RIP mom
Dear All, she passed away this morning at 6:30 in our local time here in Iran. I'm happy she is not in suffer anymore. Melody
Thinking of you Eric
Hi Eric, I just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts everday.
Hi Krista, Your new pic is absolutley gorgeous!
Chemo after surgery with no visual cancer cells present?
Friday they removed my recurring colon cancer from my ovary via hysterectomy and next they want to repeat chemo treatments similar to the treatment I just got over last Nov. Just isn't making sense to me. Why would I want to do the same chemo when it didn't kill the cancer that was obviously in my ovary the first time? It…
Colonoscopy accuracy?
Hi I was just curious how accurate colonoscopies are at detecting tumors? I have had blood in my stool, as well as loose stools for about a year now. I had a CT which came back fine, as well as a colonscopy that came back fine. What are the possibility of both things missing it? I am 24 years old with no history of cc. Any…
Flu shot?
Mom got the flu shot on wednesday. she got chemo yesterday. shes been sick as a pig since. anyone else get the flu shot?
If they won't open the front door, go knock on the back door
Okay, going to Stanford, don't know the date, but am going, was approved. Since couldn't get in through tumor board, my onc has generously referred me to an oncologist at Stanford, who has agreed to see me and then can take me before tumor board. YEA!!!!!! Winter Marie
Sometimes good news is as hard to process as bad news
So I met with the new surgeon yesterday to discuss my APR. It's been a month since I finished six weeks of chemoradiation. I feel great with no lasting side effects I am having almost perfect bowel movements and my blood counts are stabalizing for the first time in nine months. The surgeon did a physical exam of the area…
I was wondering what vitamins/supplements people were taking. I read the book "Beating Cancer with Nutrition" and it mentions so many different vitamins that our body needs that help prevent cancer, but it is overwhelming. My doc said take a multivitamin and b-complex, but not folic acid. All multivitamins that I looked at…
Maitake Mushroom d fraction
I noticed that this was mentioned under the tagamet thread so thought I'd open a new thread with our experiences with maitake mushroom d fraction. It was recommended to my husband by a naturopath when he started chemo two years ago. He has so far had 47 rounds of folfiri and avastin. He has minimal side effects, mostly…
Dr appointment (symptoms)
Letting all know I made an appointment with gastrologist for Oct 5 (soonest I could get) I will let all know how it goes. Thanks for the advice. Terry
Need prayers and positive vibes please!
I am getting the results of my PET scan (taken Tuesday) on Friday morning. I have been pretty calm about the waiting, but now I am getting anxious and scared. Please send positive vibes and prayers this way. I really appreciate the support. Hope you all have a great day!!! Hugs, Sara
6 week break from chemo
My husband and I took a few vacations over the summer. During his 6 week break his CEA level rose to 9.2 and we have been waitng for the results of his scan. After reading the transript there are NO new lesions! Great news. It seems like every time anyone takes a decent break things get crazy so my mind was going wild. His…
ct scan
well tomorrow we get back our test from our ct scan a little worried because of the tumor markers being up but im still hopeful that the chemo is working
“The Cure vs Extensions of Life” - Just Sundance Pondering...
It’s been awhile since I wound up and had something to say about much since surgery and now with the treatments beginning – sort of sapped my inspiration. But my mind has been busy writing this post a thousand times. Having my 3rd recurrence this time around has gotten me to thinking a lot about my own mortality. Prior to…
How are our recent surgery friends doing?
Hoping our friends who recently had surgery will post to let us know how they are doing: sfan428 had surgery 9/8 Responded here theresa8's hubby surgery 9/13 Kenny H. had surgery 9/15 Responded here Best wishes and better health for everyone. Marie who loves kitties
CT Clear, 1 Yr NED, so what's wrong?
First thanks for all the good vibes and well wishes. My scanxiety turned out to be over nothing. So on the day I'm 1 yr NED, I get an all clear from my doctor, but I'm still experiencing some "discomfort". I'm not constipated, but I feel like things are moving slow and a little bloated. I started to add a little more…
No Periods but Blood tests say No Menopause Either
I haven't had chemo since April and no sign of a period. Not that I particularly want them back but I just thought the tests would show menopause. I was also having hot flashes until my liver resection. Any ideas? Catherine
Find out more about the Affordable Care Act ( medical insurance)
If you would like to find out more about the Affordable Care Act, you can visit our new consumer website HealthCare.gov, which has detailed information about how the new law will help you. It also lets you see all of your personalized health insurance options in one place, with just a few clicks of the mouse. And starting…
Got My CEA.... Hummmmm...
Well, I definately do not apply to the rule that dying cancer cells raise CEA. Proven AGAIN not to be my case. You were right Lisa. My CEA was 9.6 at Cyberknife time and now down to 6.7. Still not in that safety zone but I like the going down stuff. My Onc was correct... at least in my situation and that is what counts.…
chris CT tomorrow
Having the CT scan nervous stomach!! lol we are crossing our fingers the pain he has been having on the left side of his stomach is just scar tissue!! And can I say the 5 days of waiting to meet with the Onco after is enough to make ya crazy!! Loves, Mel
ct scan
big day today im so scared the hear what the ct has to say
"Oncxiety", now good news
Yesterday I posted that I was feeling "oncxiety" as I was meeting with my onc this morning. I had a really good meeting with her. First of all, my tumour was tested for the KRAS mutation, + I am a "WILD " thing, so I will be able to go on erubitux at some point if need be. I was very relieved, because @ my last appointment…
UPDATE on my cancer HATE
This is only my second post, but if you read yesterdays, my mom is in stage 4 colon cancer, shes been wearing red jasper, bound by yours truley and it helped get her white blood cell count normal. however, yesterday after her blood test they told her she was to have a blood transfusion because she was so anemic. the doctor…
Maintenance Chemo
Anyone have any feedback on Xeloda or Avastin at low dosage for long term maintenance? Locally, onc's are mixed. Some feel it's reasonable, others feel Chemo should be held in reserve. My wife is Stage IV NED, been through FOLFOX, then FOLFIRI/AVASTIN. Tolerated both fairly well (worked throughout). Thanks in advance!…
Exercise and chemo: Had read that exercise was good to combat chemo-induced fatigue
( my problem with that during treatment was that I was too weak to exercise even if I wanted to).....Now, a study is reporting that stress, including that caused by intense exercise,"can spark a series of events that allow cancer cells to survive such tretments as chemotheraphy and radiation..... Tho the study was done of…
FOLFIRI - am I a freak again?
Day #6 today and I'm very slow to rebound, with this being just the first cycle - yikes! But it really is easier than FOLFOX. I have still not had any of the famous diarrhea. In fact, I've had constipation trouble. I had a little movement during infusion, and a little yesterday, but that is all. Yesterday and today I've…
Now I know life isn't fair..... but this really isn't FAIR!
DH was 1 of 8000 cut with the lay offs at his company. That was May of 2009. It has been hard, but in all reality, if we didn't have the fear of losing our insurance than he wouldn't of had the colonoscopy, so I try to look at it as something that possibly saved his life. That said. We will lose our COBRA on 10/20/10.…
im 20 years old and two days before my birthday my mother was diagnosed with stage IV colon and liver cancer. shes a fighter, im mearly her at-home EMT. ive given up crying, but i havent given up faith. this friday will be her fifth chemo treatment but the blows keep coming. Treatment one- sick treatment two- fine…
Yestarday my head was itchy
But today l got a big erythema .ls there here who have had any rection on their skin or head after shaving while chemo? Any solution ?