Dangers of Using Public Computers at Hospitals and Treatment Centers
I just thought I'd comment on this since I see it VERY often when I am here at SK. Many facilities have computers for people to use for research, checking emails or instant messaging. Almost every time I come here I see that AIM is open and people have their screen names and passwords SAVED to the computer so anyone can…
Palliative Care
This has been really making me nervous. I am supposed to go for palliative care to manage my medicines better, and make sure which one is working better for what, but I always associated it with end-of-life care, and am concerned they said it isn't about thst, but I can't get over the feeling that they are wanting me to…
When I was first DX i was concerned i would not beable continue with the thing i love the most. I expressed to my doctor I would not be happy if i was not normal when this was all over. ( i guess i ws really naive). I wanted him to know I needed to be able to continue my art. You see my husband is a kindey dialysis patient…
Nice, new, disgusting topic!
As some of you know, i've been having terrible bowel issues since my takedown in May. First there was having to go constantly with suicidal pain, then there was the severe constipation with very similar pain. Through this all, some issues have improved while others seem to have worsened, or just remain the same. After…
Vitamin Regimen for Prevention of Neuropathy
Hi Everyone, I am new to this board and I am writing for my mother who has been diagnosed with StageIII colon cancer. She just started her FOLFOX treatment this week (5FU, Leucovorine, and Oxyloplatin) forgive the spellings!. I have been reading most of the postings on here and have a question about taking vitamins to…
Completed Round 1
I went for surgery on June 4th for “diverticulitis surgery”….an abscess occurred in-between the colon and left ovary…when the second occurrence of the abscess happened 1 moth later, I went for surgery – the Cat scan and Pet scan prior to surgery did not show any tumor…but during surgery a stage 4 tumor was diagnosed –…
Phil where are you
I was just wondering i haven't seen you post I hope all is well. michelle
Am I the only one dealing with addiction to pain meds? When I was going through treatment I needed them, and all my doctors were more then happy to deal them out. Well now that I am NED (hoping to stay NED I go for my check up in 2 weeks) I find that I still have to take them. I dont take them to get high, I just find my…
Keep them coming
Had my interview the on Wedneaday, 22 July. 70 applicants were narrowed down to 8. Received a call on Friday, 24 July 09 to come back for a 2nd interview on Wednesday, 12 Aug 09. KEEP THE PRAYERS AND GOOD VIBES A'COMING!!!!!!!!!
Yay!!! I'm Finally Out of the Hospital!!!!!!!!
Heyas everyone!!! it's so sweet and very heartwarming to come back here and find I was actually missed~ I have to go through a whole bunch of posts I haven't read yet. First of all, thanks for the beatiful cards and flowers that were sent, they sure msde my room smell lovely, and look so pretty, those made my day! you guys…
Can Side Effects Appear Anytime???
Hey All, I have just been thru 3 chemo treatments and thank God I have not had any side effects... none. My last chemo session was 12 days ago. Yesterday I started developing this horrible headache. The only way it will stop is with pain meds. I take Folfiri. (5FU,irinotecan, avastin) I always thought if side effects were…
Swine Flu
Hello, I live in Ga. and they are reporting the worst Swine Flu season yet.(I am sure this is reported everywhere). Saying it will come early in the school year. I have two kids 10 and 13 and I am so nervous about staying well and keeping my family well. If we can't have a live vaccine (nobody in my family)how do we combat…
scan results aren't what I had hoped for
Hi everyone, Well, I had my PET scan Thursday and I went to the hospital and got my results today. This is the third summer in a row that scan results have brought bad news since my original diagnosis in Aug 2007. I suppose it could have been worse, but I was definitely hoping things would be totally gone or at least no…
Back on Chemo tommorow
I starting a second series of chemo tommorow. This time Capecitibine (oral) and Oxiliplatin (ouch). I really don't look forward to the Oxy since my neuropathy from the fist series has not completely resolved. I have been doing some online research and some studies show using Gingko Biloba can help. Otherwise, for four…
Scared about Chemo #4 please pray!!
