The crazy train never stops
I woke up feeling fine yesterday moring. But a few hours later I started to fell very uncomfortable - mostly in my lower right back. I'd been a bit gassy lately, so I took a coupld gasX hoping that might help. But within minutes I was in severe pain. Pain so strong that I was sweating and felt like vomiting. No matter what…
I finished chemo for a tumor in my rectum in Jan. 2010. I was stage III with 2 nodes removed and the whole tumor removed. In three months, it will be time for one year tests. What tests should I expect? My doctor tells me I have a lot of scar tissue so he is wondering if I should even do a ct scan. He says blood tests are…
kind of chemo
Meglets Jorge is getting folfiri and bevacizumab and 5fu pump for 46 hours at home . Jorge gets the chemo every 2weeks.
blood work
blood work and chemo doctor tomorrow and then chemo on Friday for Jorge .
blood work
doc said blood work was great .so chemo tomorrow and Jorge will have aother ct scan oct.18 .I would like to thank everyone for all the good lucks.
"Superstar" Craig.....
Yep.... Got mine too. Great article on you and interesting magazine. and Kim is so pretty... you are indeed a lucky man... which I know you know. See you both soon!! Thanks to you and Don for the great gift. Jen
semi new here
well it's really good to see that these posts are still around. i was a follower of these forums about 7 years ago when my family was goint through my dad's stage 3 colon cancer. this forum was a God send to me and I am forever grateful. I am happy to say that 7 years later my dear father is still cancer free (thank the…
Got my copy
Thanks Craig, and autographed as requested. You the man!!!! Love the article!!! Great pics of you and your wife!!!!! Thanks Craig and Don!!! Winter Marie
Feeling lost
This is my first time posting here so I hope I'm doing it right, please bare with me I'll try to make this short. I feel like I was just totally dropped and have so many unanswered questions and fears. I liked my oncologist at first but the last couple of times I have seen him I was told what I needed to be and then rushed…
Well, wish me luck I check in at 8:00. Lord how I hate this test.
please send thoughts north today
Hello all....Oct 5....I know AnneCan is doing her ct scan this morning....lucky girl get that thing over with. Mine is at 1.30....this is a biggie for me because I have never marched past the two year mark without some fresh cancer raising its ugly little head. good luck anne....please send hugs winging northwards today…
Going camping until Friday evening...........
I will be out of touch for 3 days and will be back Friday evening...going to go somewhere and get away from it all...If you need me I have pm'd my cell phone number to lisa42 and for any reason feel free to contact me if necessary.....Oh if they come up with a cure while Im out of pocket be sure to let me know...I want in…
"All fixed up" - so I thought...
Well, I have taken a break from here - hope all of you are doing well and on your way to a better 2011! I am not there yet... - since my chemo (folfox etal) and raditation were finished in March 2010 - and my reversal went well with out a glitch in May (2010) - but my lovely white counts are YUCKY!!! And not so good... Has…
our new celebrity Craig
Got my magazine yesterday, It is awesome. So proud to have my own copy, thanks.. Craig, maybe you will now get a part in a movie.. LOL
CSN Cancer Info for newbies
There is a lot of info here for those recently (and others) diagnosed with rectal cancer. There is also a Spanish version, Pepe. It's 10 years old so the survival stats DON'T pertain but the basic information does. http://www.cancer.org/Search/index?QueryText=folfiri&x=32&y=12
Liver resection video - Interesting
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ae3H4ZFCaA Milk Thistle and dandelion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx6kj6xLCZw&NR=1 FYI.....I am now caring for my 2 year old grand daughter so I won't be on as often. Take Care!
Can we play Doctor??
I know "playing Doctor" is sometimes not a good idea, but I need some opinions, thoughts, fresh eyes...new blood...however you want to say it. Almost at the end of my rope here.....I will try to keep it short..... July 09, partial hysterectomy due to endometriosis and cyst on L ovary. April 2010- started having what I…
The Dratted Common Everyday Cold!
