FDA, Cancer, Money, Kanzius

snommintj Member Posts: 601
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I get the first chemo treatment of my 3rd cycle today. This just burns me up, so I just need to write some thoughts down. This whole Kanzius, gold nano particle thing really isn't a new idea. Gold nano particles have been around for decades and they have been researched for cancer treatment for many years. In fact, there is a very similar treatment that has been around a while for the treatment of skin cancers. They inject the site with nano particles and then apply a near infrared light. The nano particles heat up and the cancer dies. Also, there have been studies going way back to 2000 that have tested the cytotoxicity of gold nano particles in healthy tissue. Targeting shouldn't really be an issue, since cancer cells are very much different from healthy cells. Cancer cells have many more insulin receptors, hey have much higher concentrations of glucose, they produce many different types of proteins specific to cancer. I could probably find another half dozen things that are specific to cancer cells simply by searching the internet. So targeting them isn't going to be that hard. Remember the old saying, "if you can see it you can kill it". It wouldn't take a huge scientific leap to add gold nano particles to the irradiated glucose we get during PET scans. But you better believe that isn't going to happen. Your going to have to go to the Dr get samples and biopsies, their going to do genetic testing, then they'll pick which antibody target is right for you. If your cancer is different than others, they may be able to customize one for you. All this is going to take years to work out. But the technology will be difficult to duplicate and they will charge an arm and a leg for it. Meanwhile, the much simpler and more generic targeting would work fine, but it'll never be available because it wouldn't be near as profitable as the alternative. Beyond targeting mechanisms, many geometric variations have been tried and many of them have been foud to linger within cancer cells for much longer than healthy cells. The longest of which is 3 days. That's right, they inject you with gold nano particles, your healthy cells pass the gold nano particles, the cancer cells don't; two days later you walk through a radio transmitter and then you walk home cancer free. Almost any lab can make gold nano particles. It's cheap and simple. All you need is some gold foil and a cathode ray tube. There is no way to patent the technology so they have to find a way to make it their own before bringing it to market. The FDA makes this possible. I'm saddened by the millions of lives that will suffer and die between now and then, simply for proprietary technology and the quest for profit. I am facing the real possibility of dying before this technology comes to market. I'm not hoping for this to work, I know it works. What I hope for is that some one will find a way to make it so profitable that they fast track it to the market.


  • snommintj
    snommintj Member Posts: 601
    pc vs mac
    I hate microsoft products, I'm a diehard apple guy. But a microsoft type philosophy would work well in this situation. Just get the product out there and we can work the kinks out later.
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    snommintj said:

    pc vs mac
    I hate microsoft products, I'm a diehard apple guy. But a microsoft type philosophy would work well in this situation. Just get the product out there and we can work the kinks out later.

    Plug and Pray
    I hear you...
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Very enlightening
    I don't doubt that this is true. It's a shame that a technology exists, but can't be brought to market until a ton of money can be made from our suffering. Sometimes, I just feel like a "cash cow." A very interesting slant on a hot topic to be sure. It really makes you wonder if anybody has our best interests in mine. Good luck in chemo today.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Very enlightening
    I don't doubt that this is true. It's a shame that a technology exists, but can't be brought to market until a ton of money can be made from our suffering. Sometimes, I just feel like a "cash cow." A very interesting slant on a hot topic to be sure. It really makes you wonder if anybody has our best interests in mine. Good luck in chemo today.

    The Dirty Word

    Seems like people don't know what to do with the word CURE or anything that goes along with it. You surely can't claim it unless you want the Feds knocking at your door at midnight. How many cures have been run out of town by the powers that be. Google Royal Rife or Dr. Kelley.

    Seriously, do we truly think "they" have OUR best interest in mind? I think not. It's too hard to see past their dollar signs into our sad eyes as we get our life sentences.

    Until people stand up and say ENOUGH to cytotoxic chemicals, they will continue to control our outcomes and access to cures.

    I say it's time for a medical/health care revolution. And none too soon.

    peacenik, emily
  • snommintj
    snommintj Member Posts: 601
    2bhealed said:

    The Dirty Word

    Seems like people don't know what to do with the word CURE or anything that goes along with it. You surely can't claim it unless you want the Feds knocking at your door at midnight. How many cures have been run out of town by the powers that be. Google Royal Rife or Dr. Kelley.

    Seriously, do we truly think "they" have OUR best interest in mind? I think not. It's too hard to see past their dollar signs into our sad eyes as we get our life sentences.

    Until people stand up and say ENOUGH to cytotoxic chemicals, they will continue to control our outcomes and access to cures.

