Anyone Opt for No Surgury,
Hi all, changed my photo this is my Winney pooh from when i was a baby, my dad calls me winney pooh,. For those of you who don't know , I am newly Dx Stage IV with mass in Rectum up high, and 3cm mass in liver, 3rd chemo last week, Asked ONC if there was ever a way to opt out of Surgury just shrink these tumors and he said…
Had #11 today. Update on Vitamin D3 levels
I got my 11th treatment early this morning and came hope very sleepy. I wanted to share that my Vitamin D3 was up to 34.7. Normal is 32 and up. Very Happy Here! I'm taking a Centrum Silver Women's Ultra vitamin, 2,000 IU of Vitamin D3 and Calcium with Vitamin D3. Adding that together, I'm getting 3,600 IU's of Vitamin D3…
met with surgeon
Things seem to be moving in the right direction. He was pleased with my results from chemo. He no longer feels as though a liver resection is a top priority. I get four week off from chemo. I will have another PET/CT and he recommends have the three places in my liver ablated. He said the tumors in my lung showed very…
Swollen eye, itching and broken out all over
I woke up this morning (5:00 am)with my left eye swollen, several whelps on my body and itching. I didn't know what to do and it was very bothersome and scary. I called the onc on call. He wasn't my doctor and just said you must be allergic to something. He recommended I take benedryl. I went to Walmart at 5:30 am and…
Chemo A No Go - Bummed
Went in today for another blood test hoping that counts went up from Saturday - well they went down further. My platelet count did go up another 40 points in two days, but the Neutrophil dropped further. They gave me a shot that I need to start taking daily after being disconnected. There is a shot that you only need one…
Round 2 mostly a bust
Yesterday was interesting and I was wondering if anyone has experienced this. Once I finished the Oxy and was signing the slip for my home supplies, I noticed that my hands were turning into claws. I could barely write my name and my thumbs kept drawing into my palms. I got up to go to the restroom and I could barely walk.…
Meant to post this yesterday. Did y'all read that Corazon Aquino, former leader of the Phillipines, recently died of colon cancer? The beast strikes again. *Hugs* Gail
Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency
A lady on a teeny forum has had problems with her blood counts and platelets during chemo. Her doctor tested her for an enzyme (test was special and took longer to come back). They're retesting her now. I've not ever seen a discussion on this and it's quite scary. Has anyone ever heard of this or been tested for this?…
Interesting article concerning clinical trials
From the NY Times. I think I understand it now. No one even wants to even read about clinical trials so how/why would they want to participate?
my brother
I just got a email from my brothers wife he had a siezure and fell and broke his hip they did a scan he has a brain tumor it is cancer he 46 they are transfering him to uci med orange to do the hip surgery i am so scared for him i just lost my husband and now Maybe my brother. my mom died at 49 from brain cancer and now my…
Friday Riddle Answer
RIDDLE: "Duo" is the shortest word with "uo" in it. What is the longest word you can find with "uo" in it? There is at least one with 12 letters in it. ANSWER: "Fluoridation" has 12 letters, and some dictionaries carry "fluoridization," with 14 letters, as a synonym. The word "duotrigintillion" is in some English…
one step back (update)
I had been feeling so good after hernia surgery, almost 3 weeks ago. I do wear a hernia belt and will for several months. So I take off yesterday for the hour drive north to an education retreat (I am a teacher). Didn't feel so great when I got there- and it went downhill from there. Got a ride over to the ER- CT scan…
who here takes vicodin every 4hrs? does it still help? or did u grow tolerant to it...update sitting
I'm here again have nowhere to go typing on my blackberry...my mom was rushed to ER again with unbearable pain..her hesitation to not take fentalyl backfired at 1am and she was in excruciating pain until we put her on the patch...she felt better after about 20 minutes..now I sit here scared of when or if the patch begins…
Clinic called today
The oncology clinic called me today with blood tests from yesterday. I just can't win at these WBC/RBC and platelets. Last week my WBC was 2.6 (good enough for chemo) and Neutrophil was 1.25 (good enough for chemo) and platelet count was 75 (bad for chemo). Today WBC was down to 1.8 and Neutrophil was .80, but platelet…
I am sitting here, while my kids sleep, trying to figure out how to tell them that their grandpa just died. My dad lost his battle this morning at 2:44am. He was a strong 83 yr. old, 20 year colon cancer survivor and a 3x survivor of bladder cancer. He had multiple issues in the last 3 months, and his decline was fast.…
Bleeding while chemo or radiation
Has anyone continued with chemo or radiation while having bleeding problems probably resulting from hemorrhoid? My Dad sees a little fresh blood on his wipes once a while and he just finished his second round of chemo. Can you have a hemorrhoid surgery while on chemo and/or radiation for cancer treatment?
