Hernia Questions
I think I might have a hernia. I have had three surgeries in the past two years. The spot I am worried about is along my original colon resection scar between my belly button and pubic bone. The scar is about three inches. I have the inverted L incision from the HIPEC a year ago and my liver resection on Aug. 18th followed…
Hospice Called
I read in the background more than I post but you all have been such a support to me whenever I do post. My husband has fought this terrible monster for 4 long years. He had his colostomy in 9/06, 2007 stoma repair, 2 plus years chemo, sent to Vanderbilt in 12/08, 4 % of right lung removed 2/09, 75 % of right lobe of liver…
Any News on Eric?
haven't seen an update in a while
JohnSFO update
It's been a while since we've posted here and many of you probably don't know who we are, but I thought I'd post an update for those who remember us and who occasionally email to see how we're doing. I can't remember where things stood when we last posted, but the cancer has continued to grow aggressively and has now…
5 year scan today
NED !!! Stage 4 Bring on CP8. Still praying for everyone here, there is hope. Jo Ann
Please NEVER NEVER give up. My adventures with colon cancer started in 2000. I was advised that I had stage three colon cancer. Surgery, Chemo, CT scans, PET scans and wonderful hospital and physician's care. Ten years have gone by. Last week I visited my doctor (at a well known Houston based clinic, Central Florida…
rectal cancer
My dear co-worker found out her son-in-law has rectal cancer last week. age 42 She doesn't feel like the daughter knows the questions to ask or is listening to the answers. I thought maybe you guys could help :) First the colonoscopy was several weeks ago, daughter says an MMRI with dye he is now allergic to that he now…
Does anyone else do Avastin, Erbitux and CPT 11 (irronitecan)?
Irronitecan, Avastin and Erbitux sounds a bit much to me, but since my husband had a 6 week break the cancer grew 6mm and the doctor wanted to switch therapies. Compared to what's been going on around here, I was thrilled it was only a small growth! Nothing New! The side effects of bad rash, loss of hair, infected nail…
Stupid question, but how
I have a stupid question here, but you guys are the experts. How is a partial blockage fixed? Sorry for the stupid question, but I am curious. Thanks Beth
Port placement tomorrow
Of course, I'm not happy to be getting a port again and struggling right now with: "well it could be worse, IV Vitamin C isn't toxic, I'm a good candidate for it, I'm a healthy person with cancer etc" but just can't seem to rally the troops to be all smiles and happy. I think I just get tired with the struggle even when…
Pretty cool website VERY informative
I have never seen a website with this much information. It has some things that could be beneficial for cancer patients as well. This site gives you info. you would only get from a dietician such as a food's inflamatory factor and glycemic load. It shows store bought products as well as standard natural things. I like the…
Hey Everybody, Please let Don and I know if you are local and planning to come to the Colon Palooza in Fort Worth October 13 - 16 at the Worthington. We can't get special rates any longer there, but would love to have more of you come and hang out with us. Just call the Worthington, if you are not sure until the last…
Preventative Chemo?
Is there such a thing? For those of you that have had cancer for years do you get a break? Then you go back on chemo? Then another break? Same Chemo or different chemo? How long are your breaks?
September -- a vent in progress....
September started out pretty good. The more it's gone on, the worse it's gotten. Every day is a new challenge in courage and bravery. I have a HUGE family. I have eight siblings and their spouses, more nieces and nephews that I can count. My nieces and nephews have kids of their own. We are also close. I mean close. We…
Hubby and I Celebrated
our 28th Wedding Anniversary over the weekend at Hershey Park. We normally celebrate at the Pocono's, but finances were really tight, so Hubby, myself and our son enjoyed the day at Hershey. Very nice, clean park. Has some rated 5 coasters. Hubby and son really like Storm Chaser. It takes you 0 - 72mph in 2 seconds. That's…
protocel/ Cancell, do they work?
