Hi Everyone...
Hi everyone, Haven't been on due to watery eyes. Doc says it's a good thing, so trying not to complain. Decided they are going to take my PEG out instead of moving it, as I am eating a little on my own now. I am not going to have it moved lower, as I was warned that there is a great chance of infection if I do. I don't…
neuropathy hand
Almost 18 months post treatment I had both Chemo and radiation, The neuropathy in my right hand has not gotten any better fingertips hurt very badly outside in the cold. I was just wondering if there is any medication that can be given. It has also gotten very hard to button shirts or in my case splice cable back together…
Tonsil Cyst
Hubby had a good scan on 11/09 after treatment for hpv+16 SCC of the trachea. For the last couple of weeks he hasn't been feeling well (cough, congestion, sinus stuff...). We have a little one who brings all kinds of disease into our home from daycare. Anyway...today he woke up with a sore throat and tonight he discovered…
Advice Needed! UPDATE
Thank you to all the wonderful people on this board.... I wonder if I could get some feedback please? I'm just 4-1/2 months post chemo (5FU & Hydrea) plus radiation (35 treatments) 7 rounds for tongue cancer. Surgery to remove left side tongue cancer 16 months ago. 2 surgeries to move affected lymph nodes, then tx.…
winding road
IHello. I have been lurking for sometime now, I have a couple of questions.I am travelling the winding road with my dearest friendand though I have done my homework, I am looking for some experience I guess. Summer of 2013 she was dx stage 2 throat cancer. 7 weeks of rad with excellent results and hardly missed a beat. her…
Lung biopsy results
Jim had his lung biopsy on Wed. Just got the results and it was NO CANCER! It was a benign granuloma, which means he is NED now for 3 years! We are so happy and relieved! Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers!
Checking In
Friends, Been a while since I stopped in last...with two teenagers really dont have time to stop. It will be two year this April but had my last checkup at MDA Houston mid January '15. Physical exam and CT Scan with NED again as I slowly inch toward that wonderful two year mark (April 16 2015). MD's were very pleased and…
Tongue continuing to be very swollen after Feb 2012 partial glossectomy and follow up radiation/chem
Hi everyone...I am writing to hopefully find some answers and/or support that I can bring back to my Dad. After deciding on a partial glossectomy (late Feb) to treat his tongue cancer (2 prior smaller sugeries, a first round of radiation and a chemo-like treatment kept it at bay for less than a year the last time), my…
Touch wood
touch wood, I've been on a new formula Vital1.5 for three days. Day one my swollen tummy went down by half and no gas or pain. Same day two and more energy. Day three I felt so good went for a short walk. I'm hoping to continue this way. It's early days but I think at last ive been given a formula that agrees with me. I've…
Half Marathon
I dedicate my first Half Marathon to the dear people on this discussion board. All is well with me as I ran my first Half Marathon on Sunday. It wasn't easy but I was thinking of what we all go throught, and how blessed that I am to still be here to do this. May victory be with you who are still fighting cancer.
Lung Biopsy
My husband and I saw the thoracic surgeon this morning to discuss the 2 spots on his lung. He feels that the most probable case scenario is that his jaw sarcoma has made its way to the lungs. Good news is that its very, very small and we've caught it early. The plan is a lung biopsy on Wednesday, which will require a 3-4…
Well, finally they replaced my tube and yesterday was the first day since that I didnt have any wetness or burn. I am so happy!! Now to clear up the damage done to the stomach area.
possible aspiration???
I am a year out from stage 3 Throat . Starting in Nov I was getting more hoarse and feel like lungs are inflamed or have some liquid hard to define. Since radiation I have had two swallow studies and they both show some dysphagia. Feels like food just stops on the left side same place all the time and then disappears on…
DiET - Now (rad/Chemo just ended) - and LATER
Our son in Milwaukee just finished the last radiation this week (& final Chemo week before), for Tonsil / lymph . He was told to stay away from certain 'good' foods during treatment, but WHAT NOW? We are all trying to learn what this means and WHAT diet items are better NOW and what are "Verboten". The last radiation was…
Bloody Nose & spit blood-- after 2 yrs & 2 months - Normal?
