did it
hello and how is everyone? well to day at chemo i did it i broke down and cried they explain that i will have to use oxygen when i am out of the house because i keep getting short of breath, for some reason this hit me so very hard and i don't know why, when i got home a guy from home heath came and brought me like 6…
How many ways to say 'Happy Holidays'?
In dutch, it's Prettige Kerstdagen en Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar or, Prettige Feestdagen en Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar (the more generic....Merry Holidays and Happy New Year). Anyone else????? Hugs, Kathi
A frog goes into a bank
A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack. 'Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday.' Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it's okay, he…
Today is Cruf's Birthday!
Calling all sisters, PRAYERS NEEDED
Irishwhispers needs your prayers. For the last month she has been dealing with pain in her tummy area. After trying differnt meds they sent her to a gastr dr, who then sent her for a sonogram on Friday. She was sent from there for a CAT Scan asap. Lesions were discovered on her liver. She is going in for a biopsey tomorrow…
Cleaning for A Reason Foundation
Fighting cancer is difficult enough, but living with it is even tougher - and that's where the Cleaning for A Reason Foundation steps in. This newly formed nonprofit offers free professional housecleaning, and maid services to improve the lives of women undergoing treatment for cancer - any type of cancer. If you are a…
Been sick this past week
I've been trying to keep this bad head cold from becoming something worse. Thank God it's much better. Daughter had strep throat, her boyfriend had swine, husband had a bad cold. Out of everyone, mine was the least severe, just sinus. I do my #4 chemo Tues morning. I hope my blood work turns out ok. I missed being on the…
I know its just hair but....:(
I know Its just hair but I thought I can handle this (maybe that was because I still have it) now I am 13 days post chemo and it is coming out in larger handfuls, I cried....I just think about my big head and being bald.......my husbands christmas party is on fri and I was hoping I could have a goodtime without thinking…
wigs,any info on washing them.
Hi,I really need to wash and set my wig.Its not real hair,does it take along time to get it dry?I know of course I can not use any heat on it.I have one wig so I am wondering how long it takes to get dry.Any advice would be appriatted.I really like it and don,t want to ruin it.Thanks,i appriatte it.Love and prayers(Pat).
New symptoms after 3rd chemo
My thigh muscles are sore after just walking across the room. Feels like I climbed 20 stairs, like muscle burn from exercising. It goes away when I sit down. Anyone else feel this?
tamoxafin and FATIGUE ugh
i started my tamox July 1...and like many of you have had the joint pain, quite severly, but luckily have found a sleeping position that is actually helping the pain in my hips and lower back...mood swings are such a joy (not! lol) at least i'm not b*tchy, just cry at even toothpaste commercials (hey, her teeth are really…
Getting close to surgery and have questions
Okay girls...last chemo is the 22nd. I have an appt with surgeon on the 29th to discuss lumpectomy, etc. My question is what now? Will they test me all over again? PETS, CT's, ultrasounds etc, before the surgery? I hated that part of all this, going thru the testing is so stressful. My course of treatment has been 6 rounds…
a grandmother again
my daughter had a baby boy last night , 10 lbs 5 oz , she didnt want me there , because she was worried about me having no inmune system, so i thought she had eneough to worry without me, but it was hard staying home.another thing why chemo sucks,but then i didnt have to see her in pain, i was with her when she had my…
help for taste buds
As I was scanning old postings, I noticed the one about taste buds but I didn't want this recipe to get lost in case it can help some of you. I am 1 and 1/2 weeks out of first chemo and 1 1/2 weeks from 2nd and I'm down on the mat and chemo is winning right now. At first I was disappointed because I couldn't taste…
Praise the Lord
I know some of you may not understand this, but i thank God for my bc. I serve an awesome God and when my mother -in law said "you dont deserve this". I said why not? I am no different than anyone else. I am blessed to have the Lord Jesus Christ guiding the Doctors and my treatment. He has given me a peace I cant explain.…
well sh*t
I am sitting here at home on 2 liters/min of oxygen. I start out with that so that you know I am basically OK. Last thursday at work, I was terribly short of breath so I checked my oxygen level and it was 83%--therapeutic is above 90. My coworkers sat me down, put me on oxygen and let me talk myself into going to the…
Gritted my teeth and done it................
