started with new onc and chemo center & update
Well, I did make the change- I saw my new oncologist for the first time a week ago Tuesday. I also consulted with the onc I had been wanting to change to at UCSD the following day. My new onc knew about this consultation w/ the other guy and was very open to it- said he shares patients back and forth with him and they…
Heck my blood tests are so out of whack since I have started my first chemo round (Xeolda pills) back in January. My R/W counts were down then, liver enzymes below normal, Blood sugar at 69 (yikes). Last test showed some things going up in stuff and down in others. I just know my platelet count is like 129. Oncologist said…
Cbc again
The best site I found is web MD but it doesn't list everything that is on his sheet. Guess I'll have to keep looking. Paula G
I just received an email from our local news stating that Farah has lost her fight. Debbie
Another Update
This is her daughter again. I apologize for the major gap in updates. I was hoping that she would be well enough to update herself, but things got worse, and we've been busy. She went home from the hospital May 28th (a Thursday). Her incision had opened up a little at the hospital, but her doctor thought that just putting…
Mouth and Throat Sores
I'm new to this forum. Was diagnosed with rectal cancer in 2008. I had the whole removal operation and started chemo in February 2009. I had my 8th chemo treatment last week and developed sores. Has anyone else had this problem and if so what was prescribed, if anything? I see my doctor tomorrow. I was also curious if…
Scary Day
Well, I have a tendency to have days turn out way different than I thought they would, and today was one of those days. Last night I was in agony again with strong abdominal pains. I tried to "gut" it out, but ended up going to the ER early this morning. The ER doc gave me morphine and such for pain and nausea and said he…
Hello everyone, Some of you may remember me, who wrote up here a couple times about my mom. Well, I know it is quiet bad to write bad stuff up here where people are trying to be optimistic, but I need to, and I'm sorry in advance. Unfortunately, mom left me yesterday night...it is soooo hard to believe!!! I am very down,…
holiday weekend affecting chemo treatment
I just found out that I will not get my chemo treatment next week because the cancer center is closed on Friday, July 3rd and can't disconnect me o that day. My insurance will not approve my getting chemo a day early, which would allow me to get disconnected on Thursday, the 2nd. I can't say this bothers me because I go on…
Thanks for your support of my sister in law. But the bad news continues
Update on Linda Penny: She's now in surgery recovery from her brain surgery. Apparently the tumor grew so much in the past 12 days that the doctor thought it best to go after it. Is is a glioblastoma. He got most of it, but some of the "tendrils" remain and that's the bad news. Her family is with her and naturally…
Well I am finishing up treatment #8. This time hasn't been bad except for the numbness in hands and feet. It has started in backs of my calves too. I get fanny pack unhooked tommorrow. I am going to see if we can reduce the dosage of the oxy next time, and see if that helps.I have noticed that several people can't finish…
The GIFT of Helping One Another
I just had a beautiful experience just happen to me that I wanted to share with everybody. I just got in from work and my doorbell rang. One of my neighbors offered to help MOW my lawn for me this Friday, a day he was taking off. I've got a big corner lot with a big yard, so this is no small task. I've never been one to…
What is the Kanzius machine?
