Living with stage IV CRC

jamyers97 Member Posts: 7 Member

Very interested in hearing from those who are living with stage 4 CRC as a "chronic condition". My wife is currently in this situation - receiving FOLFOX and Avastin on an ongoing basis, tweaking the Oxaliplatin concentration and sometimes backing it of entirely when the side effects become too severe. She is currently NED on CT scan, but CTDNA numbers are trending up.

She is currently on "chemo holiday" until after her next CT Scan in early March. If something pops on the scan, we will resume treatment, but if still NED, we are very much conflicted on where to go from there.

Again, wondering about experiences of others in this situation. Do you keep pushing chemo prophylactically or do you hold off on chemo until something actually shows up on a scan? It is frightening to think about stopping treatment altogether, but I just don't know if she can continue to get chemo every 2 weeks.

Thank you.