Newly diagnosed and scared...
I am new to the chat room and really scared right now. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal cancer with 12 of 15 lymph nodes positive. Also estrogen and progesterone negative. I will start my chemo protocol next week with Adriamycin/cytoxas. Anybody have advice, experiences or prayers for this 40 year old mother of 2 (7…
Diagnosed at StageIV
I was diagnose by having blurred vision, the opthamologist saw a tumor in my eye that only comes from BC mets. Mammo was neg, ultrasound showed fibroadenoma that FNA turned up to have ICD in it and now I have a painful lump. Just got diagnosed yesterday
Diagnosed siblings
Hi everyone! Its been a few months since I've posted but I needed to vent. I'm halfway through my treatment (4 cycles of chemo out of 8) and I'm feeling really horrible. The chemo is taking such a toll on me. I just finished the last AC and going on Taxerol next week. The AC was horrible for me. Any advice on the Taxerol?…
I am new to this board so the subject may not be new. Just wondering....I was on tamox. for 5 years. I am now taking Femara. Does anyone out there experience joint/muscle pain with this drug. If you do, how do you treat this side effect?
Hey guys...
Well, I have been so busy starting two jobs in a year, that I have not been able to post. Just to read. However, I wanted to tell you guys something. My mom had a lumpectomy last week for breast cancer. She had papillary bc and it was encased in a cyst. There was no spread or lymph node involvement, but, she now is facing…
Getting a Port
Hi all, I've already had a lumpectomy, starting chemo in 2 weeks but lucky me - no veins - so I'm getting a port on Monday. Supposedly this is actually a good thing as it is less painful and easier during the entire treatment. Does anyone have any info on them, what I should expect, etc? I'm totally clueless! Thanks, Cher
made it half way
I have been really busy and not had time to chat or post.I wanted to let everyone know that I just pasted my half way point towards my 5 year mark.Doing okay,just still tired alot,more than before the bc. Been dealing with my husband's back surgery and that it didn't go well.We lost our insurance and have been trying to…
Personal Celebrations
Today is my 50th Anniversary - My husband has alzheimer's and prostate cancer. He fell 2 months ago and is a nursing facility and will never be home. I'm taking arimidex for recurrent breast cancer - it just sucks!
Implant rejection
Well, after 7 months of having the permanent implant, not to mention the 11 months of having the tissue expander along with all the fills, etc., I developed an infection seemingly overnight, and had to have the implant removed. (I am 1 year and 8 months from dx - stage 3 - er pos - chemo + rads). They don't know where the…
Port removal
Hello everyone. Bad day today. I thought I was going to get my port taken out but the surgen talked me into keeping awhile longer. It's been 6 months sense diagnosis. I'm presently doing radiation and a hysterectomy in Aug. I said because I had 16 positive nodes and stage 3 I might need it again. I hate this thing. It's…
Breast Cancer
ANyone have any info on Infaltrating Ductal Carcinoma breast cancer stage 3? I've had a lumpectomy last week next week I start chemo.Thank You
After my first course, around Day Four, I had the metallic taste that I got rid of with gumdrops, and a sore throat that lasted a few days, and mouth rinses helped with that, and also went through the normal tiredness, but now it is Day 14 and I feel just great. So, with 4 courses scheduled every 3 weeks, I know I'll lose…
vision problems
I've been having problems with my vision. Sometimes I feel like they are out of focus and I can't get them coordinated with each other. Vision is also alot more blurry than before I started on Taxol and decatron. I'm 60. I plan on going to my eye doctor after the first of December, but I'm just wondering if any of you have…
Hi everyone, just had a lumpectomy on 6/16/05 and found out that I have stage II Breast Cancer, with two lymph nodes infected. Prognosis is good, start my chemo within two weeks or so, but am feeling stressed. I get panic attacks at times, and feel a great deal of anxiety. This is not all the time, but it creeps up on me.…
Well I have gotten some results back and still not feeling very good about things. After some procrastination, I could only get a quick review since doctor away on holidays. I have only got one result over the phone ever, cancer was the word. It has been 8 years 4 months since those words were spoken and yes, got a normal…
Arm with lymphodema broken
My mother is almost 84. She had lumpectomy for breast cancer 3 years ago - and non cancerous lymph nodes removed from her right side - followed by seven weeks of radiation. She wears a sleeve to try to reduce the swelling from lymphodema in her right arm (she is right handed). Other wise, she is bright and extremely…
cancer pain
Hi Everyone, My mom had a mastectomya bout 8 months ago and just finsihed chemo about 3 months ago. The wound is always very painful and numb to her, but also she says she has just all over body pain. I don't know what to do for her because I can see she is in real pain. She is taking arimidex. I have called the doctor so…
I have a question for you all about swelling.