Some people referenced a "Kanzius machine" in a recent post (Eric's, I believe) & some were asking if anyone knew when it would be possible for human trials in the Kanzius machine. Who can fill me (and others) in on what this is? As we all are, I'm always hopeful in looking forward to new treatments. Lisa
chemo is dripping
I'm getting my treatment now, They're giving me two new drugs this time around. Neither fight cancer. I forgot how absolutely ridiculous I find this. 5fu is the, at best, semi-effective poison, oxaliplatin is a booster, avastin kinda works. Then they give you four drugs to keep you from experiencing complete discomfort.…
good news bad news
CEA is 89, cell search is 1. My new regimen: .25 mg Aloxi, 20 mg decadron, 547 mg avastin, 1g/1g cal/mag, 908 mg leucovorin, 193 mg oxaliplatin, 908 mg 5fu, 1g/1g cal/mag, 5448 mg 5fu
Metronomic delivery of chemo
I just got some information about metronomic delivery of chemo agents and found it interesting. I do not remember reading much of this in the last year so here it is. Essentially what I gleaned was that with drugs like avastin or even chemo drugs when given at large dosages it does or can destroy certain cells but in the…
Sundance Says HOWDY from TX
HOWDY! I'm new to the site and just joined on the 9th of June. Several of you have welcomed me in, but just wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. This is a great site, and the Semi-Colon group seems to be really happenin' people. I'm touched by your stories and amazed at your courage and determination to beat…
New cancer treatment shows ‘great promise’
I saw a piece on the news about this which looked promising. The question is WHEN do we get it???
He everybody, well it was an interesting day. Wendy and I went to my ONC office to get a copy of the results. I asked one of the girls there that I know and like very much if I could get a copy of the scan results. She said wait a minute and I will get back to you. Well we waited for about 10 minutes, and a different lady…
need good karma
good evening semi's, i am asking for good karma for my daughter. she is having a rough time in nursing school. she is a great young woman and i want her to get thru this. so please semi's if you could spare some karma i do appreciate it. be well never,ever give up!! bruce
freaking kudzoo
I've been battling to a stalemate with kudzu for 3 years straight. For those of you unfamiliar with kudzu, it was introduce into the south during the great depression. The govt put people to work planting it alongside rivers and streams to help stop erosion. Well as it turns out the south is the ideal environment for the…
Coincides with 'poop' discussion
This is to anyone who may have felt the same! I'm afraid to eat. I never know what will happen with the intake! One day it's free flow and I can't get it to stop and the next I get a firm refusal to let anything leave! Since I still have tests to go, I feel uneasy about this whole thing. Don't get me wrong, I eat but it…
This site has some good healthy recipes, and not so healthy
You will have to go through them but there are some vegan recipes. http://www.tastespotting.com/
I did it...I am done with chemo!!!
Today was my last chemo bolus and infusion. Yippee! I just hope it all takes. The nurses and techs sang and danced, presented me with a special cup and hugs all around. I couldn't drink, so they gave me champagne stickers! I gave them all special fused glass earrings. No dry eyes in the place. Even the other patients…
painful colonoscopy
They promised me good painkillers and twilight sleep. I felt sharp severe pain several times and remember almost everything. I will never do this again. How did they screw up? My blood pressure was way scary - I could see it on the monitor.
A few Tips from My Nurse Practitioner
Metamucil - bulks the stools. I highly recommend it! Metamucil contains a bulk-forming fiber without any chemical stimulants. The active ingredient, psyllium, is a harvested grain that absorbs and holds moisture. This causes the psyllium to swell, supplying the necessary bulk to help form an easily eliminated stool.…
Erbitux and side effects
I just started on my new protocol. Little history. Routine colonoscopy nov 2006. Transverse colon tumor found.(previous colonscopy was 3 years prior and clear) 8/23 nodes positive. Did Folfox 6 months, followup shows ovary cyst (actually turned out to be colon cancer mets. So jumped to Stage 4, then thought i had liver…
Well its over, it took a a lot longer then before, so that worries me a little. But its in Gods hands now. I will keep everyone updated, because I am going to start calling tomorrow to try and get an earlier appointment so I don't have to wait so long. Thanks for all the support and prayers, believe me they are so totally…
sleeping during chemo
I'm getting my first round on thursday. I like to sleep and relax while I'm on the pump. I haven't been told to do it but I think it helps. I think it's similar to a PET scan. I want my cells to be as inactive as possible so that the extremely active cancer cells will get a higher dose of the chemo. Of course this is just…
Cheryl and Mags
Dear Cheryl and Mags, I miss you ladies. Thinking about you and hoping all is well. With aloha, Kathleen