Hersey Kisses
A friend of mine's great grandson went to the first day of first grade last week. I asked him if there were any cute girls in his class and he told me with a big smile, "there was this one girl who had hersey kisses in her book bag!" It was so cute and funny!! Don't we all wish we were six again. Hugs, Winney
Opinions on what my options are
Hey All, I go in Monday (8/10) for first PET/CT since 1st dx. I have been through 4 treatments thus far. CEA has went from 75 to 29. I don't really know if that matters. The following Thursday I see my onc. to discuss possibilities. He has always told me from day 1 that I have NO possibilities of anything other than…
It's like I never had it.
I went to the doctor for a check up back in March, since it had been a couple of years. I'm 52. The doc asked if I'd had a colonoscopy and I said not for about 30 years. So we scheduled one. It looked suspicious but the bowel prep wasn't entirely successful so he scheduled another for the following week. As I was laying…
The Reading Room: A Guide Through The Medical Wilderness
This article if interesting. Having been a victim of the insurance industry's "denial of coverage game" when my husband was having chemotherapy, I'm acutely aware of the additional physical and emotional toll the insurance fight can take on a family. As the writer points out, though, the principle of caveat emptor applies…
Natural pain management
I have two hernias which I am having surgery for on 8/17...The doctor gave me Percocet for the pain...It helps alittle..I was just wondering if anyone knows anything I can do without taking perscription meds to help with the pain..I limit my fatty foods and drink water alot. I just rather do something else than always take…
Depressing Vacation..
Hi everyone, I took a break from chemo in July and went home to PA. to see my month old grandson..he is just beautiful. I went to Gettysburg Civil war battlefields tour and Washington DC ...etc with my 3 oldest grandchildren which was fantastic..I had called my brother and planned to visit him after my running with the…
This is my 12th week on erbitux and the rash has spread everywhere. I am fortunate in that the symptoms are not that bad but it chose to expand it`s territory. I thought it was supposed to settle down after the first six treatments or so but it has become really active. I am bald and even have red spots all over my scalp.…
Diagnosed with stage 4 colon rectal cancer Question in Regards to controlling Diarrhea
In November of last year I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon rectal cancer and was treated with 5fu.After six months on this treatment my oncologist stopped this treatment due to severe numbness in my fingers and toes. I am now being given cp-11,erbinox#2 and erbitux#4. I have suffered with ditherer since treatment began…
Results of my circulating tumor cells test
My CellSearch System circulating tumor cells (CTC) test came back with zero cancer cells. Does that mean I can be confident that I don’t have to worry about metastatic cancer?
Gettin' my chemo party started too (almost)
Had my first consultation with the oncologist today. Very nice and personable dr. by the name of Pierre Khouri in Kingwood, TX. He spent a lot of time with my wife and I just talking. He wanted to know a lot about me and my history and how I got dx'ed. Looks like I get my first treatment on August 27th. Still have to do a…
Got a second opinion- thank goodness!
