New Insurance Plan
To be fair, I think that the state of Maryland is trying to meet the health care needs of its citizens, even cancer patients. It recently created the Maryland Health Insurance Program which appears to offer some kind of prescription coverage in addition to some plan choices at a somewhat lower cost. If it really works, it…
Oopherectomy vs hysterectomy
Just wondering if anyone ever convinced a doc to do the hysterectomy instead...and if so ..how did you do it?? : )
Soreness for so long?
Hi everyone. Here's my complaint for the day: I am 5 weeks out of radiation. I still am having soreness and pinching sensations in my breast. The radiation angried up the surgery sites (lumpectomy and axilla -- 21 nodes removed) and I am concerned about the continuation of sensation (sometimes it really hurts!). My skin…
Exercise after Mastectomy
It has been 3 months since my mastectomy. My surgeon saw me a couple times after surgery and he thought I was doing great with the daily exercises he gave me. Lots of illustrations and descriptions with the exercise sheets. I do the exercises at least 30-40 minutes a day. I used to do an hour a day, but my oncologist…
1st treament and now have acne 3 days later
Please help. I'm 47 years old and thought my acne days were behind me. I've just had my first AC treatment 3 days ago and have a painful breakout on my chin. Is this normal acne? almost feel like blisters. Do I treat it as normal acne? Any suggestions appreciated, thanks Amelia
Question on White Cell Counts Shots
I just finshed my third and final treatment of A/C. It was done once every two week on a Tuesday. My doctor gave me shots I have to give to myself at bedtime starting on day three (Thursday) through the next Thursday to help increase the white cell count. Is anyone else doing this? For whatever reason I cannot seem to get…
I have new doctors!!!!!!
Thank all of you for your support last week when I found out my doctor was being deployed and was sent to a new doctor I did not like. Anyway, I called my insurance company and told them I did not like the new doctor. They called me back and now I am being seen by the Head of the Department at the Medical University!!!! He…
Post-Chemo effects
I had my last chemo treatment on May23,2003. This is June 23 a full month later. My energy level is in the cellar or close to it. When I walk there's definitely no zip to it--very slow--and that's as fast as it gets right now--like my legs/body don't want to do what my brain wants them to--more like a tortoise. I tire…
Has any heard
I sent a message in eary June concerning Glow, and I have not gotten a response from her. Has anyone heard anything from Glow? The last message she wrote she stated that she was "terrified." We all have felt that horrible feeling of terror. I am concerned for her.
Recurrence/Oopherectomy/Prophylactic Mastectomy
Hi, I am searching for your thoughts and insights. At 33, I had stage 2 BC with no nodes involved. Mastectomy, chemo and tamoxifen. In 2000,at age 38 4yr.11months out, chest wall recurrence. Chemo and radiation. Now on Zoladex (yippe, I am still premeno.)and Arimidex. I am having an oopherectomy ( ovaries removed), so I…
cognitive/memory loss
Had focus, concentration, memory loss during chemo and got worse as treatments went on. I expected it but it's really bad--I missed a bone density test in early June because I forgot about it and I had it written down. These skills weren't the greatest before chemo but now I've gotten to where sometimes I can't trust my…
phone call from dr. - scared now
HI I recently had an endometrial biospy(had breast cancer in august), any way - I got my results on June 12, over the phone - all was normal, I was told. So yesterday, I got a call from that doctor's office, but they did not leave a message (I have caller ID). Now, all kinds of scary things are going through my head - what…
Chemo - any one with experience of Taxol??
Hi there! My Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in May, and has just come out of hospital after having the lump removed, and the lynph glands as a precautionary measure. They have now found that the cancer had spread to the lymph glands, and have recommended chemotherapy, and then radiotherapy after that. The thing is…
Hair Loss - Thymuskin
I recently had breast conserving surgery in which all margins and the lymphnodes came back clear. My doctors still want me to proceed with chemotherapy and radiation. I realize that hair loss is temporary, however I did come across a product called thymuskin for the prevention of hair loss and regrowth. Apparently it was…
nurse made mistake ..chemo dose
I found out today...my 3rd A/C out of 4..that nurse has been giving me 10% less of my prescribed dose. They said it didn't matter, since I have been having very low white cell counts which would mean they would want to decrease dosage anyway. I'm getting disgusted...I hardly ever see the big shot onchologist..just his…
Have you ever heard of this problem?
