few weeks ago), that shows it getting a little larger. I had another EUS…
Managing side effects 4+ years out
I am new and never knew this board existed. I tried calling other networks years ago trying to locate someone with a like experience to talk to. I guess I just didn't try hard enough. As my subject says I have been cancer free for over 4 years now. I had a very small squamous cell carcinoma on my right cheek near my nose…
Single Digits!
My hunny if finally in single digits! we have 9 more to go..tomorrow is his cat scan and then he gets two more treatments and then the final 7 "boost"..please keep him in your prayers that his stays as good as he is right now! He is doing so very well! Thanks yall!!!
On Monday I had my 12 week PET/CT, yesterday the H&N doc showed me the results and told me its clean! It is still sinking in - Tonsil with 2 nodes stage IV advanced diagnosed 6 months ago - and now gone - I see the rad/onc in 3 months for a look see, the onc in May for his look and the H&N guy in another 6 months - they…
Friends, you may be aware of this web site. A charity to raise awareness and destigmatize hpv related cancers. Also to push policy to extend vaccination to boys. Interesting reading. G.
It's been a long time
Hello Everyone. I've been missing, but not by choice. For some reason I got blocked a while back. I have no idea why. I haven't been involved in anything controversial to my knowledge. Anyway, it took until this afternoon to get me up and running again. I have missed being able to chime in many times with words of…
Some Will, Some Won't.
Hi guy's. Its been a very long time since I posted anything on the board. Some of you will remember me, some won't. But I felt that Today I had to as today is my 2 year anniversary from finishing treatment. I have visited the board quite often but never posted. I see a lot of the old guard are still here and I see lots of…
Gingival Recession and resection!
Hello, Like many I haven't been active on the boards much since my fraternity initiation back in 2010. I do lurk every now and then; however like most of us I had a tough go with it emotionally moving on after treatment and my counselor and I came to the conclusion that maybe it would be best to take a break from the…
Hi my Warrior Family, I am asking for prayers. I don't know what is going on, as I had a stomach flu last week and lost the 8 lbs I proudly and worked so hard to gain. I went to the ER on Saturday for IV fluids as I was so dehydrated, but still feel off. I live alone, so this is a concern. I have no one in my area for…
Difficulties in Mouth Opening- TMJ/Jaws Stiffness.
Dear All, Its nice to see good and positive responses from each one of you on my earlier post. Thanks for that. To give a quick background, my wife is diagonised with MEC @ right Hard palalte and under gone a surgery of removal of it from the palate. She had a flap which is taken from her arm to close the hole @ the tumor…
Checking on all of you
Hi, well as for me .. the fight continues.. today was 11 of 38 radiation treatments.. so far hanging tough.. face is still sore from surgery but with nerves and muscle damage I think this is the new normal. I hope the fight for all of you is going well. Even though we may have never met I pray and think positive thoughts…
Hey Guys Stage IVB Throat Cancer still around
Hey everyone been forever since I got on here and took a while to get logged in lol BUT... wanted to share that I am still around heading for the 5 year Cancerversary and what I have been up to :) Especially for Newly diagnosed <3 I still stay busy volunteering at our local community center and I have written a book which…
Super thread
Hi..Have been trying for awhile now to look at the super thread and keep getting a error has happened please try again.Has this happen to anyone else??
Hospice Facility again
Well it is Wednesday evening 11 PM and I am spending the night with Jim at the hospice facility. This morning, Jim took a nose dive and started to decline fast. His anxiety and pain was not being controled even with the increase in meds. Jim said this morning that he wasn't going to make it back from this one. Yesterday he…
Chef Daddy Mike
The last time I talk to Mike he was not doing well, it’s been two week now and I have not heard back from him. I tried to call but no one answers the phone I am worried about him because he keeps going downhill. Please continue to Pray for Mike, you all who know him know the hell he has been put through in this life. As…
I was diagnosed with npc stage 3 (T1N2M0) in Dec 2013. I just completed radio/chemo about 2.5 months ago. I would very appreciate if you all could give me your opinions/suggestions on following matters. - I lost about 9 kg of my weight and feel very hard to gain my weight again. I only take vege, bean, fish, egg and milk…