I go in next Thursday for my first mammogram and ultrasound since I had bc and I have to admit that I am really scared. I am scared mainly that it will show up something. And, I am also scared that it is going to hurt too much. So, I can use some prayers from all of you please that my mammo and ultrasound will be clean. Is…
Latissimus Dorsi Flap Reconstruction
I had Lat Dorsi Flap Reconstruction Surgery on May 29th, 2009. Last week, I had the third drain removed, even though I was still producing too much fluid. I see my doctor tomorrow, and I am so swollen, I know he will have to do needle aspirations. I have an ace bandage around my chest currently, and I'm sore! My big…
reconstruction after rads-any success stories?
I have an appointment with a plastic surgeon next week to begin discussing reconstruction. Has anyone had a good outcome after radiation? It seems like there are only discussions about problems. I am undecided at this point as to what to do. Thanks-
A Day Off
Hi Ladies, I've not been on recently because I've been wallowing in my Stage IV diagnosis. I have been really panicked and down and not good for much. A couple of days ago, however, I "took a day off from cancer." I took my Arimidex in the morning, and then whenever my mind wandered toward my health I thought, "I don't…
1/2 Way there-4 down-4 to go.
1/2 Way there-4 down-4 to go. Just finished my 4th round of A/C today. In 3 weeks I;ll start Taxol. Taking 3 different meds for nausea, sure hope they do the trick this time. I'm extremely tired which is unusual on same day as chemo. I think the meds Emend, Kytrill ,and Compazine are doing a job on me but its ok, I'd much…
nausau with chemotherapy
is there anyone out there that has taken compazine and had a side effect. thanks
9-14" coming my way
9-14" of snow coming my way today so I canceled my one month follow-up with plastic surgeon and rescheduled it for Friday. You can all come and enjoy the snow with Jake and me anytime in the great state of Maine. We will surely have a white Christmas. Margo
My mother
15 years ago my mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.She had a masectomy the day after I had my daughter went through some chemo and then got a clean bill of health.That has changed in the past couple months.In September she broke her Pelvis and then about 3 weeks ago she broke her femur bone.They have since found mets…
Hi Ho Hi Ho
Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to Chemo I go. I have been up pretty much all night. I think I slept from about 12:30 to 1:45. Finally got up at 3 no since in wasting this steroid rush. Did laundry and puttered around trying not to wake anyone up. I wrote a Night before Christmas spoof in my head...you know The Night before Chemo and…
Intimate relationship after BC
you know...it's enough that we deal with our scars of honor across our chests from this disease, but i am having issues in the southern region as well. It doesn't matter how much lubrication i use, how tender my partner is, it just plain hurts...right at the opening..pain, buring, and sometime a little pink afterwards. I…
Sent my Christmas ornament!
I know,I'm very late-but I finally sent out my Christmas ornament yesterday! I needed a box for it and my husband thought of a great one that he had complete with padding and all-everything fit so nicely(like it was meant to be)! So phew-it is on it's way and I hope it's recipient likes it!!
Weight Gain
OMG! I have gained 15 lbs since diagnosis in Sept! Every day I think my stomach gets bigger and bigger! Please tell me this goes away after chemo???? I am on Adriamycin and Cytoxan. I have had 2 chemos so far........is this normal???? My appetite has not changed, I have not lost my tastebuds but still.....wow! Please tell…
Thanks to all of your prayers, I got a clean pathology report today. The surgeon said that the report said there is NO signs of cancer. Now, on to healing, then rads after the holidays.First I'll do the HAPPY dance!! Bless you all, Diane
Time To Retire...
Time To Retire... You can live in Phoenix, Arizona where... 1. You are willing to park three blocks away because you found shade. 2. You've experienced condensation on your butt from the hot water in the toilet bowl. 3. You can drive for four hours in one direction and never leave town. 4. You have over 100 recipes for…
Hi, newbie here..