I am almost exactly 1 year out from my last chemo treatment and am currently on tamoxifen. A couple weeks ago, I noticed my face getting oily as it used to get right after a chemo treatment. Also, for the last two days, I have a really unpleasant taste in my mouth--the same post-chemo taste I used to get after a treatment.…
My forgetters getting better
We were talking about memory just YESTERDAY and I got this POEM emailed to me this morning.. JUST HAD TO SHARE -- *smile* My forgetter's getting better, But my rememberer is broke To you that may seem funny But, to me, that is no joke For when I'm "here" I'm wondering If I really should be "there" And, when I try to think…
I've just been diagnosed
I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer, the tumor is only 1cm. From the biopsy, they say that it is In Situ Cancer, but tell me they won't know for sure until surgery. I meet my surgeon on Monday. I've been reading the messages for a few days and find them informative. I'm scared and hopeful at the same time. My…
Tingling in Arm
I had a left mastectomy three weeks ago yesterday. The feeling is slowly coming back into that arm which is a good thing. However, if the fabric from my clothing touches certain areas it burns. My doctor says it's "hypersensitive". It feels like real bad sunburn. Will this ever go away?
How do I go about getting friends here?
i was just wondering how I go about getting to know ppl here so I can have some friends to talk to. I was diagonised a month ago and have had a masectomy and will start chemo next week, I could really use some support and friends. Thanks britches,email is britches_26@hotmail.com
If breast cancer recurrs, can it be cured--I know it can be tested for but can it be cured or am I doomed if it recurrs?
Hair loss prevention??
My Mum is about to start a course of chemotherapy where hair loss is to be expected. She really wants to prevent this from happening! She's been told that you can wear a 'cold cap' just before and during the chemo which may prevent the hair loss. Does anyone have any experience of this?? Does it work? Side effects? A big…
Hi all! I'm on Arimedex instead of Tamoxifen(spelling). I don't hear much from you all about this. Anyone else out there on it? My oncologist chose it because I have a family history of Uterine cancer and the tomoxifen increases this risk. The Arimedex is new but so far does not seem to increas the risk of overian or…
Treatment for Lung mest
Had bi lat mastect 4/02. Susequent tumor right axillary. Went through 1 yr chemo, first cmf then 4 adriamycin, 4 taxol. Now have another growth right axillary and spots on lung. Was told I need more chemo and that lung is first priority. Please let me know course of treatment taken by anyone in similar circumstance. THANKS
Raising money for the Race for the Cure
I am trying to raise money for the Race for the Cure. I am participating in the race on Sept. 14 and I am trying to raise as much money as I can. My mother had breast cancer and I really want to try and make a difference by helping them find a cure. If you are at all interested please check out this…
Dose Dense Chemo
Hi all, I am looking for those of you who have done the dose dense AC treatments. How were your side effects and such? How did you do on the filgrastim? Any info appreciated, Amelia
Raising money for the Race for the Cure
My mother had breast cancer and on Sept 14 we are trying to get the biggest group of people together for the Race for the Cure and I am trying to raise as much money as possible. If you are at all interested please check out this site. http://hooterhelpers.chariteam.com PLease check it out even if you are not able to…
faslodex and joint pain
I have been experiencing a lot of joint pain since starting Faslodex two months ago (one shot per month)- especially in fingers, and arms. Anybody else have this symptom? If so, what relieves the pain? (Oxycotin doesn't work) Thanks. Judith
Frog has returned!
HEY ya'll. Im back from vacation and UP to my little froggy EARS in work here! I have missed all ya'll like crazy! I'm hoping to be back caught up and back in chat by end of the week! We had a great time! Jerilyn
Nice to Hear from You!
Hi,Hummingbyrd! Good to see you posting! I miss the old crowd! Anyone heard from Kelli 63? Last I heard, she was going into the hospital, about four months ago! Maggs