worried// MD Anderson
Hi, Some of you have seen me on here before and here I am again. The last time I was on here I had stage 3 colon cancer i had a resection and did 6 months of chemo. 7 months after the end of my chemo my cancer came back. This time I had my whole colon removed my surgeon told me by doing that I had a better chance of never…
Friday Riddle
NO GOOGLING OR SEARCHING THE INTERNET IS ALLOWED :( RIDDLE: "Duo" is the shortest word with "uo" in it. What is the longest word you can find with "uo" in it? There is at least one with 12 letters in it.
Abraham Lincoln
"Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you are sure to succeed." - Abraham Lincoln
How can I help my mom?
I was so glad I found this site because it has given me a glimpse into the world of people who are living with and conquering this devastating disgnosis. Thank you so much for taking the time to post and help people like me cope!!!! My mom is 59 and was dx this week (7/28/09) with stage IV colorectal cancer with mets to…
Is SWEATING a symptom??
I find this odd since I couldnt find anything online myself...so is it one of the symptoms of liver mets?
Craving popcorn..... can I eat it???
Man... I really want some popcorn...BAD! A few people said this is not a good food to eat because of shells. Can I or can't I have it???? Hurry... I got the munchies Thank you..... Jennie
calling impactzone re lung mets
I recall you were going in to Stanford for surgery on a lung met.....how about a report on that? I am stage IV and have my second met w/ some choices about treatment options. I'd like to hear your met treatment history if you would "share". Serrana
"Good Liver Enzymes" in Stage IV Colon Cancer?
I have a quick question here: when my mom was recently diagnosed with her Stage IV Colon Cancer, she was told that "your liver enzymes are good, so that's a good sign" by one of the doctors. The CT scan showed 1 medium-sized lesion and 2 small lesions on her liver. I am just curious - what should we take from this…
for those that know the names of the chemo drugs/trials
I was dx in May 08. At that time there was a trial drug being used that showed great promise. Then when I saw the oncologist in July 08, she said the drug had been postponed due to some results showing it was very effective against a form of cc, but not others. (plus she said the side effects were very bad) And basically…
Has anyone tried a diet vs. Chemo
I think someone here is doing a special diet instead of chemo, if so I would like to get more info. Dave
34 yo husband dx stage IV
After some complications from a back surgery, we found out a couple of weeks ago that my husband (34 yo) had a tumor in his large intestine with mets in the liver (3 spots). He is starting chemo in a couple of weeks after he is recovered from having the original tumor removed, with the hope of qualifying for resection.…
Rides to treatment
Why does everyone want to give you a ride to treatments? I was diagnosed with Stage III colon cancer in early June after a colon resection -- 3 of 90 nodes showed positive. Had a port inserted and am scheduled for #2 of 12 chemo treatments 5FU + Oxaliplatin next Wednesday. All things considered, I'm doing great. I was a…
Not Getting Nutrients
I just don't think I'm getting the nutrients I need to get my platelet count up. I have an ileostomy and I always knew that things go right through you with this, but today I really noticed it when I ate jello and 1/2 hour later it was coming out and also my vitamins which I now cut in quarters come out "in quarters". I…
New Clinical Trial for Advanced Cancer -
Trial of New Drug to Blocks Cell Changes Available at NIH Clinical Center Posted: 30 Jul 2009 04:00 AM PDT Written by Kate Murphy. An oral drug that blocks activity of enzymes that change proteins in cells that leads to cancer is being tested at the National Institutes of Health. R935788 or Fostamatinib, a protein kinase…