joint pain
Hi everyone, just need to talk I guess. I am having joint pain in my left leg. I have bone mets and I am sure this is part of the pain. I just had a CT and skulletal (can't spell this correctly) they took x rays of all the bones. I hope it's not cracked. I felt better after I took a hot shower. Maybe I should put a heating…
Breast Cancer
Hi everyone I have been diagnosed with breast cancer, and I have decided to do chemotherapy first to shrink the tumor and then have a lumpectomy. I am alittle nervous about chemo and it's effects on your body. Can anyone help me with there experiences with chemotherapy. Thank you
Has anyone taken xeloda by itself. If so how long did your onc have you on it. What was your experience. thank you
This Monday operation
One year ago I had Breast cancer double mastectomy,chemo,raditation the works. As my Doctor would say taking out the ovaries is a no brainer. I dont get my period anymore, not something I should of even been thinking about at the age of 39. I was wondering if any of the woman have under gone this operation and what are the…
Muscle pain
It's me again to annoy everyone with another question. I still, 5 weeks after last chemo, have muscle pain in my thigs when I first get up out of chair or walk alot or stand still. It is getting better and I don't feel weak in the legs anymore but the pain is still there, also in the back of my knees. Does anyone have any…
We lost the baby, but praise God my ovaries work
I would like to thank everyone for encouraging me and providing me with sites to visit for more information on getting off Tamoxifen to get pregnant. I got off Tamoxifen in March, with my oncologists ok, we got pregnant at the end of March, around our 1st year anniversary, but we lost it in late April. I was about 6 weeks…
what do you think about...
Hi, I'm 41, just finished chemo and start radiation on the 20th. After 6 weeks of that I plan on having a heserectomy with ovaries out. I have a strong family history of B/C with menapause starting in the late 50's. Tomifin is only good for 5 years and I'll probably revert to my cycle. I think this is a good way to help…
How do you know if the cancer has metastisized?
Iwas diagnose stage II breast cancer in November 2003 .Finished all my treatment Sept. 2004.Have been feeling great up to a month or so ago. Started having lower back ache but not constant and twinges in my hips. I would describe as discomfort as opposed to painful. Doc did a number of tests and say nothing is wrong.…
Pregnancy and Tamoxifen Use
I am a breast cancer survivor, five years come December 31, 2005. I am using Tamoxifen and have been for almost 5 years. I have done chemo and radiation and I had 17 lymph nodes removed, so praise to God, I am alive!!!! My question to anyone out there is this: My new husband and I are considering getting pregnant this…
Feeling a little crazy
I have been done with chemo since Jan. 8th of 2004. I was 24yrs. old at the time of dx of invasive ductal carsonoma. Shortly after I finished chemo I had a Pulmonary Embolism. I am now having chest pains and trouble breathing. Not sure if the red juice did any damage to my heart still looking into it. Every time I turn…
core needle biopsy
My partner is facing this procedure. It was not one of the things I had to endure when I had breast cancer 4 years ago. What can you advise her? (She has lupus, so is very pain sensitive.) They offered Ativan but not Versed. Thanks for anything you can tell us.
what do you think?
Hi Everyone, Here is a short history report. I went through radiation treatment for Hodgkins disease 1a in the winter of 2003. It was to my mantle field area (meaning my chest and neck area)I am a large breasted woman, so it was a little awkward to try to keep them out of the way. One side effect of the radiation is the…
Lack of Meaningful Clinical Trials
We have produced an entire generation of investigators in clinical oncology who believe that the only valid form of clinical research is to perform well-designed, prospective, randomized trials in which patients are randomized to receive one empiric drug combination versus another empiric drug combination. What passes for…
Thank you
Hi Inkblot, Thank you for your support and words of encouragement. How did you know I needed a lift.... Lori
Pain with tissue expander and radiated skin
I am going through delayed breast reconstruction. I had a right modified mastectomy in may 03 and chemo and radiation. Recently had lattismus flap and expander. Part of my skin on the right (edge where radiated skin is) is red and constantly hurts. Only get a few hours relief with pain meds. I'm at wits end -- any…
Going in for Implant Reconstruction
Hi all. I hope someone out there has some information for me. I have decided after 8 years to have a saline implant. I am going in tomorrow for the first stage which is the insertion of the tissue expander. I Previously had a mastectomy which removed all the tissue from my left breast.I have been through 5 previous…
Does stress compound lymphedema? Please advise?
