Hubby had surgery
Hi, Well my husband had his laproscopic liver resection yesterday. All went good, they used a robot and took out the 1 liver met, it was 1 cm. and was colon cancer. The doc said he will have some follow up chemo, which I am glad he will have. He said he used an ultrasound while in there, and there were no other tumors. He…
Slightly scary, but overall a good oncologist visit today
Well, today's visit was a very interesting one indeed. First I met with an "oncologist intern" and I was super impressed with him... more so because I have found some oncologist interns really should not be doing their practicum with patients until they've taken a "Patient 101" course. They have the knowledge and are very…
lung mets...what stage were you
I've seen post from many of you that have lung mets. What stage colon cancer were you, what was your treatment, and how were your mets discovered? I ask because I was stage 3B, had surgery, and 12 rounds of folfox. It has been 6 months (so far so good) just wondered what the chances of this happening to me is. I know we…
Hans update....
Thank you, thank you, all for your warm thoughts and prayers! And thank you, Lisa, for the thread! Hans is taking a nap right now, so I have a few minutes. He is definately mentally damaged. His words. He has to look at the callendar to figure out what day it is. Small things mainly, mostly short term memory stuff. But, he…
good news
Well, the oncologist that I consulted with at UCSD concurred with my regular oncologist that he would also do a PET scan to determine if the lung nodules that are remaining in my lungs are metabolically active or not, before deciding on the "what next". I was amazed at how fast things went- the order for the PET was just…
Some good news for a change
Hi all, Bill just got a call from the onc.... The biopsey of the tailbone area came back clean! They are sending him for another CT scan and blood work. The last CT showed 2 tumors on the liver, as well as the ellivated CEA. The CEA has been a good marker for Bill. Now I have a question for those who have had tumors there.…
Rectal Ulcers Post Colectomy
Hello, It has been a while since I posted, but check the board regularly to keep up with you all. As always I am hoping and wishing for the best for everyone here. I recently had a follow up rectal scope (I had an ileorectal anastamosis done and only have 6 inches of rectum left and no colon), and they found two ulcers.…
Prayers for KathiM needed
I cut and pasted this from one of my post because I think it deserves it own......... Lisa P. must pass on this year. Last Monday Hans was admitted for a heart procedure that was set for a quick in-and-out stay of overnight. Long story short, he was still there a week later. He had stopped breathing for about 3 minutes,…
RIDDLE: I can sizzle like bacon, I am made with an egg, I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg, I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole, I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole, What am I?
How did you do it?
Hello all, I'm visiting from the Stomach cancer board. My husband was dx with stomach cancer in Jan. The tumor was unresectable so the plan was for him to undergo 3 rounds of chemo in an effort to shrink the tumor then remove it. Well, he finished his chemo (I must say he tolerated it well) and had his CT. The chemo had…
Living a Long Life
How to live a long life is a link to a wonderful article about author/physician, Shigeaki Hinohara who is 97 years old and still working. I think we all could learn something from his outlook on life. Now, all the more reason I MUST MUST MUST lose weight :) Hugggggs, Cheryl
My husband had his cancer caming back..Colon cancer.Pet scan cant show anyhting...blood work not either....We are so counfused...as we had 2-nd opinion,and they both cant confermd the cancer is back.While had surgery 2/09 and the surgery said that sow a lot on his stomach.Also they said that he is never going to go to the…
Shayenne (Donna)
Donna has not posted in quite a while. Praying all is well.
still arouund andn still kicking
Hi all, It has been a Looooooooong time since I have been on the board. Part of that is that I have been quite tired and trying too focus on survival. since September. I spent the bulk of Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec in hospital at the Cancer Treatment centers ofamerica. Since then, I have been doing Erbitux every two weeks,…
Does stomach fluid cause pain??
