Weekend Plans....

outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Alright everybody,TGIF!!What are you all up to this weekend?
Mimi,just let me know when you want this post back-you are much better at it than I!
Tonite we are going over to have dinner with a family we are friends with,and I'm going to try out my 22 rifle that I got for my birthday(that's right everyone,mellow outdoorgirl likes target shooting-you can just call me Patty Oakley from now on!!). Saturday is relaxing,and going to a pool party with our Sunday school group,then going out for coffee with a good friend and his new girlfriend.


  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Patty Oakley!
    I love your new name! Have fun this weekend at the dinner and parties. And let us know how you do with your new 22. Any photos of you posing with your gun will be welcome.

    By the way, did I miss your birthday? If I did, please accept my belated wishes for a wonderful year ahead, Patty.
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    dinner with friends
    Tonight we are heading to a very good friends home in neighboring town for dinner and a few games of Crainium, hope i have enough brain to play!!! LOL Have known them since I was 16 so we obviously treasure our friendship. The rest of the weekend will be busy at home.

    Have a great one you all!

  • meena1
    meena1 Member Posts: 1,003
    I thinking about relaxing
    I thinking about relaxing with a book, maybe on the beach if the weather is ok. Hurricane Bill is coming and may affect the shore. Tonight is pizza night. Everyone, have a great weekend!
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Tonight is potluck for
    Tonight is potluck for dinner since we all work late, then we're supposed to get a big thunder storm tomorrow and hopefully it will cool off. This humidity is killing me. We're going back to school shopping since we have a week before son starts college. Sunday is suppose to be a beautiful day, so..... I'm off to the beach. Even though we won't be able to go in the water. (Big waves and high tides expected from the storm). Have a great weekend every one. Hugs, Lili
  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    I've been visiting my mom
    I've been visiting my mom and brother for 2 weeks so on Sun I'll be heading back home. It will consist of an early 12hr flight with 2 stopovers and then another 1 1/2hr drive home. It's be quicker and probably cheaper to fly to Mexico.....Hmmmmmmmmm ........no, hubby, dogs and cats await me, but its a thought LOL
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    Don't know what we will be
    Don't know what we will be doing yet. Sometimes you just got to 'wing' it.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    Marcia527 said:

    Don't know what we will be
    Don't know what we will be doing yet. Sometimes you just got to 'wing' it.

    Daughter and family coming
    Daughter and family coming up for the day, maybe a family sleepover. The rest is up in the air.
  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    I've been scooped again!
    It's my own fault for posting too late!! Actually, the reason is that I went to the gym for my spinning class. The first time I've gone in about 2 weeks, so I'm pretty proud of myself.

    So, this is my birthday weekend and I'm excited. I might go home early from work today to get ready. Remember when RE plucked her eyebrows and gave herself a pedicure yesterday? Well, I just sat around doing nothing, so now I have eyebrows to pluck aplenty. I also need to try to schedule a hair cut at my salon. The back of my head is getting out of control. Simon calls it "party in the back." LOL. Anyway, we're going to Marcel's, a nice French restaurant in DC. We have an 8:30 reservation for dinner and then an 11:30 PM reservation for drinks at a "secret" speakeasy in Old Town. It's one of those places without a sign, where you have to knock twice, etc. Never been there and kind of nervous!

    Tomorrow, we are off to Virgnia Beach for the weekend. Staying at a nice hotel with a rooftop pool and bar, along with a raw bar that I'm very excited about. The whole weekend will be filled with swimming, eating seafood, and perhaps browsing some little shops. I will also try to schedule a visit to a salon out there for a pedicure, my favorite.

    Sunday, we return for a relaxing day at home, cleaning up a little, cooking, and getting ready for the week. I have about 3 movies on my list, so we might try to hit one of those.

    Anyway, keep them coming. I want to hear about everyone's weekend!!

  • tjhay
    tjhay Member Posts: 655
    mimivac said:

    I've been scooped again!
    It's my own fault for posting too late!! Actually, the reason is that I went to the gym for my spinning class. The first time I've gone in about 2 weeks, so I'm pretty proud of myself.

    So, this is my birthday weekend and I'm excited. I might go home early from work today to get ready. Remember when RE plucked her eyebrows and gave herself a pedicure yesterday? Well, I just sat around doing nothing, so now I have eyebrows to pluck aplenty. I also need to try to schedule a hair cut at my salon. The back of my head is getting out of control. Simon calls it "party in the back." LOL. Anyway, we're going to Marcel's, a nice French restaurant in DC. We have an 8:30 reservation for dinner and then an 11:30 PM reservation for drinks at a "secret" speakeasy in Old Town. It's one of those places without a sign, where you have to knock twice, etc. Never been there and kind of nervous!

    Tomorrow, we are off to Virgnia Beach for the weekend. Staying at a nice hotel with a rooftop pool and bar, along with a raw bar that I'm very excited about. The whole weekend will be filled with swimming, eating seafood, and perhaps browsing some little shops. I will also try to schedule a visit to a salon out there for a pedicure, my favorite.

    Sunday, we return for a relaxing day at home, cleaning up a little, cooking, and getting ready for the week. I have about 3 movies on my list, so we might try to hit one of those.

    Anyway, keep them coming. I want to hear about everyone's weekend!!