Hello, I am going into my Chemo on Tues. July 28th, my 19th wedding anniversary! I am bummed about that but don't want to delay treatment. I will be doing my 4th chemo and I am scared. So far it had just been some neuropathy, constipation,first two was mouth sores, and lip burns but did not have them for the 3rd. I don't…
people don't understand
Krista, This is long your topic of extreme pooh problems, Why is it no one understands. I had to leave work the other day because of constipation,( my boss just looked at me like i was lazy) my back hurt so bad i could not sit at my desk any longer, and then other days i go to the bathroom which is only a few feet from…
Hey everyone, Going on vaction to Wildwood NJ for a week..Just wanted to wish everyone a good week.....You will all be in my thoughts and prayers....JULIE
postsurgical adhesion and bowel obstruction
I was diagnosed of stage four colon cancer with metastasis to the liver October, 2008 after a sudden onset of excruciating pain in the abdomen which brought me to the ER. Initial surgery removed the tumor in the colon along with 26 affected lymph nodes. Three months later, I had a smalll intestine bypass surgery due to the…
Surgery again.............UGH
Set up a surgery date of Aug. 17th to have my gallbladder out and two hernias repaired...Yes two.UGH......I just can't stand the thought of going into the hospital and having surgery again....I know its for the best and I will finally be pain free for once..Which I haven't been for awhile..If its not the gallbladder…
as a son, my heart is literally breaking into pieces
today i called my mom and she told me that she felt pain as if she was ready to go...so i rushed home and asked if 911 is necessary. She said it isnt, but i know my mom and she is just really afraid that it might be it so she said no. I got home and my dad was there and my mom was there too but very very weak and she said…
Friday Riddle Answer
This week's winner is Fight For Love. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!! RIDDLE: Jake is walking at 2.5 miles per hour. Bob is trying to catch up, and is walking at 3.5 miles per hour. If Jake had a three hour head start, how long will it take Bob to catch up, and how far will he have walked? ANSWER: Jake has already gone three hours,…
lizzydavis & idlehunters
Thanks for the dough.
Everyone please pray or send good energy or vibes for Donna. I just got off the phone with her and her spirits are really down, she was thinking that maybe the cancer is going to take her and that she wont make it out of the hospital. I talked with her for a while and she sounded a little better. Come to find out there is…
Haven't seen any post from her lately?
New Symptoms -
Hi Everyone, I was dc from round 3 (folfox) yesterday and have been feeling the worst yet. Many times when I get up from sitting, my eyes are open but I cannot see. It goes away quickly but for a time my view is mostly black. My calves ache, I have nausea, no energy and feel miserable. I have not felt this bad with rounds…
Oral 5-fu
Anyone taking oral 5-fu? I do not like the bag. Winney
Is there any way to raise low BP? Hospice said my wife is near the end. I won't , can't accept that
I care for my wife at home. She was diagnosed with colon cancer, lung and liver cancer too. The surgeon removed a large tumor from her colon, but, would not do anything for her liver and lungs. She is so weak that it is impossible to take her to the oncologist, who by telephone said that if she is that weak, he would most…
What kind of food do you eat when you have anemia?
Hello everybody,we just came back from oncologist,from last blood test,it shows my hubby has anemia because it's the 4th week of 6 at 5-fu,I guess this is a normal reaction to the chemo.So I would like to know what kind of food you eat to help with boosting up your blood cell counts.Thank you very much.Any suggestions…
Remember when we talked about rewriting I'm Bad by MJ to I'm NED?
Several of you responded to my challenge to put new lyrics to Michael Jackson's"I'm Bad" to make it go "Im NED" Well, I'm still laughing out loud because i found the lyrics and the first line in the song is: Your butt is mine! I give up, nothing can beat that funny surprise, esp. for us semicolons!
Still NED!
Yesterday I visited with my medical oncologist. My CEA was 1.6 and she said I continue to do well. I then went and had a mammogram (yearly check -up ) and bless them, they read it right there (the tech had to maneuver around my port so that was probably a tip-off) and it was NORMAL. Whew! I still remain NED. Next month is…