Since the doc won't call me back and dad is in pain, I thought someone on this site might shed some knowledge on current problem, especially since this board is more informative than doctor anyway. Thanks... My father is getting weaker by the day, jaundice, etc...and eating less and less each day since his liver tumors…
Betina - Tried to drop you a note with Katie's and my phone number and our home e-mail address, but got a "betina61 does not accept private messages" prompt. Drop us a note on the CSN e-mail network and we will exchange numbers/home e-mail addresses. Cheers! - SB
Surgery update
Stage 4 here dx 9/06. Liver surgery, 2 lung surgeries, Folfox, I am now suffering emmmm... "recovering" at home from the second lung surgery. Over all things went OK. Surgery Monday and a tough first day... a horrible experience Tuesday with a couple collapsed lungs and real struggles. I actually had the Code "You are…
Surgery complications related to chemo??
Hi all! I have been a lurker in here for a few months - I think this is my first post. My mom was diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer a few days before christmas. She did a 5 week chemo and radiation combo and had her surgery last week. Everything went really well - got an ileostomy and the tumor was so small from the…
Has Anyone Heard From..............
ColonPalooza Conspiracy :)
Hahaha... I knew that would get your attention ... but seriously, I think there's a CP conspiracy happening here. I know Scouty and others have started some topics regarding this year's ColonPalooza get together down in Key West and I can't find any of the topics now!! I have checked through the first four pages and the…
Religious Forum..............???
I am sorry that there are several that are upset with who I am or anyone else that just happens to believe in God. That's fine, you have every right. If you are making a statement by announcing that then, I feel sorry for you. I do believe in Him and yes He does warrant capital letters in my book. You can have your forum…
MY Reality with the number of Treatments
I do not mean to burst anyone's hopes for the number of treatments they are looking at...but, when I had my DX 5 years ago I was set for 6 months of chemo, they surgery in late Sept 04, then 6 months of chemo and that was supposed to be it. 175+ treatments later, I'm still here and ahead of the game (and alive) but I am…
Once Upon A Time...
I tried. I really, really tried to NOT get involved in the whole debate regarding religious beliefs and their relevance on this board. But all of you who know me (and you know who you are, lol!) know that I am a straight shooter and don't sugar coat anything (it's just not in my DNA unfortunately!) In reading through the…
Back from Hospital
Hi all: Just wanted to let you know I'm home from surgery. Doctor told my husband that it went better than expected and he was able to do a j-pouch with temporary ileostomy and that everything looked good and the tumor had shrunk really well. Surgery was to last anywhere from 4-6 hours and it was about 4 1/2. I was so sick…
Emily, "juice chick"- we need some advice!
Emily, I hope you haven't been too scared off this site after some of our recent posts!... All that aside, "marc" and some other newbies have recently posted asking for some nutritional and dietary advice for cancer, and I immediately thought of you. You have given some great health and nutritional advice in the past. So,…
Having Cancer Is Awesome!
NOT! April Fools! Now that I have your attention....wow, a bit of a religious bruhaha going on. How refreshing that I am not in the middle of it! HA! After being on these boards for over 7 years I have witnessed my share of them. I think we all "go to hell" when we hear the words, "You have cancer". I heard a wonderful…
Checking In From Vancouver
WoW!! It has been way too long since I've said HI! I haven't posted much in the last couple of years. I've been enjoying a relatively long stretch of good health, heavily engaged in family, work, and life, and trying to give the cancer piece a rest for a while. A reminder... Aug'04 Dx Stage 4 with liver mets Aug'04 Colon…
A new Kumbaya thread
I started a new thread because this thread is a hopefully fun and lighter kind of post but with KathiM's news that all changed. I have now made 2 distinct threads so both messages can be replied to appropriately. SEMI-COLONS ROCK!!!!!!!! I just realized Kumbaya and Key West both start with the letter K!!! Lord knows this…
Tough day...
Hi before I start off with my own situation, just wanted to say I got really upset over the posts that have been flying around in regards to religion. This forum although I have only been here a week I feel like it's a safe haven. You are all from different walks of life, religious or not, but we all share one thing in…