i have a question for you ladies who have had surgery and chemo. i had a TRAM flap reconstruction which was recovering well until my 3rd chemo; then i experienced EXTREME pain in the surgery site (scar tissue?) in my abdomen which would not stop until i stopped taking the neulasta shots. it has now been a month since i…
I am finding myself all of a sudden caught in the anxiety and fear, things that are embedded in my brain. Funny, I had just wrote my doctor an e-mail telling her how good I had been feeling since getting off all the medications that I have been relying on for the past 6 years, for the chronic pain I had experienced. I…
Breast cancer and stress?
Does anyone know about the research on stress with respect to its contribution to breast cancer. I have only read that it is not a contributing factor. Sometimes I have a hard time believing this is not a factor for breast cancer. Has anyone found information on this topic? Where? And what do others know and think? Thanks,…
watery eyes
Hello, I have finished chemo, AC and Taxol. My eyes keep watering, a lot. The doctor gave me a steroid drop but so far it's not working. Any sugestions? Chemo was over 3 weeks ago. I'm already doing radiation. Gerddy
Radiation Treatment to the Spine
Hi all: I chimed in here a couple months ago when I was having tests because my markers were bouncing. Well the cancer came back to my spine! I was floored since it was caught in early stage with no detected lyph node invovlement. So my Onc changed up some meds and had me get rid of my ovaries and yesturday I had another…
Anyone had this problem?
I had a lumpectomy 2 years and 3 months ago. The radiation caused swelling that the radiologist onc said might take 1 to 3 years to go away. I thought it went away completly a few months ago but the area under my scar is still shrinking. I have an indention that keeps going in. I used to feel alot of scar tissue around the…
Lost Contact With Marie (mariateresa), lives in Italy!
I have lost contact with Marie. She got cancer again in the base of her neck. She had breast cancer. Has anyone heard anything about her?
buzzing in my head
Every since I finished chemo (A/C and taxol) I have had a constant buz in my ears, sounds kinda like high tension wires in my head. Just wondering if any one else has had this fun little side effect, and if it ever goes away. My dr. says it's normal, and should get better, but it's been almost 2 yrs since I finished chemo…
Need Friends/New to site
I was diagnosed on 10/03. Had a mastecomy on Halloween. I have had 6 of my 8 chemo treatments. I have support, but not anyone who has been there. I am 38 and am phase 2, 4 parts of a/c and 4 taxotere. the shot that you get 24 hours later that builds white cells makes me hurt so bad in my hips and legs. Because I am…
Hair regrowth
Has anyone out there who used to have very thick hair now have very thin hair, as a result of chemo ?
Getting port removed?
Hi! I have an appointment to get my port removed, and I wonder what to expect? I hope it's not as icky as the drain removal, but I can't wait to get it done with! thanks, jill
Insurance Questions
First time poster. Need to know where I can find the best (most accurate and straight-forward) resources for questions about health insurance issues. Like many others, as a result of my illness and treatment last year, I have lost my job. The employer is having financial difficulty, so I have been informed that COBRA will…
Hi everyone I am 44 years old was just diagnosed with breast cancer. My emotions are up and down. Sometimes I feel like I am in a Whirlwind. I am scheduled to have a lumpectomy June 16th, but now I beginning to feel like I may have made a hasty decision. I just want it out as quickly as possible. My tumor is approximately…
Anyone heard from SusanAnne lately? If you see this, how are you girl? Haven't seen any posting from you in a while so just wanted to check in and ask how it's going and what's happening with your hand? Love, light and laughter, Ink
joint pain
Hi everyone, just need to talk I guess. I am having joint pain in my left leg. I have bone mets and I am sure this is part of the pain. I just had a CT and skulletal (can't spell this correctly) they took x rays of all the bones. I hope it's not cracked. I felt better after I took a hot shower. Maybe I should put a heating…
Breast Cancer
Hi everyone I have been diagnosed with breast cancer, and I have decided to do chemotherapy first to shrink the tumor and then have a lumpectomy. I am alittle nervous about chemo and it's effects on your body. Can anyone help me with there experiences with chemotherapy. Thank you
Has anyone taken xeloda by itself. If so how long did your onc have you on it. What was your experience. thank you
This Monday operation
One year ago I had Breast cancer double mastectomy,chemo,raditation the works. As my Doctor would say taking out the ovaries is a no brainer. I dont get my period anymore, not something I should of even been thinking about at the age of 39. I was wondering if any of the woman have under gone this operation and what are the…
Muscle pain
It's me again to annoy everyone with another question. I still, 5 weeks after last chemo, have muscle pain in my thigs when I first get up out of chair or walk alot or stand still. It is getting better and I don't feel weak in the legs anymore but the pain is still there, also in the back of my knees. Does anyone have any…
We lost the baby, but praise God my ovaries work
I would like to thank everyone for encouraging me and providing me with sites to visit for more information on getting off Tamoxifen to get pregnant. I got off Tamoxifen in March, with my oncologists ok, we got pregnant at the end of March, around our 1st year anniversary, but we lost it in late April. I was about 6 weeks…
what do you think about...