My arm is starting to swell along with my hand and fingers. I am finding it hard to do things with the baby cuz I can't bend my wrist and straighten my arm out all the way. I am pretty depressed about it. Is this Lymphedema? I hear you can't get rid of it..so I am just suppose to live with this pain now and not being able…
Problems w/axillary node surgery recovery
Hi. I am 3 and half weeks out of mastectomy surgery w/axillary node dissection and getting a lot of vague answers from doctors. Has anyone experienced cords of tissue developing in their armpits with a very tight banded feeling going on in the upper arm? I am doing all my exercises, not taking it too hard. I am really…
In November, my wife had a sentinel node biopsy and a lumpectomy. The tumor was 2.5 X 2.5 X 2 cm and was diagnosed as "invasive ductal carcinoma with chondroid metaplasia". The lymph node biopsy yielded the following result: metastatic adenocarcinoma in 2 of 2 lymph nodes - one node was less than .2 cm and the other was 1…
Lymphedema massages & exercises
I am interested in seeing if anybody out there can answer two questions that have been confusing to me. I think I have Stage II Lymphedema (the least serious stage that will always require attention. Here are the questions: 1) I think I was fortunate to have my condition discovered as early as I did and also fortunate that…
Fertility After Breast Cancer
Anyone have any pregnancy success stories after breast cancer with IVF? I was diagnosed at age 28; I had the tram, chemo, and radiation done. I am now 33 years old and am told am in "perimenopause" because my fsh levels are high. Any new up and coming treatments? Thanks
Hair loss
I had 6 months of carboplatinum and taxotere from Oct 2004 to Feb 2005. My hair started thinning in Feb and I'm still losing it. Anyone else with this experience? hummingbyrd
I had a port installed to receive my chemo treatment for BC in Ocotber 2003. As of yet,I have not had the port removed it is flushed every six weeks. I never really think about it and it doesn't bother me. How long have some of you kept your port in? How is it removed? My oncologist informed me that I can have it removed…
Problems with getting financial support for young people
Just so you know, this is the same thing I posted in Young Cancer Survivors. I would really appreciate any help! Hey guys and gals! My name is Dana and I'm 25 years old. I was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer last July/August 2004. I've been receiving very, very expensive treatments and am currently getting Social…
Ovarian Oblation asTreatment
Hi, I am 23 years old with Stage IV Metastatic Breats Cancer. My Oncologist recently decided that since I am not responding to chemo treatments to try a form of something callled Ovarian Oblation. I am recieving the second shot this after noon for it. I knoe that it shuts down my ovarian function and puts me in menopause (…
Future Treatment options for unresponsive tumors to chemotherapy
I thought that the members of this board would like to know about future treatments that will be available to treat tumors that are unresponsive to chemotherapy. Using a method called 'directed drug delivery', drugs are pushed directly into the tumor under pressure by using a catheter. If there are multiple sites, the…
Hi everyone....I have some questions about the new drug after tamoxifen which is Femara. I went for my 6 month checkup today with my oncologist and we discussed that when I have my next 6 month checkup, the tamoxifen will be stopped as I have been on it for five years. He told me about the new drug on the market called…
Concerned about Zometa/Aredia Jaw loss side effects
Hi, I am concerned that most people taking these drugs are not aware of their severe jaw side effects. What is the best way to inform people. I have done some research on not only Zometa, but Aredia and Fosamax side effects. These types of drugs(bisphosphonates) have been linked to losing jaw bone. This side effect is…
tomaxaphen (spelling?)
Hello, I met with my ob/gyn today about doing the hysterectomy. She will do the surgery vaginally which has a short recuperation time. I'm still struggeling with doing this. If tomaxaphen is only good for 5 years what do you do after? I know estergen is produced elsewhere but ovaries do the most. So in 5 years do you keep…