My Balance

confused1 Member Posts: 50
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I am a new comer on here. And I have been reading posts on here rom at least a year ago. So I found that any question goes. I have been on Chemo since last May 2008 for stage 4 colon cancer. I am on many of the trial drugs. I can't think of all names. I am wondering if any one out there has problems with there balance. My legs are week. And I keep falling backwards. I some times stagger around as if I am drunk. The way I walk anyway. Now they doctor seems to think it isn't from the chemo drugs. That is from my last incedabt that happened to me the late part of July. When I got a really bad fever and was hospitalizeds for 1 month. It was a form of metagitas to the brain. Which messes with your motor skills. Walking, writing , talking, etc. Plus I am not wworking anymore and all I do is sit around and my legs aren't getting of a workout. And I have gained about 40lbs more weight. So my question's again is if anyone has had this problem from the chemo drugs. Or should I just assume it is because of the last inccedent that happened to me or lack of excersise and gained weight. Thank you for any advice. Like I said I just joined this group and I have been reading alot of evryones story's and some of the story's are making me sad but most of them are actually giving me hope. Thanks Again to all of you.


  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    balance issues
    I haven't had any but a dear friend who lost his battle last year was having problems with his balance to where he had to use a cane to get around. They wound up decreasing his chemo dosage and I think it might have helped somewhat. Maybe you should ask if that's a possibility? He was on Oxaliplatin, Erbitux, 5FU and Leucovorin.
  • rrob
    rrob Member Posts: 158
    I finished my chemo in June '08, and by the last 2 or 3 treatments, I had some balance issues. I would lose my balance at times. I talked to my oncologist and we thought it might be due to the neuropathy in my calves and feet. My oncologist offered to reduce my Oxaliplatin dosage, but since I was so close to the end, we decided not to reduce the dosage. I've never had meningitis, but a friend did and had lots of problems with her motor skills and balance after. As far as walking, I try to walk every day because it makes me feel better. I don't know if that's an option for you with your balance problems, but it sure helps me physically and mentally. Have you asked your doctors about some type of physical therapy and if that would help? Also, I had massage therapy during chemo and it was great. You might see if that's available and if your doctors approve. Good luck.

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member
    rrob said:

    I finished my chemo in June '08, and by the last 2 or 3 treatments, I had some balance issues. I would lose my balance at times. I talked to my oncologist and we thought it might be due to the neuropathy in my calves and feet. My oncologist offered to reduce my Oxaliplatin dosage, but since I was so close to the end, we decided not to reduce the dosage. I've never had meningitis, but a friend did and had lots of problems with her motor skills and balance after. As far as walking, I try to walk every day because it makes me feel better. I don't know if that's an option for you with your balance problems, but it sure helps me physically and mentally. Have you asked your doctors about some type of physical therapy and if that would help? Also, I had massage therapy during chemo and it was great. You might see if that's available and if your doctors approve. Good luck.


    Yep, a little balance loss here also, all of it to the left also....every time I start to get out of kilter its always to the left that I lean and tilt towards. Its not enough for me to have help getting around at all but it happens occasionally.......bumping into walls etc. but nothing major.........
  • fighting for mom
    fighting for mom Member Posts: 96
    Buzzard said:

    Yep, a little balance loss here also, all of it to the left also....every time I start to get out of kilter its always to the left that I lean and tilt towards. Its not enough for me to have help getting around at all but it happens occasionally.......bumping into walls etc. but nothing major.........

    a little tipsy
    My mom will be getting her 3rd round on Tuesday. She is a little tipsy with her walking, but is able to self correct. She is having a lot of trouble with cold temps to hands mainly. I think she is getting some neuropathy in hands and feet- affecting her balance. The last thing she needs is a fall! She has started walking on the treadmill for 10 minute intervals a few times a day- on her good days. She thinks that is helping. They just got their house remodeled before the big C diagnosis. I am so glad because it eliminated stairs and increased accessibility for her.