Hi everyone, I need your expertise. I know a lot of you juice and watch what you eat. My dad has colon cancer, mets to the liver and now the lungs. A family member gave me info on Protocel/Cancell, an antioxidant supplement that combats free radicals. Has anyone heard of this? I am so leary of alternative meds, but I think…
I am frustrated UPDATE
Little story,had my colon surgery 2006, stage 3a everything have been fine since,I did chemo, pet scans, cat scans, lab work. This year my insurannce didn't approved a pet scan,because they said that with my history the guideline were not for a pet but a ct scan,so that is what was done last Sep. 2th,but in a different…
Tagament for colon cancer
Recommended to me by Life Extension. Studies look good! http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2002/jul2002_cover_cimetidine_01.html
Hey everybody.. As some of you may already know, I was in the hospital last week (7 days) with yet another blockage (4th blockage). They did more X-Rays, CT Scan, and a Colonoscopy. Good news is that I’m still Cancer free. Bad news is I may need another surgery in a few weeks. The problem seems to from where my ileostomy…
Dental Problems from Chemo.... Do You?
Man.... I don't know about everybody else but chemo is destroying my teeth. Had a dentist appt. this morning and they took x-rays. Since starting chemo last July my teeth have decayed more than they have in my entire life...Literally. While off all chemo for Cyberknife I took time to get my teeth looked at. I immediately…
Blue Angels and chemo #32
Hi Friends, Today was a good day. No, today was a great day. We went out on our boat and watched the Blue Angels do their show. It was incredible. We took our daughters out and anchored right by the base. The water was beautiful and the turtles were everywhere! The flying was awesome! That being said, **** has chemo #32 on…
So Tired
Maybe I'm just being a baby. I had my 25th round of chemo this past wednesday and since then I have been so tired. I have had fatigue before but it never lasted this long. I just have no energy at all maybe it's just all finally catching up with me. I just get scared that maybe it's getting to be to much and my body is…
Good Night friends
Like many who have come back for a moment, I have been away a alot myself. In catching up a bit I find my heart is saddened by those who are having so much difficulty. Even though times seem so difficult here I must say that I keep hearing the first few words to a precious song that applies to all those who come here.…
strength in numbers
I am new to this sight but wanted to voice how wonderful it is to have an Army of people on here supporting each other.. Im 35 and I discovered last year I had stage 3 melanoma and stage 4 colon cancer. After 3 surgeries (liver, colon, appendix, spleen, and lymphnodes) and follow up chemo, i can happily say I am now cancer…
Dallas Cowboys... WOOT..WOOT!!!!!
GOOOOOOOOOO BOYS!!!!! Beat the pants off the Texans!!! Next time I see the Cowboys play (since they have a bi-week next week) will be in Arlington..... right before Colon Palooza!!! Can't wait to see the the game and meet my CSN family!!!! WOOT WOOT!! Jennie P.S. Please please hold on Eric.....
it is friday any weekend plan?
I don't , just watch tv, dinner in a restaurant and maybe visit my wife's parents!
Tumor profiling
Anyone heard much about this? They test different chemo drugs on live cancer cells after a surgery or biopsy to determine which drugs the tumor is resistant to, and which ones it is sensitive to. Wish we would have done it earlier since it apprears the first 6months of chemo didn't do it's job. My husband is having lung…
Some days are diamonds – some days are stone
Some times the hard times won’t leave me alone. This old John Denver song comes to mind as I tell you of yet another misadventure with my damn bag. The other day I was wearing my bib overalls. You know the kind farmers like to wear. Well the bag got to be 2/3 full, so I assume the position of kneeling in front of the john…
Anybody ever heard of or eaten soursop?
Its grown from Mexico to northern South America and some parts of Africa and Asia,known as graviola. I'm starting to look it up as a woman I KNOw from Colombia just brought it to my attention. Its been studied since the 70s as a "cure" for cancer, beginning with the NCI in 1976. I don't even know where I could buy some if…
proteinuria , any of you had problems with it ..........
while folfiri + avastin?.Which are the symptoms? thnks in advance.