Hello Everyone!

sevey Member Posts: 184
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I noticed some new people here & add that I have missed out on so much as my war with cancer has continued but i am still here. I get out of the hospital & found a new place to to live so it has been a while for me on the computer. In case you were wondering where I have been. I had a blood transfusion in the early 80s in Ca & contracted hep c which is active. I also got hep b from the transfusinion but my body developed a antibody for the b. Well now the hep c & the hep b are both active which had me to cantract liver cancer. I am in the early stages of it but I can't help but freak out! The Lord has kept me alive all these years & He will keep me alive as long as He wants me to be. However I have taken the liberty to drop out of all the msn sites except for 1 & they all belive in the Lord & anyone that puts something out of topic or tries to raise money or curse they are banned immediately. I have not been on this computer except sporadically & I apologise for that but for a while I have been trying to get my computer hooked up because it is now on cable thanks to my friend I am staying with. I just wanted to let you all know that I have missed you & I will be around a lot more.....Humminbird I saw & added to a post on need positive feedback. How is your arm doing? Lord knows I have missed you too. How many here still remember me? LOL .....Yet seriously I have missed this site & members sooooooo muchhhhhh. So all try to have a wonderfull day & respond whether you know me or not.
All Be Blessed
In His Name
Love Cathy


  • ktinkey
    ktinkey Member Posts: 170
    Hey Girl,

    I hope this time you get my response. I don't check the site every day like I used to, but I am still around and doing great. God is awesome!! I am no longer in the cancer vaccine trial because the drug company did not get the results they wanted, so they have ended it. But according to my last CT scan in November, I have no visible cancer and that is remarkable for a Stage IV cancer patient they gave a couple of months to 6 years ago. I am looking forward to hearing more from you.

    God Bless,
  • hummingbyrd
    hummingbyrd Member Posts: 950 Member
    It just took me 3 days and I don't know HOW MANY attempts to get this posted!!!

    Hello to both of you ladies! Haven't seen hide nor hair of either of you in for-e-ver!
    Thanks for asking about me...arm is still broke and now my back is broke (since Oct 2004). Found mets in lung, liver and kidney but after 6 months of chemo glory be to God all is clear. Bones still broke, but hey you can't have your cake and eat it too!
    At least not always.
    Kathy I can't help but laugh at your comment. Here you are a stage IV, took the Theratope vaccine and now in complete remission. The results were not what the drug co. expected? No, after talking to a few other people in similar trial I'd have to agree the results were "NOT" what the drug co. expected. Oh my, this is a funny business!
    Good to see you two posting again. Both of you take care and may you receive God's richest blessings.
    (((HUGS))) hummingbyrd