Doctors ang lnsurances
Well we got a letter in the mail from our insurance for our home asking us if we went to and colon test in 2005 the doctor has told the insurance that he has made an appointment for one of those test and he came the name of the center so jorge had called the center to find out if there was an appointment made and they told…
today l been plugged again , no major effects but my lower back a bit painful !
Normal in folfiri ? answers welcome , Hugs.
Saw my Oncologist Yesterday-more opinions please
So I had an appointment yesterday to see my doctor and was prepared to bombard her with my list of questions. She walked trough the door and before I could pull up my list of questions she said I have good news but you might think it's bad. She stated that she attended a conference and spoke to several colorectal cancer…
Ok, I'm scared
I'm scared and I can't help it. Ten days of stool softners and still thin stools. I know I am projecting, but I am scared. Could just be that we got bad news about my husbands Aunt. She's had colon cancer twice, and now it's in her bladder. Has to have her bladder removed, part of her vagina and likely won't be able to…
question about persistent bleeding
Hi, I am hoping to get some information/experiences regarding my uncle's current condition. He lives in India and is undergoing treatment there; so please keep in mind that many medical procedures are somewhat different there, but still, I am hoping to get a sense of what he may be facing. I also don't know the full…
K RAS mutants.......I'd like to know who is a mutant in this board and
which treatment are you having or had to beat the beast! Of course I am. cheers.
Bag test shows its just stinky air
One of the fun parts of being old and retired is you just have fun with all the time on your hands. I fully admit that at times I am 67 going on 15. This morning the bag was as usual like the Goodyear blimp. I took a big hypodermic needle, just poked thru the top of the bag and sucked out the air. Then I just lit up my…
Didn't notice the "XX" in front of the "L":
Since my surgery I've had to buy all new clothes as I can no longer dress as I did. I now wear draw-string pants or elastic banded pants, no more zippers, belts,snaps, buttons,or back pockets for me. Likewise with T shirts: no more tight-fitting Ts to accentuate traps, pecs ,lats and arms, just very loose and very lengthy…
Latest update
Hi, For some reason I feel a need to post an update here. I must admit that I am not a frequent contributor here. I mostly read and see where everyone else is and offer anything that might be helpful from time to time. I was told I was NED on April 6th after being dx with Stage IV July of 2009. I had my last chemo…
Find it First with Olympus
Hello to my fellow Semi-Colons, Caregivers and Friends, It has been quite some time since I have posted or responded here, but I do read the threads several times each week to stay current with my fellow CRC survivors. Gosh, there are so many new folks here.... makes me sad, but also uplifted by such a wonderful community…
Today we got a call a liver doctor we have to go and see him on Monday at 3 a little worried on what hes going to say
now infection
I am scheduled to get a port on Oct 6 and start chemo on the 11th. But today for some unknown reason I get an abscess on my big toe. Doc removes the abscess and informs me that if the labs come back thats it bacterial then I like not get the port on the 6th and my chemo will have to be put off. To be safe the doc put me on…
"Compound discovered in Florida Keys shows early promise as colon cancer treatment", as reported by
known as "largazole" since first found near Key Largo in 2008, it "has shown effectiveness in fighting colon cancer in preclinical experiments", tho more study is needed.... Meanwhile, medicalnewstoday.com/articles/202685.php reports of a "Key Role Played By LIMK in Cancer Metastasis"...Even tho breast and prostate cancers…
30 for 30, Into the Wind
Did anyone watch the 30 for 30 on ESPN tonight? It was about Terry Fox who ran across Canada to raise funds for cancer research. Wow what an inspiration. Worth looking up if you get the chance.
DR called today
Good news today dr called and said biopsy did not show cancer on thorasic spine now he wants to go ahead with the surgery on lung but I wonder if maybe he should biopsy the lung first wouldnt that make more sense then to get cut open what if it isnt cancer there either the tharasic looked like cancer but wasnt any…
Question about colonoscopy and fear
I have a colonoscopy scheduled in a couple weeks. Been having severe pain episodes/spasms on the right side. To the point it literally takes my breath away and has happened a few times while driving. Needless to say this scares the hell out of me when it happens. So when I went for my last maintenance (I have NHL)…
H Pylori
Some of you know I was experiencing some digestion issues over the last several weeks leading up to scans and my one year anniversary of NED. Of course scanxiety was at an all time high. Well through a breath test and a blood test I found out that I tested positive for H Pylori, a stomach infection that can be treated with…
CEA droping, not very much but droping from 33 to 23, onc said lm doing well
as in my case CEA use to be very reliable ! Go to have nice dinner l a restaurant tonight with my wife!
my husband
my husband has his chemo on and he keeps working with his chemo on is that good or should he be resting i dont know what to do with him
Got great news!
Well I had my Trans anal exicseion last wednesday. They said the results would take 10 days so when the surgeon called today I almost had a heart attack. YEAAAAA!!!Results came back all clear and they managed to fish out a couple of lyphm nodes (usually don't get any with this kind of surgery) and they also came back…
The Reading Room: $93,000 cancer drug: How much is a life worth?
Happy Anniversary Holly!
I hope it is the best yet. Have a wonderful day!
Sundance, have you started....
radiation yet? How is the chemo going? What are you on? Catherine
I need you guys today.
I will apologize in advance. This might to to much info for some and it's a little long but I can't stop crying over this. I wrote this on a blog that I update daily and of course friends and family have read it, but they don't really get it if you know what I mean? I know you guys will and would love/need to hear some…
My husband isn't doing well, his liver is failing and his kidneys are causing problems. thanks for all the encouragement you have given us....
Jorge and i have 3kids and 2grandkids .well on sunday celeste gave jorgie her car to use and he took to long. she got mad and started a fight with her brother and her dad got into it and really gave it to the both of them and then last night jorgie came and asked his dad to gave him money to move out .what should i do im…
Here's a shout out to caregivers
I had my port placement surgery today and that went well and I'm relieved! There's so much opportunity while getting all these procedures etc etc for stuff to go wrong that I just wanted to tell you all how many things went right today during my hospital sojourn: 1) my husband sat and waited with me for 4 hrs before the…
Hi there. I saw on another post that you are on Iriontecan and Vectibix. I am also on this combo now and was wondering how you are doing. This combo has been much easier for me to handle than the FOLFOX,and I sure don't miss that noisy little pump. My CEA has continued to drop and things look good. A few minor side effects…
trust doctors - here's a rant
When I turned 50 I did what my family doc said go get a sigmoid colonoscopy. No cancer in my family for generations and I was in great health (still trying to remember what that felt like to be in great health). Anyway, I did get the sigmoid colonoscopy. Gastro doc said everything was great. Fast forward five years family…
Regarding I need you guys today
I really want to thank each and everyone of you for all the support, encouragement and kind words. I do feel better. I really needed to vent to people who understand what I’m going through and just allow myself to feel these emotions. So here are my thank yous:) Nana B (Raquel): Thank You so much for letting me “wake you…