Grrrrrrrr! I got hit Wednesday evening with the dratted common cold that goes around like wildfire every Fall. Normally (lucky me), I rarely get them. I have no idea why I don't ... maybe just the luck of the draw. But not so lucky this week. I have the COLD and OMG it has got to be one of the most miserable things a…
Cobra Extension
This might be a dumb subject to post about but it sure made my day. I lost my job in Feb of this year and have been on Cobra Ins from my job since then. I'm stage IV and considered inoperable at this time. I started getting SSDI about the same time I lost my job and still get some long term disability from my former job. I…
FOLFIRI w/Avastin
Well, even though things got a bit rougher for me than at first, I still say for me, FOLFIRI w/Avastin is doable, and MUCH more tolerable than FOLFOX. I'm getting ready for chemo round #14 on Thursday (2nd FOLFIRI). I dreaded round #2 of FOLFOX so badly I would have rather had surgery again, or had someone put a bullet to…
Post Op Vats Surgery 4 week checkup........*****UPDATE*****
Loading up the mule and heading up to Nashville in the morning for an 1120 appt with Dr Lambright to see how I am recouping and of course to discuss which direction I should take....Got several questions to ask, 1) because my margins and nodes were clear and there is no sign of it in my blood anywhere would a post op chemo…
Cancer took my husband's life today
Cancer took my husband's life today. He was 51 years old. Thank you all for your wisdom, encouragement and help. This discussion board made our cancer journey a little easier. I appreciate your help and think of you all daily. Hoping and wishing NED for you all. Take care, Devasted
New study recommends that at least 21 lymph nodes be examined
for accurate Dx of stage II CRC, which also impacts 5-year survival rate......as per article posted this date at 7thspace.com (go to medical-its first article listed)......steve
Back from the liver doctor
we went to see the liver doctor he told us that the tumor in the liver is smaller.the size of the tumor when we were told that it was cancer was 4.5cm now its 3.5cm the doctor said he can remove it .now we need to meet with the colon doctor to see if the is small enough for her to remove the one in the colon .he also so…
1st year after diagnosis - test results.
Denny received his first yearly colonoscopy and CT scans since diagnosis Sept 2009... all came back clear. He had had lab/blood test every 3-4 months which has came back clear also. ONC said he does not need to come back for 6 months and then they will do blood tests. ONC stated that his test have always came back so good…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OCTOBER BABIES AS WELL AS Robinvan - 4 October Booboo1964 - 6 October Patteee - 9 Octrober Illuvmms - 16 October Patsy1954 - 29 October If you would like to become part of the Birthday List, please provide me the following information: Date of Birth (including, month, day & year) Date of DX…
Well I get a port installed on Wednesday then the following Monday we meet with onc then 1st chemo folfox. Well the first chemo in over four years is coming last time it was xeloda for 15 weeks max dose. I had rectal cancer now colon cancer both stage 3 but this time because they were watching me so closely its a 3b with 3…
Love Livin :~)
My cancer first appeared May of 09. I had surgery to remove the tumor and some lymph. It has reappeared just last month in my ovaries. I had a hysterectomy 2 weeks ago along with a total freak out haha. I have a PET scheduled Oct.11th. I'm hoping it comes back clean.....for the next 10 years...don't we all ha. Chemo up…
good PET results (bone mets, xeliri + Avastin)
Got the results of my most recent PET scan. Good news! After 8 cycles of Xeliri + Avastin, my bone mets are continuing to shrink and to show lower uptake. Yea! I had positive results after 4 scans and it is good to see the trend continuing. Now I will do another 4 cycles and then have another scan. Haven't lost all my hair…
Have to wait for trials
Hi everyone. I guess I am just feeling put out this week. It has been 2 weeks now since they ended my trial treatment at UCSF. Can't start anything for 2 more weeks. When they called the day after my appt. about starting a new trial, I guess I misunderstood and thought that they actually had a trial for me to start. After…