draining from lower abdomen question???
I am back from surgery and I had the big surgery have a bag for the rest of my life have to keep the stitches and staples in fore 3 weeks. Now my question \ At the lower part of my abdomen there is drainage and my bag won't stick there cause I still have the staples and the DR said it is normal for it to drain has any one…
Colorectal Surgeon Song
Here's a little Canadian cultural content for you all. This will be known to many but perhaps new to some of you who are new to this experience... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_N0w2rORwSc Enjoy... Rob; in Vancouver
Dave Barry Colonoscopy journey.very funny
This is from newshound Dave Barry's colon os copy journal: -------------------------------------------- I called my friend Andy Sable, a gastroenterologist, to make an appointment for a colonoscopy. A few days later, in his office, Andy showed me a color diagram of the colon, a lengthy organ that appears to go all over the…
WOW!!! Have I missed some action!
And to think that I once caused some friction over pushing natural and homeopathic treatments! Look-I'm a prosecutor by trade...22 years now...and I must say that it is good to see the fight in all of us...even if it is with each other! It is GREAT to feel so strongly about something-one way or another..and to fight it out…
swelling because of chemo?
has anyone had a side effect of swelling anywhere due to oxy and 5fu?my face swelled for about 3 days after #2 treatment, i go for #3 tomarrow and will tell my onc about it but i was just wondering if any of you have had this one.thanks and Godbless....johnnybegood
Need your prayers and positive thoughts!!
We are heading to MD Anderson bright and early Tuesday morning (12 hour drive!) for my liver resection surgery on Thursday. I am scared to pieces so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
Public Service Announcement
I recently emailed the people who run this forum and asked that the space provided for writing an email be made much bigger. Sort of like how these forums are. I don't know how many people communicate with other members via email, but if you have I would think that you are not too crazy about having 6 lines visible. They…
Can you go back to Irinotecan?
Has anyone gone back to Irinotecan after having had tumour growth on Irinotecan. What I mean is, can you go back and try after having had an extended break of, let's say, a year? Monica
Juicing revisited....
Hi everyone! I was just wondering, for those of you that juice, what recipes do you use? I've done so much reading on anti-cancer foods and I'm just confused as to what would be the best veggie/fruit combo for me. I try to juice at least 4 times per week and I find that I'm putting everything in but the kitchen sink. My…
Onc postponed my chemo...
Tuesday. I woke up at 3:00am sick as a dog. When I went for Chemo Tuesday morning and Onc heard how sick I was the night before she postponed it for one week. I went right home and slept from about 4:00pm until now! (about 6:00am the next morning!) I woke up feeling really good. I'm happy for the time being and feel like I…
Name something that gives you great comfort
Everyone here on the boards knows that there is great comfort in being able to share our journeys with others who are going through the same or very similar journeys. But at the end of the day, we still have those times when we wonder... "Do I really know what I'm going through here??" At those times, what do you do to…
Anyone with permanent ileostomy I have a question?
I was dx in 2004 with rectal cancer which turned out to be F.A.P.. I had a permanent ileostomy in May of 2006, my bottom is still bleeding. I live in Shelby North Carolina, I have seen 3 drs. and the head of the cancer center at Wake Forest Baptist Association Hospital in Winston-Salem, says there is a 2 cm stump that…
Holy Crap!!!!
Man, I go fishin' for a couple of days and the board goes all loopy. When I was diagnosed I diversified almost immediately. What does that mean? Well, I'll tell you. I categorized all my friends by religion. Then I contacted the ones that I thought might have the most influence with their GOD. Then I asked each one of them…
I'm thinking of you and missing you, please post something that can uplift us, I sooo look forward to your inspiring messages. You are needed here :( Hugsss! ~Donna
9 down 3 to go. and where is everybody?
I guess the title says it all. I am so much more tired this time around tho. I talked to the onc Tuesday and told her (substituting for mine who is on vacation somewhere warm i assume) about the pain I have had in my legs and the headaches. We assume they are from the steroid, but got a prescription for vicodin this time -…
Colonscopy after rectal cancer
how often should I have a Colonoscopy after having rectal cancer?
Anyone had adhesions?
I am having severe abdominal pain and I went to the ER. They did a x-ray and found nothing but some gas spots. But the pain is no better. I had someone ask me about adhesions and I have never heard about them. I have had a perm. ileostomy since 2006, so I am confused. I go to a cancer center on the 16th of April, I will…
Pet Scan
Today was my husband's pet scan - for obvious reasons I could not go with him. He tolerated the procedure well and got home ok. I called him a little while after and asked him if he was feeling alright, the sound in his voice was disturbing. I asked him what's wrong - he said he peeked at the picture when they were doing…
Farrah Fawcett - Update
I just heard that Farrah Fawcett is losing her battle with anal cancer. She was hospitalized and has now slipped into a coma. My thoughts and prayers are with her loved ones. Vicki This was false information and I apologize for passing it on too quickly. See my post below for an update. Vicki
I just wanted you to know that my husband will be getting chemo #3 tomorrow right along with you! I've read your posts and know you are having a hard time - so is he. Last night I told him that there was a man on the cancer board who is going to have #3 on Tuesday and that he was struggling with some of the exact same side…
"Concernedgal"- please check in with us
Hello Concernedgal, With all that transpired on your thread, I do hope that you have not been turned off to coming and posting questions on this board- I haven't noticed any more postings from you since that time. We are all concerned about you and your brother. Is there any news to share about your brother? I am hoping…
Possible obstruction- CT Friday
Well- Mom's resection was just before last Thanksgiving. She has been having trouble since her last (5th) treatment. Her potassium today was 4.1 so only got iv hydration today. So that is one thing that seems to be getting under control. The oncologist was concerned about her symptoms saying they are very unusual. He…
phillieg once again provided the correct answer. CONTGRATS!!!! RIDDLE: I can sizzle like bacon, I am made with an egg, I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg, I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole, I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole, What am I? ANSWER: Snake
Tommorow is ...
getting to me. My last chemo was bad and this is the first time I really don't want to go to my treatment. I saw the ONC today and honestly was hoping she would postpone it for a week. I can taste the chemo on my lips! The only thing I like to drink now that doesn't taste bad is my coffee...even bottled water tastes bad.…
Hello nworb5?
Nworg5, how are you two doing? Please let us know. Hugs, Kirsten
Hey Krista how are you doing? It's been a while since you've posted. I hope all is well with you. What's the update on you?
U of M study seeks participants for Mediterranean Diet/ colon cancer
I was searching for info on the Mediterranean Diet and found a story regarding a study being done to see how a healthy diet helps prevent colon cancer recurrence. The stats are thought to be around 6%. The University of Michigan is seeking people who have colon cancer for a paid study but you must be able to travel to the…
Constipaption after chemo
I've had 3 chemo treatments and have had 'bathroom problems' for about 4 days after each treatment. I have no problems the rest of the time. I've noticed many of you have had bowel obstructions or serious problems during chemo, some required hospitalization. I want to avoid that. I have a treatment this coming Wednesday…
If anyone is interested I put my story" Cancer Changes Everthing"
I wrote about my experience with the big "C". It does not have every detail but it has the biggest part of it. I went through alot more then that, but I didn't put the personal stuff in it. It has not been an easy journey, but I would not give up! I have been fighting all my life and I have learned alot. I appreciate the…
finding an oncologist
My sister has stage IV colon cancer and is looking for a new oncologist. Her current one is not very supportive or hopeful. She really needs someone who can back her up, give her hope as well as one who is empathic. Her current doctor is at UCDavis and she is near to UCSanFranciso.I guess I am wondering, despite statistics…