    I say it's time for a medical/health care revolution. And none too soon.

    peacenik, emily

    End game
    Oh don't think for one second I'm going out quietly. If I'm going down, I'll make sure others will benefit from it. I've got my list and my manifesto already typed up and printed. I keep it in a lock box in my safe, on the box is written open in case of emergency. There will be more than a few folks that will have a bad day if I ever have to open that box. I jest, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    all this just blows my mind
    All this info just blows my mind! When I was first diagnosed stage IV, I had two friends who are very into healthy living and who are very anti-chemo plead with me to not do chemo. They then presented several things to me that I could do to kill the cancer within. All their ideas were with natural supplements, as I know Emily has touted and has used. With so many widespread tumors, I didn't think I could take a chance on seeing if these "supplements" worked & felt up until recently that I would have been dead within a few months if I hadn't taken chemotherapy. Even these friends, however, never had heard of the nanoparticles idea or the Rife machine technology. I'm so angered that myself and so many others are dealing with numerous long term side effects of chemo and are still suffering cancer recurrences and tumor growth, when a very likely cure has been there all along.
    WHAT can WE as the cancer patients being treated DO about all this???
    I'm going to show these articles to my oncologist- not that it will do any good, but I will anyhow.
    John, it breaks my heart and angers me too, as it does obviously to you, to know that our lives could be saved if the whole industry would just listen!! I guess many oncologists aren't even aware of much of this or, if they are, they've been taught to not believe any of it.
    Fight on, everyone! (and have a nice day- lol! :)

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    lisa42 said:

    all this just blows my mind
    All this info just blows my mind! When I was first diagnosed stage IV, I had two friends who are very into healthy living and who are very anti-chemo plead with me to not do chemo. They then presented several things to me that I could do to kill the cancer within. All their ideas were with natural supplements, as I know Emily has touted and has used. With so many widespread tumors, I didn't think I could take a chance on seeing if these "supplements" worked & felt up until recently that I would have been dead within a few months if I hadn't taken chemotherapy. Even these friends, however, never had heard of the nanoparticles idea or the Rife machine technology. I'm so angered that myself and so many others are dealing with numerous long term side effects of chemo and are still suffering cancer recurrences and tumor growth, when a very likely cure has been there all along.
    WHAT can WE as the cancer patients being treated DO about all this???
    I'm going to show these articles to my oncologist- not that it will do any good, but I will anyhow.
    John, it breaks my heart and angers me too, as it does obviously to you, to know that our lives could be saved if the whole industry would just listen!! I guess many oncologists aren't even aware of much of this or, if they are, they've been taught to not believe any of it.
    Fight on, everyone! (and have a nice day- lol! :)


    Hi Lisa,

    I just want to make a clarification with regards to me and supplements. I never claim that any supplement or herb I have taken has cured my cancer. Please know that. I don't promote supplements per se. Yes, it was part of my protocol, but I would never want anyone to think that just by taking some certain vitamin pill you can heal your cancer.

    But what I WILL say is this: Cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment. It thrives on an acidic system. Period.

    GREEN = LIFE green is alkalizing

    SUGAR = DISEASE sugar is acidic

    Therefore, I spent my healing energy trying to keep my system alkaline by JUICING, DETOXING, YOGA and PRAYER and by continually pumping my body with LIVE ENZYMES through the juicing.

    Toxins, whether they be from chemicals, emotions, or toxic people in our lives, can be deadly. Since my system was already compromised with cancer, I worked on RIDDING myself of toxins.

    The supplements I took were a support mechanism to re-balance my system that was drained of certain vitamins and minerals (ie, calcium, selenium, Vit D etc that are DOCUMENTED to have a factor in cancer--as in, studies show that colon cancer patients are low in calcium).

    Ok, just wanted to make that clear b/c lumping me with:

    "All their ideas were with natural supplements, as I know Emily has touted and has used."

    I shudder to think that your friends would beg you to forgo chemo and replace it only with supplements. Alternative medicine gets a bad enough rap without that kind of advice! ;-)

    As for Rife et al (Dr. Kelley etc), I'm glad you're pissed because maybe you will be just the voice to speak the Truth......

    peace, emily
  • harrison123
    harrison123 Member Posts: 2
    Kanzius Cancer Treatment
    After surgery in 2007 and 2 different treatments of chemo, i entered [ 4/20/9] a clinical trial of tarceva and targretin at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. [ non small cell lung cancer ] I left the trial 6/19/9 since it did not work and started gemcitabine chemo on 6/30/9. During my visits to Anderson i had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Steven Curley , the lead investigator on the Kanzius Project and Dr. David Geller [ University of Pittsburgh Medical Center ] whose research for the Kanzius treatment is animals. I have spoken to the Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation a number of times. After reading too many articles on the internet i contacted the FDA to ask them why clinical trials were not approved during their meeting of 5/12/9? I have asked the same question of Dr. Curley, Mrs. Kanzius, 100 Senators, etc. For the past 2 months i have been contacting large philanthropic organizations for funds. I have contacted 60 Minutes about a follow up profile. I am running out of time and the Kanzius treatment appears to be my last hope. However, i have now been told the human trials will not happen this fall but are at least 2 years away---------reasons i am not sure-------------lack of funds to complete research in a more timely manner, drug companies fighting to protect their billions in income, politics, lack of profit once the Radio Wave Gold Nanoparticle RF Generator is built, etc. I am still fighting and digging for the truth.