Think I'm sorted

jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

after a long month with weeks in hospital I think I'm finally sorted. I was taken into hospital after my stomach ballooned out and I was in agony with trapped gas. My bowel blocked and I have a complete stricture in the throat and couldn't pass the gas. I started to vomit but that couldn't get out and for days stayed trapped in stomach. The hospital put a drain on my stomach and the vomiting and pain immediately stopped. I was fed through a vein. All was well while I wasn't peg feeding, as soon as I went onto ensures again it all started again. I kept saying it was the feed...Ensure 2cal...I felt sick as soon as I finished a feed and got so constipated. I stopped feeding and felt fine but ended up in hospital again with dehydration and a weight loss because I could only manage 2 drinks then none a day. To cut a long story short I was put on Encure plus which hasn't fibre and I'm fine, I don't feel sick at all after having them and my swollen stomach has gone down. They think the fibre was blocking my partially blocked bowel. It's a good thing they held off the bowel op that I was scheduled for. I may have to have it at a later date but alls well at present. I'm celiac and don't know what fibre was in the ensure 2cal. I had a further scare thinking I may have urinary cancer, I started bleeding and felt uncomfortable which turned out to be a urinary caruncle, probably caused through the pressure on my tum. Went to specialist this week and they ruled out cancer Pheww. Fingers crossed for a trouble free new year, don't ever want to go through what I've been through the last 2 years.

wishing everyone a trouble free NEW YEAR AND A HAPPY CHRISTMAS.


  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member
    Good News

    Glad that you are feeling better and know that you need to stay away from fibre.   My husband is on Nutren 1.5 and has been for several years, it does have fibre in it but he has had no problems with it.  Now Jevity gave him problems.  But as we all know, everyone is different in how they react to everything.  

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a great 2015.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Ladylacy said:

    Good News

    Glad that you are feeling better and know that you need to stay away from fibre.   My husband is on Nutren 1.5 and has been for several years, it does have fibre in it but he has had no problems with it.  Now Jevity gave him problems.  But as we all know, everyone is different in how they react to everything.  

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a great 2015.


    On the mend

    You have been through heck and back. Glad they finally have a handle on things. I could not take jevity and landed in the hospital too. Now on a very slow drip of Ensure Plus without any issues.

    Keep the good news coming in 2015!

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Wow, you know how to end the year.

    Good loard Jackie you have gone through more in these last months then most will see in a lifetime. I am trully glad they found the problem and you are so much better know. Take the rest of the year off and just get some rest.

    May next year bring you only good fortune and good luck.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Damn...that was a long haul...

    a whole month of feeling so bad, and in the hospital...unable to feed.  I'm so glad everything has been sorted and you're on the road to recovery.  How damned scary!!

    Ok....on to a new and glorious year....a health filled year.  You're back on recovery road.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    It brightened my day to read your post.

    I hope better times are ahead.

    Take care, be better.


  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

    will be a better year, I feel better already. Looking forward to tomorrow my daughter and I are taking my great granddaughter to Didcot parkway station to ride on Thomas the tank engine and then to santas grotto where she will get a present. I love steam engines, Didcot parkway has a museum of huge steam engines it's only 3 miles from here, they often have Thomas the tank. for those who don't know Thomas is a story for children with different steam engines and a fat controller, lovely stories for kids. Must take plenty of photos. Thomas has a big jolly face painted on the front.  Back to childhood for one day.

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    So sorry to hear this. Happy

    So sorry to hear this. Happy you are on the mend. I am praying you have a healthy 2015


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member
    I was sorted once

    Well.........maybe a few times. But one that comes to mind was back in 3rd grade they sorted me from the other kids and gave me the paddle for sticking a pencil in my flute a phone or how ever you spell it or pronounce it. It may have been my first sign of precancer abi-normalness.

    Seriously, it sounds like your back on track and I hope the next 2 years are much better than the last 2.

    Right back at ya with a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    aw, JF, you've been through

    aw, JF, you've been through more than your share of bad health.  i pray the bad is over and the new year holds good health for you.  so glad you didn't have urinary cancer!!  why does it take so many days for the docs to figure out its what you're eating/being fed that is making you sick and damaging your stomach?!!  I'm glad they finally got it all figured out and your belly is doing better.  Here's to a much better  for you and everyone!

    God bless you,
