Should I have??

taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
This waiting is really taxing me lately... tomorrow will be the 4th time they will cut... whether it be big or small... on my poor left side...since May 18th. During a recent conversation I said, "I just want this to be over..." and I was replied to with "Well, if you would have just had a mastectomy you wouldn't be going through this... it would be over now, you made the choice." All I can say to that is "UNBELIEVABLE"

Some people just should not be allowed to open their mouths.


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Unbelievable is right!
    I am so sorry this is happening to you.......I haven't been following this site for a few I am not sure what is going on, but for someone, doctor? to say that to you is truly unbelievable! I wish you the best....
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    MAJW said:

    Unbelievable is right!
    I am so sorry this is happening to you.......I haven't been following this site for a few I am not sure what is going on, but for someone, doctor? to say that to you is truly unbelievable! I wish you the best....

    No N... it wasn't a
    No N... it wasn't a doctor... just some person who lacks tact, and a brain! (That's just my personal opinion...some may disagree)
  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    taleena said:

    No N... it wasn't a
    No N... it wasn't a doctor... just some person who lacks tact, and a brain! (That's just my personal opinion...some may disagree)

    Never had to make that choice
    No, Taleena, someone who's never had to make the choices about his/her body and life that you've had to make. The choices that you make are right for you where you are at that time -- don't ever let any #$%*& tell you differently.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Should I have??
    I like yourself, have a poor left side. Breast's are such a personal matter.

    I wish people would keep such comments to themselves.

    My sister went with me today to a breast cancer specialist, and stated after my appointment "oh well, if you lose your - you can buy a wig".. OMG, my mouth dropped open, and hit the floor.

    With my high grade, DCIS - Her2 diagnosis - I've choosen to have a mastectomy - double. Cuz, I have no desire to go thru this again in 3 to 5 years.

  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    People have no right to judge you on the choice you made. I chose to have a mastectomy...even when the Dr. wanted a lumpectomy. I knew in my heart it was the right decision, and after the report came back I am glad I did.

    It is your decision and you know in your heart whats right for you if you listen to it. It is your body and you have the right to your own decisions about it.
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Nope, you can't fix stupid!!
    the dreaded double post...grrrrrr!
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Nope, you can't fix stupid!!
    Yikes!!!!!! Instead of going to the dentist and getting that tiny cavity filled, next time get all of your teeth pulled out, order dentures and you will never have to go back to the dentist, either!! Even without chemo, I think all women should also shave their having to fret and fuss over the in-between hair stage or getting it cut every 8 weeks. Maybe I can pull out all of my fingernails while I'm at it...cuz getting a manicure is so tedious~ my nails just keep on growing anyway. What's up with that??!!!

    People should conme with warning notices!

    I have 2 favorite things to say when people try and "start" something with me:

    After they have finished ranting, I look at them and say "Oh sorry, would you mind repeating that? I wasn't paying attention."

    The other thing I have said is when someone is goading me into getting into an argument:

    "Sorry, but I refuse to enter into a battle of wits with an unarmed person."

    Gets em everytime! LOL

    As for the rest of them~ just ignore them!

  • lanie940
    lanie940 Member Posts: 490 Member
    taleena said:

    No N... it wasn't a
    No N... it wasn't a doctor... just some person who lacks tact, and a brain! (That's just my personal opinion...some may disagree)

    I'm sorry, but I think I
    I'm sorry, but I think I would have lost it with her and said,"It would be a different story if it were YOUR breast" then if she said, "I would of had a mastectomy and been done with it" I'd sit on my hand so i wouldn't smack her upside the head! There are some tactless people. Just this evening, I met a neighbor at the supermarket, she asked me how i was, I told her I have breast cancer, and had a lumpectomy, she then said, "was the tumor benign?" Since she said I'd be in her prayers, I said, no, it was cancer "invasive ductal carcinoma" Why do people ask if it was benign when you tell them you have cancer?
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    chenheart said:

    Nope, you can't fix stupid!!
    the dreaded double post...grrrrrr!

    Gosh T I sure hope this
    Gosh T I sure hope this crazyness ends soon and get get the whole story. Will be thinking of you.
  • taleena
    taleena Member Posts: 1,612 Member
    chenheart said:

    Nope, you can't fix stupid!!
    Yikes!!!!!! Instead of going to the dentist and getting that tiny cavity filled, next time get all of your teeth pulled out, order dentures and you will never have to go back to the dentist, either!! Even without chemo, I think all women should also shave their having to fret and fuss over the in-between hair stage or getting it cut every 8 weeks. Maybe I can pull out all of my fingernails while I'm at it...cuz getting a manicure is so tedious~ my nails just keep on growing anyway. What's up with that??!!!

    People should conme with warning notices!

    I have 2 favorite things to say when people try and "start" something with me:

    After they have finished ranting, I look at them and say "Oh sorry, would you mind repeating that? I wasn't paying attention."

    The other thing I have said is when someone is goading me into getting into an argument:

    "Sorry, but I refuse to enter into a battle of wits with an unarmed person."

    Gets em everytime! LOL

    As for the rest of them~ just ignore them!


    OMG Chen... you can get me
    OMG Chen... you can get me lmao regardless of the mood I'm in... you are so right... they should come with warning signs... you can't fix stupid...

    Thanks ladies... I just turned and walked away... fighting back the urge to smack them...

    Ugh.. some people...I wonder if they realize just how stupid or ignorant they sound! Probably not. Oh well..

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    taleena said:

    OMG Chen... you can get me
    OMG Chen... you can get me lmao regardless of the mood I'm in... you are so right... they should come with warning signs... you can't fix stupid...

    Thanks ladies... I just turned and walked away... fighting back the urge to smack them...

    Ugh.. some people...I wonder if they realize just how stupid or ignorant they sound! Probably not. Oh well..


    Just chiming in with Kindred Spirit...

    Can't fix stupid. Yeah, worth the double post - that one!

    Kind regards, Susan