I've been reading everyone's writings on here since 11/18/09 and finally got the nerve come aboard and start asking questions. I'm new to this so I apologize in advance for any mistakes I make during my writings. Was diagnosed with DCIS on 11/17/09 - seven days past my 38th birthday and have been in shock since, to say the…
My Christmas Ornament
Isn't it beautiful. The angel is painted from the inside out. Thanks again Jennytwist. Yours should be there soon. How about some more pictures of the ornaments on your trees. Mine was the first to go on my tree. Hugs Jadie<3
Blood Clot .. Anyone experiencing such a SCARE ????
I would like to personally thank each and every one you for keeping me in your prayers as it has been a very difficult few weeks. Just when you think you have everything figured out, dialed in and ready to continue with our fight .. you slip and fall. This time, I ended up with a head cold. My white blood counts are…
i'm going to start Arimidex next week. is anyone taking this and do you have any serious side effects? everything i've read about it says it's for post-menopausal women. i'm not anywhere close. any answers? vicki
Been out of the loop for awhile –
First it was the move 3 days before chemo #2 and trying to get settled. I definitely over-did. I’m kinda (my daughter says a lot) OCD when it comes to getting settled. I feel anxious and out-of-sorts when I can’t find my things or have the house the way I want it. Needless to say, I was majorly that way for all of last…
Recovering from last chemo
Finally feeling a bit human again,had my last chemo treatment on Weds have been laid up all weekend....so glad this part is almost over!! Found out last week that my first MRI that is in question by my radiation oncologist is my other breast, not the one with cancer. Needless to say I wasn't expecting that, in fact when…
I'm a CHEMO GRAD as of today!!!
That's right! I graduated from my chemo program, with honors. I am assuming I was in the honors program since the entire center came to my cube to sing the "graduation song" for me. I got the whole thing on video because honestly who is going to believe that?! So now I will meet with the radiation department in two weeks…
New Challenge for you
OK here we go, get ready to groan. For some you are already there, for some start digging through those old photos. Roll your eyes all you want it is time for elementry school pictures. And if you cant find them, well a picture when you were elementry school age. So lets set this age group so there is no question since it…
Herceptin and the heart
I know herceptin can enlarge the heart. I have had this problem, but not so bad that I had to stop. I get a echo every few weeks so this can be watched. I just finish my last Taxol treatment with the herceptin. I will continue for a total of 52 weeks having herceptin every 3 weeks.That last treatment with taxol & herceptin…
smile today!
There is a great video on youtube titled Pink Gloves Dance to JaySean's Down for Breast Cancer Awareness. Watch, dance, sing and SMILE! dawn
Pain?.... 2 years later
I am so hosed off with this.... I thought after a few months I would be OK.......NOT SO! Neuropathy.........Still as bad. Taste Buds...Slowly returning after 2 years. Chemo Brain......Slightly better but I'll NEVER be able to DO numbers or maths again. Pain, almost unbearable, I really have had enough of this stuff. I'm…
Whoodah thunk, I give chenheart my name and address
and get a lovely Christmascard! You rock! Peace
Chain... chain... chain.... chain of fools... remember that song???
Well... now I'm singing.... "Change change change... change of life"... and am needing some vent time ... because quite frankly this stuff sucks!!! I'm not even sure a pint of ice cream will make it better, I think I need one of those gallon buckets.... hum.. I think I sense the need to have hubby run to the store... even…
Nipple attachment
Has anyone had nipple attachment and them not look the same? I have one that is flush with my skin and the other one protrudes a bit and looks real good. My plastic surgeon does not want to try to do it for the 3rd time in fear that it won't work. Any suggestions??? He took skin from my side around the hip bone. Any help…
Masectomy with flap reconstruction
Hi there, Has anyone had a single masectomy with the flap reconstruction? I have a schedule surgery on 1/5/10 and have chose to have immediate recontructive breast surgery with the tram flap since I have enough fat on my belly. I guess this is one case where it pays to have been a little extra weight. I am just curious to…
Onc. stopping Taxotere - WBC count is too low
Anybody out there that might have this situation. I am worried that stopping the Taxotere early will increase my chances of cancer spreading. The Onco. is going to keep me on Herceptin every 3 weeks and Zometa every 4 weeks. Originally the Onco. had said I would be on Taxotere weekly for 6 months but I am only 3 months (12…