    Weekend Plans
    Well I am going to clean the house, then nothing, I need a life, oh brother
  • Tux
    Tux Member Posts: 544
    Fri- walk in local Relay for
    Fri- walk in local Relay for Life
    Sat- go to grandson's FB game & do chores
    Sun- church & household chores
  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Tux said:

    Fri- walk in local Relay for
    Fri- walk in local Relay for Life
    Sat- go to grandson's FB game & do chores
    Sun- church & household chores

    For the first time in years I don't have anything to clean, anyone to answer to, anything awful to put up with...I am at a loss. I rented a dvd which looks good, I borrowed 4 books from the library yesterday (read one already)..Renee phoned and I am running the garden centre tomorrow for the day (can hardly wait) I visited my lovely doc today and he prescribed lexapro, I have been so scared of taking the Zoloft with the tamoxifen. And he agreed to sign me off on disability for a few months......whew, that should ease the pressure. My wonderful caring ex who said he would give me the $700 a month for letting him keep the house has now said he doesn't want to even pay $350.....Wow, what a suprise!!!!!!!!

    I am going to enjoy my first free weekend with all of you wonderful Kindred spirits!

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Akiss4me
    Akiss4me Member Posts: 2,188
    tasha_111 said:

    For the first time in years I don't have anything to clean, anyone to answer to, anything awful to put up with...I am at a loss. I rented a dvd which looks good, I borrowed 4 books from the library yesterday (read one already)..Renee phoned and I am running the garden centre tomorrow for the day (can hardly wait) I visited my lovely doc today and he prescribed lexapro, I have been so scared of taking the Zoloft with the tamoxifen. And he agreed to sign me off on disability for a few months......whew, that should ease the pressure. My wonderful caring ex who said he would give me the $700 a month for letting him keep the house has now said he doesn't want to even pay $350.....Wow, what a suprise!!!!!!!!

    I am going to enjoy my first free weekend with all of you wonderful Kindred spirits!

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Smiling for you Tasha!!
    You deserve to enjoy your weekend after all you have been through!
    Me, well, I'm just going to catch up and hang out with my cyber friends! Except for tomorrow evening, hubby is making us and some friends crab cakes and linquine & clam sauce for dinner. Mmmmm....glad I married a great cook!
  • tommaseena
    tommaseena Member Posts: 1,769
    Akiss4me said:

    Smiling for you Tasha!!
    You deserve to enjoy your weekend after all you have been through!
    Me, well, I'm just going to catch up and hang out with my cyber friends! Except for tomorrow evening, hubby is making us and some friends crab cakes and linquine & clam sauce for dinner. Mmmmm....glad I married a great cook!

    Golf and cookouts
    Golfing and cookout both days.
    Chicken and grape salad to the cookouts--huge hit before and was asked to bring it again.

  • phoenixrising
    phoenixrising Member Posts: 1,508
    tasha_111 said:

    For the first time in years I don't have anything to clean, anyone to answer to, anything awful to put up with...I am at a loss. I rented a dvd which looks good, I borrowed 4 books from the library yesterday (read one already)..Renee phoned and I am running the garden centre tomorrow for the day (can hardly wait) I visited my lovely doc today and he prescribed lexapro, I have been so scared of taking the Zoloft with the tamoxifen. And he agreed to sign me off on disability for a few months......whew, that should ease the pressure. My wonderful caring ex who said he would give me the $700 a month for letting him keep the house has now said he doesn't want to even pay $350.....Wow, what a suprise!!!!!!!!

    I am going to enjoy my first free weekend with all of you wonderful Kindred spirits!

    Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Nice isn't it???? We are so
    Nice isn't it???? We are so happy for you. And I am so glad your doc is trying another antidepressant and what a sweetie that he signed you off on disability for a few months. He must've been having a good day. Sorry about the ex thing though.

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    Nice isn't it???? We are so
    Nice isn't it???? We are so happy for you. And I am so glad your doc is trying another antidepressant and what a sweetie that he signed you off on disability for a few months. He must've been having a good day. Sorry about the ex thing though.


    No plans for this weekend,
    No plans for this weekend, Its my sick weekend, can't wait until its over.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    mimivac said:

    I've been scooped again!
    It's my own fault for posting too late!! Actually, the reason is that I went to the gym for my spinning class. The first time I've gone in about 2 weeks, so I'm pretty proud of myself.

    So, this is my birthday weekend and I'm excited. I might go home early from work today to get ready. Remember when RE plucked her eyebrows and gave herself a pedicure yesterday? Well, I just sat around doing nothing, so now I have eyebrows to pluck aplenty. I also need to try to schedule a hair cut at my salon. The back of my head is getting out of control. Simon calls it "party in the back." LOL. Anyway, we're going to Marcel's, a nice French restaurant in DC. We have an 8:30 reservation for dinner and then an 11:30 PM reservation for drinks at a "secret" speakeasy in Old Town. It's one of those places without a sign, where you have to knock twice, etc. Never been there and kind of nervous!

    Tomorrow, we are off to Virgnia Beach for the weekend. Staying at a nice hotel with a rooftop pool and bar, along with a raw bar that I'm very excited about. The whole weekend will be filled with swimming, eating seafood, and perhaps browsing some little shops. I will also try to schedule a visit to a salon out there for a pedicure, my favorite.

    Sunday, we return for a relaxing day at home, cleaning up a little, cooking, and getting ready for the week. I have about 3 movies on my list, so we might try to hit one of those.

    Anyway, keep them coming. I want to hear about everyone's weekend!!


    Happy birthday and have a
    Happy birthday and have a wonderful time. But your plans say that you will have more than a wonderful time, fantastic, unbelievable, marvelous all leap to mind. You are already through with dinner by now and off to the speakeasy so I am a little late but the good wishes are there none the less.