Hi, I'm 41, just finished chemo and start radiation on the 20th. After 6 weeks of that I plan on having a heserectomy with ovaries out. I have a strong family history of B/C with menapause starting in the late 50's. Tomifin is only good for 5 years and I'll probably revert to my cycle. I think this is a good way to help…
How do you know if the cancer has metastisized?
Iwas diagnose stage II breast cancer in November 2003 .Finished all my treatment Sept. 2004.Have been feeling great up to a month or so ago. Started having lower back ache but not constant and twinges in my hips. I would describe as discomfort as opposed to painful. Doc did a number of tests and say nothing is wrong.…
Pregnancy and Tamoxifen Use
I am a breast cancer survivor, five years come December 31, 2005. I am using Tamoxifen and have been for almost 5 years. I have done chemo and radiation and I had 17 lymph nodes removed, so praise to God, I am alive!!!! My question to anyone out there is this: My new husband and I are considering getting pregnant this…
Feeling a little crazy
I have been done with chemo since Jan. 8th of 2004. I was 24yrs. old at the time of dx of invasive ductal carsonoma. Shortly after I finished chemo I had a Pulmonary Embolism. I am now having chest pains and trouble breathing. Not sure if the red juice did any damage to my heart still looking into it. Every time I turn…
core needle biopsy
My partner is facing this procedure. It was not one of the things I had to endure when I had breast cancer 4 years ago. What can you advise her? (She has lupus, so is very pain sensitive.) They offered Ativan but not Versed. Thanks for anything you can tell us.
what do you think?
Hi Everyone, Here is a short history report. I went through radiation treatment for Hodgkins disease 1a in the winter of 2003. It was to my mantle field area (meaning my chest and neck area)I am a large breasted woman, so it was a little awkward to try to keep them out of the way. One side effect of the radiation is the…
Lack of Meaningful Clinical Trials
We have produced an entire generation of investigators in clinical oncology who believe that the only valid form of clinical research is to perform well-designed, prospective, randomized trials in which patients are randomized to receive one empiric drug combination versus another empiric drug combination. What passes for…
Thank you
Hi Inkblot, Thank you for your support and words of encouragement. How did you know I needed a lift.... Lori
Pain with tissue expander and radiated skin
I am going through delayed breast reconstruction. I had a right modified mastectomy in may 03 and chemo and radiation. Recently had lattismus flap and expander. Part of my skin on the right (edge where radiated skin is) is red and constantly hurts. Only get a few hours relief with pain meds. I'm at wits end -- any…
Going in for Implant Reconstruction
Hi all. I hope someone out there has some information for me. I have decided after 8 years to have a saline implant. I am going in tomorrow for the first stage which is the insertion of the tissue expander. I Previously had a mastectomy which removed all the tissue from my left breast.I have been through 5 previous…