Dying Hair with Henna.
Hi,I had replys about dying our hair.And some wrotte to use Henna.Can I buy that at walmart?If not where do I get it.I think I have looked at this gray 1in. hair long enough.I probley should wait till it grows more.Thanks again.(Pat).
Tumor markers ....
Whos doc does tumor marker tests and what have your results been? Mine does one about once a month - when I was diagnosed in March 09 my tumor markers were 77, went to a low of 17 this summer and on Dec 28th they jumped back up to 42. I am concerned but trying to be positive. Having a pet scan and bone scan next week and…
After treatment...colds, flu, odd stuf...HELP!
My chemo ended one year ago on December 5th. I had reconstruciton surgery on the 21st of January and returned to work finally on April 6th; just shy of one year. I was fortunate that I was able to work from home everyday so that I was not exposed to any illness or odd germs people have while undergoing chemo. With winter…
Calling all Rads Girls
I begin this Wednesday with Rads. Anyone starting with me ? I am a little uptight about the unknow, and I also have to start the Tamoxifen today. I know this is better than Chemo, so moving forward.
Bummed Out After Seeing New Onc
Well I am really bummed. New onc seems to be great but it really hit me hard what she had to say. I will have to have more surgery to remove more lymph nodes. My original onc should have requested it right after my lumpectomy. Another mistake on his part that ends up costing me. She changed my chemo to FEC100. Has anyone…
Hair dying.
Hi everyone.I had ask about dying my little bit of new hair.And was told to buy henna.I am having trouble finding it.Have any of you used reg. dye on your new hair growth?If so what kind?I appriatte it allot.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
It just struck me, as I was watching the 'pink glove dance'....
There are MILLIONS of people out there, working desperately to make this thing go away!!! And it's for us, the special group of people who are the front line.... After 5 years, I finally 'get it'...it's a huge, world-wide project and we all are the models for why things need to change, treatment protocols need to get…
Dumb Question
I have a dumb question that I hope someone can answear for me, my oncologist told me today that I needed to scedule my yearly mammogram I had a bilateral mastectomy with no reconstruction so how exactly do I have a mammogram I feel like an idiot for posting this (and for not just asking the doctor)but you know. Kim
Back on people are so stupid and rude!
My ex sister-in-law texted me yesterday telling me that she saw some preacher on TV saying how women with breast cancer usually have it for some unforgiven sin - and if its in the left breast (mine is) its because I have sinned by not forgiving a family member. And she went on to say that women who internalize their…
After inplant surgery
How long will it take to feel better?
Bilateral or Unilateral mastectomy with reconstruction for DCIS in one breast
Would like input. Which did you have....unilateral or bilateral? Do you wish you'd made a different choice? If you are happy with your choice, WHY are you happy with it? I'd appreciate hearing your stories.
Regarding Irishwhispers
Dear Sisters Irishwhispers (Trish) was dx with stage 4, she is back in treatment, and having some problems but insits she will beat the beast back. I beleive her. So once again I ask each of you to pray for out sister, to send her positive thoughts. She must do the fighting, while we give her strength, tj
Hair coloring?
I'm sure this has been asked before, done with chemo, onto rads and my hair is coming in gray. I know you can't chemically color it, but can you use natural dyes like henna. Has anyone done this?
I am graduated from Radiation treatments.yawhoooooo
Hi everyone.I drove in a snow storm two days in a row to finish rads.I so wanted to get them done.It seems like a long time to get them over with.I got to shower and wash the black markings off.I am so happy.for you that are not finished yet. you will be soon.Hang in their.33 rads.chemo,2surgerys,3mamo. and all the other…
neulasta shot/back pain
I had my 4th neulasta shot last wednesday, ever since then my back hurts, this has never happened before. Has anyone else had this problem. I would have thought if the pain was from the shot it would have stopped by now, it has been almost a week.
questions about ongoing side effects
Hello everyone. I haven't been on here in a while. I hope you all enjoyed your holidays. As alot of you know, I finished RADS in November. I've been wondering, when does the fatigue end? Am I still feeling tired because of the chemo and RADS? Will I ever have to shave under my arm again? Does that hair come back? I hope…
Surgey Date
Finally got that dreaded call. The date!! Now it all seems so final. The surgery is gonna be the 29th. and now that i know when it will be,, I', scared all over again. I know I made the right decision to have a lumpectomy, but is it right that I am scared again? At first it seemed like it was so far in the future, it's…
Today is ElizaRose's Birthday!