EBledsoe (can cancer hurt?)
Hello! I tried to reply to your post from the 19th but the site is being screwy. Well, yes, cancer can hurt... it doesn't always but there are those of us who have experienced pain due to their cancers. As Linda said, please, please get thee to the doctor quickly. What you are writing is FAR too familiar to me... I waited…
I have been to a few Cancer Conferences here in Canada and have since learned that there is funding available through our Cancer Society for those needing help. Everyone thinks the Health System is good here, but not every province is equal. I am just fortunate enough to live in the province or I should say move to a…
Nutrition Help
Hi, Everyone, I am sure a lot of you heard the news a couple of weeks ago suggesting a link between fat intake and reoccurence. I was hoping that I could get some suggestions regarding reduction in fat intake...any cookbooks that anyone can recommend or any "cancer nutrition manuals" you would like to share. In addition, I…
CyberKnife. New Hope.
If you have been told that you have an inoperable tumor(s), please look into CyberKnife, This new treatment is painless, non-invasive, no side-effects, no frame required radiation surgery that is allowing previously inoperable tumors to be treated. For more info, go to www.cksociety.org. I do not work for CyberKnife or any…
Good news
I had a surgical biposy last Friday for suspicious calcifications. Today, I got the path results back and everything was benign. Thanks to everyone who responded to my previous post. I was so frightened and I was certain that I would be facing chemo again [I'm hormone negative.] I'm 40, 20 months past first dx of bc and 1…
Can we talk?
Madame Pinkie, could you please e-mail me. I would like to talk to you. E-mail is Texylin @aol.com
anyone out there with suggestions for treatment?'Will give more details as soon as I figre out how to do this network thing!!
Post Treatment Protection?
Hi Ladies, Could use your experiences. I am 10 months out of treatment (surgery, chemo, rads) and unfortunately still not feeling so good (fatigue, back pain, breast pain, arm pain, etc. Yadda, Yadda, Yadda --You know the drill.) During treatment and now after, I am working from home much of the time. I complete all work…
Gaining access to chat rooms
Help I cant gain access to chat rooms. I have bee naway awhile help somebody get to jose. Thanks Kelly
Cancer And Beyond
I feel awkward offering up this info on this site, but on the other hand if I don't share this I wrote it to no avail...having said that to say this... I have written a book called: Cancer And Beyond The Things You Want To Know About Cancer But... Nobody Will Tell You. It can be found on amazon.com type into the advanced…
Hello Everyone!
I noticed some new people here & add that I have missed out on so much as my war with cancer has continued but i am still here. I get out of the hospital & found a new place to to live so it has been a while for me on the computer. In case you were wondering where I have been. I had a blood transfusion in the early 80s in…
Regarding radiation...is it really necessary?
Hello, I recently had lumpectomy on my left breast to remove stage 0 cancer in duct (in situ). The doctor said the surgery was a success and the margin was at 6 and clear. No lymph nodes were involved. Anyway, she still recommended radiation and perhaps medication as an after treatment. By the way, the pathology report…
Tamoxifen vs. Arimidex
Haven't been here in a good while but I have an "issue" and I know you ladies are always good for an informed opinion To rehash, dx in Dec. of 2002. Large tumor, 5/17 nodes positive, ER/PR +, AC for 4 cycles, Taxotere for 4 cycles and 6 wks radiation. Pretty standard. Started Tamoxifen in July of 2003. I had my last period…