Just wondering if anyone has experienced a bloody nose and then spitting of a bit of blood so far after tx (2 yrs & 2 months out)? Kreg had this happen today and little concerned. He doesn't see his ENT for next checkup until February. Last check up was November and all appeared normal with the scope. Any input would be…
Prayers for LadyLacey please
I recieved an email from Sharon - Ladylacy. Joe is down to 100 ponds and very tired. He is no longer able to do much and has admitted to hospice he is very weal and tired. Please keep Joe and Sharon in your prayers, especially through these holidays which make it extra hard. Debbie
5 Years
Five years ago today I embarked on a journey that would change my life forever. It was the hardest part of my life but the most defining part to date. At 7:30 AM I slid onto a table where I remained for half a day only to awaken 14 hours later a different person. Some would frown at some of the losses I suffered that day…
Erbitux question
I am curious if this is still the Erbitux messing with me. If you saw one of my prior postings, you saw the damage done to my face by the Erbitux, still trying to get it healed ( which got worse after the pic was taken ). Anyway.. on Wednesday night, my neck and upper shoulders area started buring and itching. Since then…
I completed my 33 rounds of radiation and 7 weeks of chemotherapy on 11/21/14. I had a neck dissection prior to that. This was for tonsil cancer stage 4 that spread to my neck lymph nodes. I lost 65 lbs and was hospitalized for dehydration and this has triggered a very deep depression. I am 52. My first follow up scan was…
blood in am phlegm
Am curious to know if anyone else has had blood in their phlegm. Seems like just the last couple days my throat is more sore(8 radiation sessions) and in sthe am I have tinges of blood. Am seeing the dr this morning and will ask him, but wanted to hear from you all.
Nutribullet 900 tube users that blend
OK Im nearly sold on the Nutribullet blender. I've seen one, the Nutribullet 900, It says it blends smoother and has extras. just how smooth does this machine blend, how long does it last using it continuously. The recipes look nutritious. They say to add nuts and seeds do these completely blend or is there pulp. I can see…
New painful ugly sore- panic attack
the past 3 days, I've felt like im catching a cold, throat sore aNd ear, more so on the side I did not have cancer on. I had squamous cell carcinoma, base of tongue st 3, spread to 1 lymph. Last onc appt was last week and said I was doing great. since yesterday my tongue is sore and swollen , this morning I went to take a…
Doctors ??
Wondering what others think of this.... The Doc who put in my PEG tube has decided now he should never had it put in. Reason I had a gastric stomach.. now I have Gastroparesis due to this. He wants to take it from my stomach and have it placed in my lower intestines. Due to my stomach being full of infection and not…
Knowing when to exhale instead of inhale is so important.
Knowing when to exhale will help with: COPD; Anxiety; being a laryngectomee; or just haveing a bad day and having some depression; and panic attacks. Some of us have forgotten when you should not hold your breath, it only makes it worse. When you are going to sit down take a breath and exhale as you are going down. The…
Out of Surgery and Recovering
Hi. Thought I'd start a new thread instead of continuing on my older thread. i had my tonsillectomy and neck dissection on 1-31-14. I was told it went very well and the infected tonsil and some lymph nodes from my neck are being looked at for any remaining traces of cancer. Should have results back this week at some point.…
Me again
hello everyone, i have tried to post and log in more often but it has been a challenge. Not feeling that great today
I've seen a few people mention that they had acupuncture treatments for saliva issues. Some people got it during rads and chemo and some afterwards. I was wanting to know if this helped with the saliva issues or not. If it did help, how many sessions did it take before you started seeing results? Do you have to continue…
So proud of my husband!
My husband completed his 4 weeks neutron radiation treatment today. He is doing surprisingly well given the circumstances. He did have a low point during the end of third week/beginning of 4th week, when he couldn't eat solid foods anymore. However, he has since discovered the convenience of Boost VHC and is able to sort…
First signs of movement in my face: SO HAPPY!!!!!
Rather than sharing frustration or concerned, today I want to share pure happiness> When they removed my MEC from the parotid glandin September they had to remove 4 cm of my facial nerve and do a nerve graft; my face has been half paralyzed since than and they could not predict success nor timing for recovery. Yesterday…
PEG 2 yrs, Not eating ANY foodHelp
Hi, I don't know what to do. I was on here 2 yrs ago when DH was going through chemo/Rad for BOTC HPV+. You all were very helpful. His treatments ended almost 2 yrs ago. All tests are good. but he has no saliva, bad or no taste and says food burns his throat. He is still on the tube and eats NOTHING. He is ok with it but I…