Prayers Requested
A little history: In October 2008 I lost my full-time job of 8 years and finally received a full-time contracted/temp position with NO benefits in March 09, making ALOT less than what I was before. In 2006 I applied and received an offer from Loudoun County Public Schools in their Constrution Dept, but turned them down due…
#9 is today
well i go for my 9th treatment today.had a bad day yesterday ,you know one of those crying days that says i just dont want to go anymore.at least the onc is stopping me at 10 so after today only 1 more to go.hope everyone has a good day and Godbless.....johnnybegood
Brand NEW DX for hubby
My husband was tested for colon cancer on Thursday, found out it was positive yesterday, and went in for a CAT scan of the pelvis and stomach areas to see if it has spread. Does anyone know how common colon cancer spreading is? We are so new at this - did NOT see it coming - just a routine test we thought. Anyone know of…
Juicer Experts--Calling Emily and Scouty!
Hello. I'm trying to do a better job with vegetable juices for my husband. (My citrus juicer works well and he gets fresh citrus juice every morning, but my vegetable juicer is--at least to me--difficult to use.) I have a Breville vegetable juicer and I find it hard to use and time-consuming to clean. I also find that the…
FDA, Cancer, Money, Kanzius
I get the first chemo treatment of my 3rd cycle today. This just burns me up, so I just need to write some thoughts down. This whole Kanzius, gold nano particle thing really isn't a new idea. Gold nano particles have been around for decades and they have been researched for cancer treatment for many years. In fact, there…
Mexico treatment
My question is has any one ever tried the Bio Clinic in Mexico. They have some Hoxey stuff there. I went there before I even went to any doctor here as far as the chemo stuff. I had the surgery to have the mass cut out here but then went to straight to mexico. I have alot of people in my home town that has went and they…
wrong turn
I was navigating to the colorectal discussions board and accidentally hit childhood cancers. How frigging depressing is that? I would gladly go through what I've been through to keep my son from experiencing the same.
At my oncologist meeting we had a long discussion about this company and their approach to cancer recurrence issues; http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=2562024 http://www.genomeweb.com/biotechtransferweek/ua-uc-irvine-researchers-form-company-further-develop-colon-cancer-chemopreventi?page=show (this…
Date is SET
Wendy and I have decided to tie the knot on 9-6-09 in Las Vegas. Not sure of any other details except the date. It will be small, as we all know it is not legal, but to us it will mean the same as to heterosexual couples. Like I said not sure where or what, we are thinking of the Elvis chapel that is where my daughter got…
Attn Everyone! Take advantage of this offer!
Hi Everyone, This info was posted awhile back by someone, but I wanted to post it now for anyone who may have missed the information. Okay, so it isn't an offer of free flatscreen TV's being given away here, but Bethesda skin care company will send anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis a free bar of their soap! **All you…
So Much Help, Info And Support~~Thank You :)
I was seeking a connection, hope, and community. I am so happy to become acquainted with the caring spirits, funny, loving and supportive folks on this site. I read posts often, and sometimes comment, too. The sharing and support offered hear is amazing. I am here because this "beast" seems to run in my family. I have lost…
A Big Round of Hugs :)
Thank you ladies! I can feel the hugs in your words, and i'm sending them back to all with tons of faith and gratitude :)
Some More Funnies
ENJOY, these are cute..... My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, 'What's on TV?' I said, 'Dust.' And then the fight started... ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary. She said, 'I want…
It's My Birthday
I turn 45 years young today and I feel 30ish, so that is a good sign to have :) . As I sit here at work (been here since 5:00am) typing this, I am also thinking, what have I done and accomplished in these 45 years and I guess it really doesn't matter what we accomphlish in life, it is what we DO WITH LIFE that counts :) So…
I have asked before
Has anyone heard from Limey. I worry about him a lot
Anal Cancer
Hey can someone give me some symptoms of anal cancer??? Is it the same as colon??? I am having some discharge and itching and soreness...I don't want to look it up because you know how crazy you can get when you look all this info up....Thanks Julie
A big thank you to all of you!
Hello all, I am new to this board and to my dx. But I just wanted to ad that in the short amount of time I have been posting and reading other posts. I feel so comfortable here, you all are an inspiration, and a cheerleading team for all others going through this battle. I look forward to seeing how everyone is doing…
i am getting old!!!!
good morning semi's today my baby is turing 22. and she is an awesome young woman!!! man am i getting old!! but that is a good thing!! 5 years ago i didn't know if i would see her turn 17. well semi's have a blessed day today. be well and never,ever give up!! bruce
Just What IS News???
This is how I handled the MJ issue and how I feel about how Farrah Fawcett being yesterday's non-news story. I just emailed this Letter to the Editor of our Local Newspaper. I hopethey print it for one, and I also hope that it gives some attention to Farrah, the woman, and Farrah the woman who lost her battle with cancer.…
Having a chemo party - High on benadryl
The discussion topic says it all. Eric }:.}
Good morning, Everyone I had written this to Eric on a thread he had started, but wanted to share it with the group as well. Enjoy Life is the bottom line to all 3. Here are my 3 "TRUISMS" that I try and live my life by: 1. "The Meter Is Running" - like sand through the hourglass so go the days of our lives. One way or the…
The Doctors Nurse gave me the ok to have a few drinks - Big Mistake
I got the ok to have a few drinks and went out with a few friends last night. I`m sure when they gave me the ok to have a few drinks they meant a "few" drinks. I had fun but got a little carried away. I now remember why I don`t drink that much any more - OUCH! Eric }:.}
How do I shower with new port?????
Doc said NOT to get new port wet and to cover it when showering. Cover it how? I am NOT putting any more of that sticky bandaid sh*t on it... suggestions???? I thought about saran wrap but how does it stay on?
Anyone know Dr. Micheal McCue
Have you heard or known Dr. Michael McCue? The gastroenterologist who found the cancer is sending us to this doctor. Thanks.
chemo terminology
I need help from someone whose memory is friend less than mine. Someone posted an email several months ago that included all the different chemo names and variations (and I think other common terms as well). I thought it was terrific, especially for newbies but even for old-timers. I tried to bring it back up to the top of…
Came across this 2008 article, anyone hear about this before? http://www.avemarresearch.com/pdf/B-MPelletierAvemarArticle.pdf
signet-ring cell carcinoma
I have been diagnosed with the rare signet-ring cell carcinoma in my colon about two weeks ago. I am anxiously looking for some survivors out there and a buddy or two to go through this with. Any information will be greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead. JADot
The dreaded Cat scan
Just wondering how long is typical to wait for results of a Cat scan. I'm scheduled on a Monday for mine and won't see my oncologist until about 1 week later. I'd like to know right away. How long have some of you waited? Hope all of you are doing good. The results of my sigmoidoscopy were good.
Half way there.
Hi Everyone: I am almost half way through my treatments. The problem I am having is that I am have really bad reactions to the 5FU that is part of my regiment. My doctor changed me to Xeloda, the oral chemo for 5Fu and I am having more problems then with the pump. My side effects are extreme chest pain that radiates to my…
Just goes to show you that you never know
when your time is up. Another one bites the dust. The TV Pitchman, Billy Mays just died. Everyone dies, there is no escaping it. In a strange way we are lucky. We've had a close call so hopefully we are more appreciative to things in life. It can all change in the blink of an eye.…