I got really brave today and booked a Mamo.......I don't believe it..........it's dec 18th! exactly 2 years from date of surgery.......Please hug me through this, I am scared I'm going to faint and fall and rip off a boob or topple the machine! HELP! Thanks all Hugs Jxxxxxxxxxxxx
topic that disappeared
I responded via email to eameier who said she is doing research into depression in breast cancer survivors. But now I don't see her topic here anymore. I'm all for participating in research (although my passion is to find the cause of bc). Did someone think her post was a problem? If so, why?
Lose my breast on Friday (rant)
I have to admit that I am axnious about this surgery. I'm having reconstruction at the same time and should be under for about 8 hours. I have been having problems with my meds and when I gave a pint of my blood for my surgery the bag overfilled and they had to throw it out. I went to give another pint this week and my…
Chemo therapy
I am shortly starting 4 treatments of a/c and 4 treatments of taxol. I have been told that adriamycin has a heart side effect. Has anyone taken this treatment, and what side effects did you have. Thanks so much for any help I can get.
first mammo after bc and called back. ......
Has anyone had this experience? Been 1 yr since diagnosis, chemo and radiation..First mammo and BAM called in for more films.
1st chemo and feeling crappy
It's been 4 days since my first chemo and I feel crappy. No taste, light headed, constant heartburn, and no energy. I'm trying to eat small meals, hydrate and rest. Is this normal and how long should I feel this way. The oncologist said that it would last a little while and then I would start feeling better. Maybe I'm too…
Finally - a plan! - Joining the Chemo Chicks!
3 months and 2 days after my diagnosis, I finally have the full treatment plan in place! First of 4 chemo treatments (C/T) will be on December 16th. Should have time to recover for Christmas and New Years before the second round. After that, it will be on to rads and then Tamoxifen. I want to thank all of you brave sisters…
MRI biopsy
I have been diagnosised with DCIS in my right breast. Now an MRI shows a suspicious spot in my left breast. Had an ultra sound today and my surgeon wants me to have an MRI biopsy of the left side. I'm scheduled for surgery (still hasn't been decided whether it will be lumpectomy or mastectomy) but we need to find out if…
Radiation BEFORE or AFTER Exchange Surgery?
Can anyone out there share their experience with me about radiation treatments done with tissue expanders and implants? I have heard pros and cons to both. My Dr. wants to do my exchange surgery first and then have my radiation treatments. A friend of mine has had it done the other way....radiation treatments with tissue…
My daughter donated her hair
Hello, sisters and brothers.... I just wanted to share this. My 22 y.o. daughter, Sabrina Amanda donated her hair (12"). She donated the hair to "Locks of Love". She came up with the idea and did all the research... I'm so proud of her to do something for all of us..... She said is the lease she can do to support everyone…
TracinLA How are you doing now?
Hi Traci. I felt so sorry for you with the way the rad techs were treating you. Is it any better now? Did you talk to your rads oncologist about their rude treatment? I hope so, as, you deserve to be treated with respect, dignity and compassion. Post and let us all know when you can. Angie
An Amazing Grace Display of Lights
A friend sent me the following link to one of the most outstanding displays of lights and music I have evern seen for the Christmas Season. The music is set to Amazing Grace, and is truly amazing in how it has been set up. Get in the Christmas spirit, and enjoy the video. www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj7PKeVupWA You can copy…
reconstruction options & insurance
I just met with my plastic surgeon and I asked him about the DIEP (I think that is what it is called) where they remove muscle from one part of your body and make a breast out of it by reconnecting it to the blood vessels under your arm. He says that most doctors are not doing this any more because it takes 8 hours and the…
new to all of this
On November 23rd,I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Cancer in the left breast. I had a mammo in Feb 2009 and it was clear. Went for my annual obgyn visit and he had me lye back and felt a hard movable lump under my left breast. He suggested I have it checked. He referred to me to a Breast Surgical oncologist. She did a…