Question about NED
Hi everyone, I hope everyone's enjoying their summer...here in Michigan, we haven't had too much of one so far, but It has to get better...right??? :) I have a question about NED...When do you consider yourself NED? After your first radiation/chemo treatment? After surgery? or after chemo is finished after surgery? I know…
lip sores
Hi everyone Just when we thought he wouldn't get them he did. John has two large sores on the inside of his lip. The papers we have say to keep your mouth clean (duh) and salt mixed with soda in water. Does anyone have other suggestions? I will call the Doc in the morning. Damn Chemo!! Paula G.
New clinical trial for those who've exhausted conventional chemo
There is a new trial CNTO 328. It has had small trials in europe on a few different cancers. It seems to be following the same pattern as many of the new protein inhibitors. If it works, it works well.
New, , What is NED
Just new to this group and This cancer ( my second cencer i had HL 10 years ago). Lot of you all talking about NED what is this? thanks, Winney
surprise finding
I saw my oncologist wednesday just for a checkup and he also went over the results of my Cat scan that was done on July 6th. Everything looked good and normal but he mentioned that my heart was enlarged. This surprised me because I've never ever had any problems or symptoms. He didn't mention that I needed any testing or…
Dry Heal Solution
On Oprah today, there was information on preventing and eliminating--- “Dry Heels”. They recommended using Stridex Pads which contain - 2 % Salisylic Acid to exfoliate and then generously use eucerin cream (not lotion). They said within 1 week you will notice a difference. Go to Oprah.com for the info. Dry lips – apply…
Perm or Coloring and Update including Acrylics on Nails
Has any woman out there that was on 5FU and Oxi had a perm and/or coloring their hair while in treatment. I was thinking of getting my hair cut shorter, but my hair is so baby thin and fine that I don't have much to start out with and I know the treatment says you won't lose your hair but it will thin out. Perm is the only…
How Long..........
Can anyone one on Folfox 6,during their first round,tell me what is the average amount of time to go without being able to eat? My husband still after DC on Thuresday si not able to eat more than a bite or two of food a day.
Another stage IV survivor
Hi all: Diagnosed in May 2005, with 4 mets to the liver. Surgery July 2005, resected colon and liver. 10 months of folfox through a port, alternated every third week with hepatic pump infusions. Left with a few scars and neuropathty in the feet, but NED, and feeling stronger than ever. Doing everything I did before, and…
Chemo Party for This Week and Next
Just wanted to say welcome to the chemo party this week and hoping all that everyone joining this party this week (and for those next week) that all goes well. I know some of you have the same as I like Eric, Phil and Linda and others so good luck. Hoping the side effects are minimal for us all. At least we can say we…
home from vacation and having CT/PET this Thursday
Hi Everyone, I jusst returned home from vacation. We had a busy, but very good time! Now for the unpacking and laundry... This is such an active board that I missed so much in the week and a half I've not been checking in- wow! I've skimmed over a few of your posts, but haven't commented on any yet. I felt pretty good on…
DR said bloood counts are normal but cyst on kidny should I worry
Glass of wine okay on off chemo week?
Okay - today is my anniversary and my hubby is bringing home wine. Has anyone had wine on off chemo weeks? I have not had any alcohol since my DX. My liver surgeon said after 3 months I could drink sparingly. 3 months was July 9. Should I go for it and have that glass of red wine???
Really Rough Skin
I just noticed that my upper chest has really rough skin. I even took the wash cloth and rubbed it harder than a normal wash in the shower and it's still so rough. It feels like it is peeling or rough like a sunburn would but doesn't look red or anything. My nurse told me to wear sunscreen (which I don't) because I'm not…
I'm about to panic!
Well, two years out from diagnosis and i haven't had a colonscopy since. My oncologist said i'd better get one immediately because this was the time people had their recurrences. I've been having so many bathroom related problems since the takedown in May, i figured it was due to being constipated, and a stricture. As a…
surgery update
Here I had my laptop with me at Mayo and so grateful they have a good and easy connection. And then the dang laptop went out on me the night before!! So much for good planning, eh? The surgery went really well. Hernia repair at the old colostomy site. Some very strange things though that ended up making me feel more normal…
New Rankings of the Best U.S. Hospitals
Useful information http://www.webmd.com/news/20090717/new-rankings-of-the-best-us-hospitals
Can anyone tell me how you get a hernia???? I did no heavy lifting....I have to have it repaired as soon as possible. They will also take out my gallbladder at the same time but it has to be open surgery.......So how bad will this surgery be??? Can hernias be cancerous???? Thanks for any help you can give…
Question about Clinical Trials
Hi everyone, First, I'd like to thank everyone for the well-wishes before my scans. Unfortunately, after 10 rounds of FOLFIRI+Avastin, the tumors grew (albeit, marginally...but still). Anyway, I'm now erolled in a clinical trial for a MEK inhibitor drug called AZD6244. My question is - have any of you been involved in a…
Friday Riddle Answer
This week goes to KarenS49. Taking a plane was correct, but the flight was 3 hours. RIDDLE:If a man can walk 2 miles per hour, and needs nine hours of sleep each day, what is the fastest he could travel the 3000 miles from New York to Los Angeles? ANSWER: Just about three hours in a plane. (or 100 days walking, but the…
Lysine and chemo
Does taking Lysine for canker sores affect chemo with Folfiri and Erbitux? I saw a mouth gel made with lysine for cold sores and wonder if i could use that. I always have to run everything i take through the pharmacist, but i forgot. And i just got disconnected Friday and the canker sores are coming back already...I hope…
Friday Riddle
NO GOOGLING OR SEARCHING THE INTERNET ALLOWED :) RIDDLE:If a man can walk 2 miles per hour, and needs nine hours of sleep each day, what is the fastest he could travel the 3000 miles from New York to Los Angeles?
Any update on Donna?
Anyone know anything about Donna? I wrote her a letter, but from here it takes minimum of 7 days to reach her. I hope she is doing better and better day by day! I sooo want to hear from her, and it would be awesome to see her reappear on this forum and leave a note. Well, I hope everybody is hanging on the best they can!…
chemo day 2 and 3 need help
Well,I can say all started out really well on the first day of chemo. Sean was hungry and ate some,however day two and the start of day three aren't not going as well. We have been dripping 5FU since about 12:30 Tuesday and by the end of day one going into day two thing have went down hill. He can no longer eat and…
abdominal tenderness
HI EVERYONE, HOPE EVERYONE IS DOING OK.. I have a question. I had my resection and ileostomy 7 wks ago and my abdomen is still very tender. Has anyone else experience this. I thought I would be fully recovered by now.. Thanks.
c-dff colitis
Hi everyone, I posted a message to pamysue in the semi-colon update post. Sorry, I meant to send it to her and it wound up there.
6 weeks straight chemo
Where's that guy that posted recently about getting chemo for 4-6 weeks nonstop of folfox (i don't remember the exact time frame). How are things going, did it work? how were your side effects?
CEA Marker Results...help w understanding?
I'm Bacccckkkk....dh's cea marker results came back today.067 (?). Dr. will call later to explain but can anyone help in the meantime? Not sure what that means...dh and I are restless waiting for the call.....thanks again
rounds of chemo????
Well we had our visit with the cancer center - had our first real talk about chemo...as you have all experienced it has freaking scared us out of our minds - the final say will come with the surgery after they do the tests but for now they think it might be at least one round - so I was thinking ok 6-8 weeks not bad - then…
Pain in abdomen after liver resection
I have an ultrasound scheduled this morning and wondering if I can have a cup of coffee, anyone know? Dr office is closed right now.