4 week update
Hi. Today marks 4 weeks post op for my mastectomy. A lot of pain has stopped the past 2 days and I almost feel like my old self. Under my arm does not throb so bad and I can raise it higher for longer times. Yesterday, I met with my Medical Oncologist and she laid out my treatment plan. I will begin chemo on next Monday.…
How do you cope with family?
Ladies, how do you cope with your family when they won't even talk to you on the phone? I believe they think if they talk to me they'll "catch it"? I have a daughter who is right there whenever I need to talk, and a boyfriend that has been right beside me. But my own family acts like I live in another country! I have 2…
To all you caregivers who are our angels:
CAREGIVER'S BILL OF RIGHTS I have the right to take care of myself. This is not an act of selfishness. It will give me the capability of taking better care of my loved one. I have the right to seek help from others even though my loved one may object. I recognize the limits of my own endurance and strength. I have the…
What to do about taste buds!
Wow, in only 3 days after my first chemo nothing taste the same. I know there have been discussions about what to do but just too tired to go back and search...any suggestions? Also, when do you start feeling like you have energy after your treatment? Came home early from work and went to bed. I sure hope I feel better…
doctor appt
Hello and how is everyone? had doctor appt to day and my hgb is down to 7 i have to go on Sunday and have a blood transfusion they said it should take around 4hrs for 2units of packed red blood cells, the only time i have been given blood is when i have had surgery and it was my blood. now i know why i have been so tired…
Question Went to see my oncologist today. He does not know how to treat this cancer he asked me what i thought about sending me to see another doc like at a unversity medical center and I said yes. Cause this cancer came back in the scar from the removal of left breast. Some people say not to go through treatments cause…
More updates from Pammy!
Wow...I really, really missed you all. Especially after I started recongizing all the avitar names....love all the new pics! Thanks for all the warm welcome backs! I hope the rest of us, I didn't see, are indeed getting on with life!! Chenhart was right though....I have become addicted to Facebook and afraid I may…
getting a t-shirt made :)
Hi Just wanted to share this with you... I kinda like my bald head now and have decided to get a T-shirt made it is going to read: MY BALD HEAD LOOKS BETTER THEN YOUR BAD HAIR CUT! LOL Gotta Love it (((xoxoxoxo)))) Lisa
Hello to all
Sorry I haven't been on the board lately, I do read about all of you and you're in my prayers. With work and fatigue, it's hard to respond to all the posts. I am looking forward to my last chemo next Monday and anxiously waiting for the first sprout of hair! This bald look is getting old. My nail beds are hurting a bit and…
Stomach Issues
I have had major stomach issues since my BC diagnosis in April. You know running to the restroom constantly or wishing you could. It has now progressed to a point where I am missing work because I am constantly running to the restroom. The nausea, cramping, and pain is hard to deal with at times. I have been told it is…
Fun Scrabble
DORMITORY When you rearrange the letters DIRTY ROOM PRESBYTERIAN When you rearrange the letters BEST IN PRAYER ASTRONOMER When you rearrange the letters MOON STARER THE EYES When you rearrange the letters THEY SEE GEORGE BUSH When you rearrange the letters HE BUGS GORE THE MORSE CODE When you rearrange the letters HERE…
male breast cancer
My husband was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 3 HER2 positive breast cancer. He has had the modified radical mastectomy with 90% of lymph nodes removed, all being negative. He has calcification on his right heart valve, A fib, is 200 lbs overweight. He is blind in one eye, has had 3 strokes (light) and now they want to give…