We live in a relatively small town south of DC and have been pretty happy with our oncology surgeon and oncologist (except for him telling my husband in the hospital that people have been known to survive stage IV, as though it's pretty rare!). We were feeling like we were coordinating care between the two practitioners,…
Insomnia during/after chemo
Hi, all! Just one question here... My mom (dx Stage IV with 3 mets to liver) is about 8 days removed from her first FOLFOX chemo treatment (5 hours @ the "parlor", then 46 hours with the 5FU pump) and is finding that she has quite a bit of insomnia the past few nights. She feels as if she has the WORST case of…
The Reading Room
With every ounce of my being, I believe that knowledge is power. I especially believe that to be true in the fight against cancer. I certainly remember coming home on the night my husband was diagnosed and spending the entire night researching his disease. On that first frightening night, although I regret that I didn't…
Question about colonoscopy
What are the guidelines that your doctors have followed for colonoscopies? this is my third year after surgery and previous colonoscopies have been clear, on the first one 6 month after surgery they found a small polyp that was bening, is it once a year for the first 5 years? I made the appoitment to get it with the…
Cancer more extensive than i thought
Just sat down and had my first detailed discussion with the oncologist. I thought my problem was confined to the liver but apparently it is all over my body. Pelvic,aortic,abdominal lymphs + abdominal cavity and fatty tissue. He gave me the non curable and putting out the fire speech. He did say it is still possible to…
scholarship programs, to go back to school
I am a college grad. and thought I might want to go back and get a masters if i can get a scholarship. Do any of you know of a resource?, In Ga we have Hope Scholarship Program, which I think i can use but i am not sure , any input would be great, Hope everyone is doing fine. Hugs Winney
Friday Riddle - EARLY
I will be visiting my son over the weekend for the Arlington Million Horse Race in Chicago, IL, so I will be out of touch until Tuesday. NO GOOGLING OR SEARCHING THE INTERNET FOR THE ANSWER. GOOD LUCK RIDDLE:A certain investment doubles Joe's money every five years. If Joe leaves all the money invested, in 40 years he'll…
Just wanted to say i like phils picture is that in black and white.I have to get to the eye dr. michelle
Proud of my son today
I was so proud of my son today. It was his graduation from radiation therapy school. He asked me to pin him at the ceremony! While we were at the hospital, he showed us around the treatment rooms and told us more about his work. As I stood there and looked at all that equipment, I said a prayer of gratitude that my cancer…
hey buzzard got some questions 4 u
hope you are doing well.i am having side effects that are more intense and some i didnt even have while on chemo.its been almost 3 wks since my last treatment,i called the onc and she said the side effects will get worse before it gets better.i know the tiredness will take a while to get over but the nuropothy has gotten…
CA level
I need a little help here understanding what a CA level is. My Doc told me this morning that my CA levels are normal, not sure exactly what that means.
I have a question
If you had a daughter at the age of 6 got juvinile rumatoide arthitis So the dr put her on enbril which has helped her alot but now they said several children taking the med for jra are now getting cancer what would you do ? its my grandaughter she really needs the medicine she also gets a chemo drug to once a week she is…
Surgery Day - and an urgent prayer request
It's today at 6:30 ...Lynch Syndrome results are not back yet - 98% done so dh has decided to go ahead with the surgery minus the results - therefore he is doing half the colon....I have mixed feelings but he says he can't wait any longer - PLEASE pray for a miracle that the results come back before his surgery (they still…
The Moment of Truth
I get one more erbitux treatment and then get rescaned on Saturday. I will know the results and talk to the doctor about my future on Wed. Please pray for ned or atleast something close to it. Thanks for all the support. Just call me Ned. Eric
Welcome LAD, Stage IV and 11 years CURED!!
Welcome LAD! I read your story in your profile and was so blessed! I'm sure our Stage IV friends will gain much HOPE and comfort from your story. God Bless! Diane Tavegia
I'm new here. Looking for knowledge/advice.
Just had colectomy surgery to remove a tumor. I'm only 38 years old. My dad died of colon cancer at 59 about 2 years ago. A boating accident ended up leading doctors to find my tumor. My colonoscopy 4 years ago was clean with no polyps. I was told I have stage 3a colon cancer. 3 of the 19 lymph nodes removed during the…
Happy Day
My son is on his way home. He will be home sometime this afternoon!! He's been in Iraq for the last 3 months. I'm very excited and can't wait to see him. He's in the National Guard.
Update on my brother
Lets see he was admitted july 8th, had brain surgery july 16, hip surgery july 22 5 hour operation, At skilled nursing facility as of july 30th. i talk to my brother every other day he is bummed out still can't urinate or poop has cath in him but the pooping is a big issue they have to remove the impaction he still can't…
How can a tumor be staged before surgery? mY DH won't know until after his surgery and the tumor and lymph nodes are tested - which is tomorrow....I am soo confused - did I misunderstand something with the info that was given to us?
Anyone Opt for No Surgury,
Hi all, changed my photo this is my Winney pooh from when i was a baby, my dad calls me winney pooh,. For those of you who don't know , I am newly Dx Stage IV with mass in Rectum up high, and 3cm mass in liver, 3rd chemo last week, Asked ONC if there was ever a way to opt out of Surgury just shrink these tumors and he said…